
3 Post – 43 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Coffee, cigars, sawdust, ham radio. Bourbon after 5pm, 2pm on weekends. Backup account is https://lemmy.sdf.org/u/jimrob4

This is why I use Linux at home, along with TOR and a VPN. I'm not doing anything other than looking up woodworking and camping stuff, but fuck all ya'll for being nosy.

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...I'm supposed to wear gloves in the shower?

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Microsoft: "Please use Edge!"

Me: "No thanks!"

Microsoft, 6 months later: "Please use Edge!"

Me: "No, thanks."

Microsoft, when I visit Bing: "Please use Edge."

Me: "No. Thanks."

Microsoft, when I open Outlook: "We will be opening links in Edge instead of your default browser. To switch back, go to your preferences."

Me: "Motherfucker, I think we have a difference in viewpoints."

New users: "I'm tired of Reddit telling me what I can't see! Top-down decision-making is ridiculous! I'm going to check out Lemmy!"

Beehaw: "Hold my beer and watch this."

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Historian here. Prove? No. Draw a highly likely conclusion that should accompany every telling as the most likely explanation? Yes.

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Yeah I’m not worried about offending people who wear fur suits and jack off to cartoons.

...how am I laughing by giving money to someone else? It's not like that's going to add to Reddit's misery.

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So when's he going to gather them all at Mar-a-logo of New Guinea and have them drink Flavoraid?

My dude. All the feels right here.




Feedly on the web and my phone (cause cloud sync and blah blah blah)

Newsboat on my Linux box that I ssh into when I'm tired of people and ads.


wildly gestures at everything

I would adore having 1990's Internet back. It wasn't about media. It wasn't about ads. Wasn't about all sorts of flashy, colorful, mind-numbing drivel. It was just information, pure and simple. We still communicated. We still made friends around the world. But it was new, novel, and simpler. I remember when pop-up ads were invented and introduced. We thought that was bad. Little did we know what it would all turn into.

My Side of the Mountain. Kid gets tired of family problems, runs away to live in the Catskills off the land on an old family farm. Befriends a librarian who lends him books on survival. He makes his own clothes from deer skin, catches his own fish with homemade hooks, lives in a hollowed-out tree, that sort of thing.

I am currently a bushwhacking bookworm. I suspect it was all that book.

Debian Linux. Because it just works.

Runner-up: Mac OS. Same reason as above, but not free, so it’s #2.

Second-runner up: Free DOS because why not?

Distant last place: Windows, cause occasionally you need to call in your retarded cousin who is the only one that can do that one thing just right.

"...considering that over one-third of the floor was now thoroughly coated in what could easily be mistaken for a combination of bovine after-birth and maple syrup"

Dear god

Personally, I use Chrome because it and Edge are the only browsers installed on my work PC.

At home, it’s either Safari on my Mac or TOR on my Linux box with a VPN.

Yes. There's always a point. The world will always be unjust. That doesn't mean we should give up and take it. Fight for what you can, enjoy what you can.

How did I not notice this. Lol

Losing your appetite, I'd surmise.

There’s a kind of ad-hoc, portable wifi system in Cuba like this, I believe. I might be thinking of something else though.

  • The Simpsons seasons 1-5 (5-10 are okay, 10+ is yuck)
  • Beavis and Butthead
  • MST3K seasons 1-10

Debian is my go-to on my home box. Lol.

I was a big MST3k fan back in the day. When it was on Sci-Fi, they had a MST3k-themed site called "Caption This" where it took screengrabs of whatever was on the channel at the time and you'd crack jokes about it.

It doesn't sound that interesting now, but if you're familiar with the show you'd see the appeal.

Also having to wait five minutes for a single JPEG of boobs to show up. Really helped teach a person patience.

The joys of planned obsolescence.

I'm here now. Reddit is just bots and repeat content. Most of it will find its way over here at some point. The stuff that stays? Eh, probably not worth it anyway.


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I don't grab everything I touch with my ass crack either.

I use Mutt and Lynx on a Linux box just to remember the good old days. I have a text-mode Mastodon client too, a little difficult to navigate, but it kinda replicates the old IRC feel.

I do have an IRC client, but I'm not patient enough to remember the keybindings to switch channels. Lol.

Saw Elemental on Friday. Wasn't bad. Nice message. I didn't catch the whole controversy about pronouns though. 🤷‍♂️

Did anyone mention Last Action Hero yet? The soundtrack grossed more than the movie did.


I like the dystopian aspect. The economic one is meh.

Same here. I always said "ain't no way I'm ever paying for what used to be free!"

Fast forward to political ad season and some orange peckerhead keeps popping up... "Alright, here's your damn money. Now let me watch this autistic guy unclog drains in peace."

Doubly paranoid, doubly protected. Lol.

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Sorry man. I hope he comes around.

News story I looked up. Fuck Meta and all the other money-sucking bastards that want to commodify every breath I take.
