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Joined 12 months ago

Not only that, but the community is small enough that large corporations and marketing companies don't care about it. Yet ;)

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It's about having CC on file. He wants to create a mega app and needs to be able to charge users to do that. It's that simple.

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It's not about corporate instances. It's the bots and fake accounts/posts/comments. That's one of the issues with Reddit. There are little authentic posts. Most of them are advertisements it just reposts to farm karma to avoid detection. It's ridiculous.

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Have you heard about our lord and savior, TypeScript?

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And you sound salty bro ๐Ÿ™ƒ

You shouldn't burn bridges when leaving even the shittiest employer. So personal reasons it is. We will never know what the truth is ;)

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Great advice. I would add to it just to learn leveraging those tools effectively. They are great productivity boost. Another side effect once they become popular is that some skills that we already have will be harder to learn so they might be in higher demand.

Anyway, make sure you put aside enough money to not have to worry about such things ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Nix is amazing. I'm using nix btw ๐Ÿคฃ on my steam deck ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

and I mostly work on my own projects

Then your opinion is absolutely understandable.

Itโ€™s also frustrating b/c types donโ€™t guarantee that the system does-the-thing, only that the type-system and compiler are happy, so itโ€™s like pleasing the wrong boss, or some metaphor like that.

Types help you refactoring and communicating with other team members about expected inputs/outputs. Did you ever try debugging a number that should've been a string in a codebase that you didn't write? Example from today: jsforce will throw an exception when you pass a number instead of string due to the fact that the Salesforce server will complain that the type is incorrect. If the method had correct typing of "string", it would save me a few hours of debugging a huge library without visibility inside of it...

I agree, I am certain that there are thousands of great and passionate about FOSS people there. I'm just not that certain about IBM ;) It's still probably better place to work at than most.

All in all, I am only saying that the fact that somebody cites "personal reasons" doesn't mean there are no other factors at play.

If you are using TypeScript it's quite easy to create a system where the type system will enforce the existence of all translations. I think it should be possible to create a similar solution for other languages as well.

For example:

const enTranslations = { MENU: '' };

const plTranslations: typeof enTranslations = { MENU: '' } as const;

const t = (key: keyof typeof enTranslations) => get language() == 'pl' ? plTranslations[key] : enTranslations[key];

Missing keys will fail compilation. If you want to skip check you can always use //@ts-ignore

Additionally the type system will enforce only valid translation keys so you won't be able to make a typo it forget to add English translation.

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Exactly what you're looking for.


Quite a lot of IDEs will key you just click "add missing properties" action on the translation object to create a language file.

You're the exception, not the majority. I think we can safely ASSume that 90% of people won't do it. Sad reality...

It's also quite ready to transform this file to JSON and send it to translators through any service that supports his format.