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They aren't meant for public roads, just like Teslas.

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What I don't understand is him getting sacked. While he did name a few people and cut ties, I don't see the people named couldn't stand up with him after being named. It seems as if they really support the war crimes in Gaza.

But shell makes jobs for a million Bobs! And then Bobs are doing something useful for society! /s

I swear I've seen this meme somewhere with a Cybertruck instead of a Wrangler

Meta ... can’t guarantee “what a third-party provider does with sent or received messages.”

We (Meta) can guarantee that we do all the bad stuffs to your data!

I don't think the main point of the barriers is preventing suicide specifically, but safety in general. Preventing suicide is more of a bonus.

I mean they just need to slap a (TM) on every official appearence of Mickey. Hell, they can easily say an abstract representstion of Mickey's ears represent Disney and they wouldn't even be wrong.

Kind of unrelated, but couldn't this be prosecuted (among other things) on 4th amendment grounds, as I doubt "threathening people with a stick" isn't protected (assuming qualified immunity otherwise) Although I doubt the curent SCOTUS lineup would come to any sensible decision on any matter.

If an employer can't 'afford' to pay you properly he shouldn't run a business.

Your oxygen subscription expires in 2 weeks. Please take note that absence of oxygen leads to hypoxia. Due to the detrimental effects of the war in Ukraine we have been forced to increase prices by 420%. Would you like to extend your subscription?

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I've seen a video with some electric mopeds that had very easily removable batteries. Like you just pop it out and exchange it at a gas-station equivalent.

It'd be ideal if we could settle on a few sizes - kind of like how we have AA, AAA, C, D, etc. batteries. One can be for such mopeds, one larger for cars and some smaller ones to fill various otherwise empty spaces in a car.

So if your battery goes bad or just want to change its tech you can do that.

For normal city driving you carge the car at home. If you go on a trip make a few stops for charging. If you're really in a rush, you can always pay a premium for swapping your drained battery for a prefilled one at a gas station equivalent.

To me this seems like the ideal solution for EVs and I wonder what facts make it unrealistic.

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I mean if they want their safety they can feel free to keep it. No need to limit others to the App Store.

I read Tesla X owner and immedeately thought of Musk

I foresaw the trademark thing About the thing about Disney claiming that because they used Steamboat Willie Mickey in more recent woks they can still claim copyright protections on elements of Mickey Mouse that were a thing in Steamboat Willie, I really don't think copyright works like that.

Mickey in Steamboat Willie just looks... odd.

The 'normal' Mickey is still under copyright so not a lot was gained through Steambiat Willie losing copyright protection.

Nothing against gamification, but when they added lives about two years after they said they never will I lost any and all trust I had in them.

What about privacy and bloat? Do you really need an integrated big-brother Clippy again? There's a reason they got rid of that annoying little bugger 20-ish years ago. Even killed Cortana. How many failed experiments more do we need?

If you need AI writing, you have it in Edge or on the ChatGPT site. Will they add AI to settings to help you turn on all the bloat and tracking for you?

Like just give me my damn control panel which has a working search feature (unlike, say, Settings)

Both are, or at least should be, ridiculous.

Yes, an app costs money. Yes, servers do cost money. But do they need to use servers? No. For example, self-hosting. Or just connecting the car to the cellular network (which they already do, mind you) and just let the phone talk to it directly, no manufacturer server required. Just pay an ISP for cell service and you're set. Are there problems with such a solution security-wise? Yes. And while I'm not an expert in cybersecurity I think the risks are about the same for this and a server model.

Hell, they might not even use servers for anything other than checking if you've paid your subscription in order to lower costs already (as if a few thousand unlock requests a minute couldn't be managed without a problem on a Raspberry Pi). They don't need some huge, expensive and power-hungr supercomputer for that, so I don't see a need for such a steep price.

Are the features useful? Absolutely. Would someone be willing to pay this price? Also absolutely. But the festures objectively don't cost that much to maintain and competition should and could put an end to it.

It's just corporate greed, and it feels to me as if we're getting closer and closer to the fabled oxygen subscription, and we have to call manufacturers out on their bullshit while we still have air to breathe.

Just don't buy their cars or at least their subscriptions. Get your car 'jailbreaked'. What will they do, remote disable it? I think we're still not that far down the dystopia plotline that a boycott couldn't work.

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That isn't really an issue, either Denmark or Czechia don't want the Euro but said they'll get it so they skirm around the ascention criteria a bit. Can't see why the UK couldn't do the same.

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When talking about Israelis killed, the BBC used the word "grandmother" 52 times, while it used it 32 times when describing Palestinians killed. Likewise, it used the word "murdered" 101 times for Israelis killed while only once when talking about Palestinians.

The rest of the rows are similar.

The intended takeaway is that Palestinian deaths are reported blandly, while Isrseli deaths are painted in a much more endearing light.

Granted, there are some considerations of possible biases towards the results. For example, maybe there were less articles about Palestinians and as such less opportunities to use the same word. Maybe there isn't enough information flowing out of Gaza as opposed to Israel or BBC. There are also the more extreme options of the authors of the data trying to paint the BBC negatively and the BBC strategically painting Israeli deaths as more tragic and brutal than Palestinian desths.

Which option you take as the most plausible is your call tho.

I mean you're not wrong, but it kind of skips a lot of in-between steps.

Complaining in and of itself isn't bad. Hell, a bug report is a complaint and it's very much useful. As are feature requests. Whining definitely isn't good, but complaints can and often are useful, warranted and lead to a positive outcome

Just try to look at the sky at night. Most places in the world you won't see the stars and yet no one complains too much about the visual pollution

They are all webkit-based, but they can add their own integrations like Google account login for Chrome or Firefox Sync. So it would still be benificial to boycott if you reasonably can and are willing, especially with the recent App store developments Apple might even be forced to open up browsers as well.

There might be a few, but you're always free to change your career if you want. You're very much not free to just leave peison.

OpenAI says it's impossible to create useful AI models without copyrighted material

Good riddance, then just don't.

Yeah I get it, but still. Britain got its priviliges in the EU by being a part of it for a long time. If it becomes a problem in some 20 years, Britain probably won't be alone, will have been a member for a longish time and will most definitely be better off than outside the EU. And if it comes to it, they'll be able to leave again.

At least they'll have the most experience in leaving which might make the second time at least a bit more painless.

He's not an ex-Apple exec with ex-Apple exec boatloads of money to do it. Or with ex-Apple exec venture capitalist friends to do the money part for him.

It's not about it being easy or hard. It's about having the backing to do it.