Intel is quitting on its adorable, powerful, and upgradable mini NUC computers to – 755 points –
Intel is quitting on its adorable, powerful, and upgradable mini NUC computers

Damn, this is a sad day for the homelab.

The article says Intel is working with partners to "continue NUC innovation and growth", so we will see what that manifests as.


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Yeah this part bothers me. To these companies a solid profit stream is not viable. It has to be iPhone level growth year after year or they think it’s failing and axe it. It’s quite annoying. Eventually you will hit a plateau. That just means it’s a mature market, not failing. Grrrr…

You see the same shit on streaming services. "Oh this show has been out for two days and hasn't reached Game of Thrones level of popularity already? Let's remove it from existence forever."

Just throwing shit at a wall to see what sticks.