1 Post – 331 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

He can’t tackle SCOTUS expansion unless we also vote in a solid majority in the Senate, and he can’t tackle Medicare for All unless we vote in a supermajority.

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It would be up to Congress to make something that couldn’t simply be reversed, but I wouldn’t say now is the time for that since the GOP-controlled House almost certainly wouldn’t pass the bill, even if the Senate did. Biden can only issue executive orders that can be reversed on a whim.

I’m not going to pretend that if I were facing jail time and my lawyer said “this is another legal thing that can be done in the hopes of avoiding jail time” that I would say “I broke the law, I should just go to jail and serve my time.” I’d probably do the thing my lawyer said was an option.

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Do you have any idea how long it took to make any kind of healthcare reform happen when we finally got the ACA? If we just remove it, that’s not going to make everyone “work that much harder to get Medicare for All”, it will set us back arguing over even the things that the ACA got us. Suddenly, denying coverage for pre-existing conditions is back on the table.

And what the hell would Democrats say to the tens of millions of people who lose their health coverage when they vote to repeal the ACA? “Don’t worry, this is going to make things so desperate that we’ll all feel really determined to pass universal healthcare!”

It makes absolutely no sense what you’re saying!

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It is crazy when you think about it. Everybody learns about right-wing takeovers of government in history and generally agrees the outcome is pretty horrible, and yet it just happens all over again. I guess fear is a hell of a drug.

Go to General > Keyboard > Text Replacement, and create an entry for each word you want, putting the same thing in the phrase field and the shortcut field. Then it won’t try to replace them every time.

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This guy will literally say anything if he thinks it will get him what he wants.

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It’s because the AI has no idea what reality is. Note also that Elaine’s praise took on the perspective of the wearer.

It’s comments like this that make me think of the old adage: “Never wrestle with a pig because you'll both get dirty and the pig likes it.”

People who have thought about it critically for 3 minutes

And you clearly can’t recall the good things he did in the previous years, thereby exemplifying the goldfish memory that incentivizes doing big things in an election year

moderation of disinformation and illegal content

Those are strange names for yachts

In some applications, people still say that about touch screens and they are not wrong.

Spatial Audio can be cool. In this application? I’m unconvinced.

You should have suggested you put sunscreen on each other’s backs at the same time to get it over with quicker.

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If we just overthrow our existing government, why would something better magically show up in its place?

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Look past her chaotic family life… and focus on her clown show in Congress?

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How dare you say “first”. Don’t you put that bad mojo on me

It seemed obvious to me that they do this so that they can say the MBP costs “as low as X”, but in fact everyone needs to pay at least $200 more

Are you saying to start calling all of it ActivityPub? In which case, I would think that’d be extra confusing since lemmy and mastodon don’t cross-interface very well and you really need one client for each type.

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We can look at history and see that it often doesn’t go this way when you tear down your government. It’s naive to just act like this is a straightforward and obvious way to go

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All this photo would take is either a friend hanging back and snapping a pic with their phone, or a random person walking behind who thought it was funny taking a photo, the coats are noticeable enough that someone could have seen it coming far enough ahead of time to get their phone ready for the photo

You’re starting out with the wrong assumption in your question. The question should be “why is it that there are only two choices?” And the answer is: because the voting system laid out in the constitution makes it an inevitability.

It’s not a coincidence that the countries in Europe with many parties have a different type of system. Statistical models demonstrate that their many parties and our two parties are a natural consequence of how our voting system works.

It’s bad enough being stuck in the situation we are, but wrongly attributing the cause to a vast conspiracy, involving both parties working together, just leads to the wrong conclusions about what to do about it.

In reality, voting third party instead of the party you most align with just helps the party you least align with. The GOP backs third party candidates that might attract liberal voters for a reason.

I wonder when this magical time was where voting for the president had great choices. What many young voters fail to understand is that it’s not all about the president. Get enough Democrats into Congress, and they will be able to vote for progressive legislation, and if you send that to your far-from-ideal president’s desk, they’ll sign it.

It's certainly a much easier task than having an awesome progressive president who begs a near 50-50 Congress to pass good bills, and it just doesn’t happen.

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Wouldn’t that give an extra incentive to raise the retirement age?

Exaggerating Biden’s mental fitness day after day is a double-edged sword, since in moments like this he can blow away expectations

I’m no fan of organized religion at all but:

“None of you has faith until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself.”

Sounds pretty similarly chill to me.

The problem is that these texts have so many contradictory statements that they can be used to justify anything anyway.

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I hope you don’t consider the 50-50 split Senate to be one of the times we “gave Democrats Congress and the presidency”. Do you think they were going to find 10 Republicans and overcome the filibuster for that legislation?

The last time the Democrats had control that gave them a realistic chance of doing something like this, marijuana legalization didn’t even have majority support in the US. Even among Democrats it was pretty divided.

The time before that, Bill Clinton was president and was under fire for admitting he had ever tried marijuana in his life, and had to claim he “didn’t inhale”.

And those were all the times in my life that the Democrats had any sort of majority in Congress and a Dem president.

You make it sound like there have been these chances over and over. But there isn’t even one single time you can look back at and say “right here, you had all the opportunity in the world and we asked you to do it, and you didn’t do it”.

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So you’re really asking about people who dislike coffee but drink it regularly anyway for caffeine? Are there a lot of people in this situation?

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Isn’t it the fact that there will be features missing if someone doesn’t have iMessage? I genuinely don’t think anybody would care if it were just the color of the bubble that was different and nothing else.

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You have to be an exceptionally shitty person to be one of the richest people on the planet

Because he doesn’t relent and people like you get tired of being called on their bullshit over and over?

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Yeah, the problem is that if they asked me to make a list of the top 10 people who definitely should not get this award, there’s a good chance I would have put these two dudes on that list. They might as well nominate Donald Trump at this point.

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That is, I guess, because it doesn’t actually know anything, even things it’s accurate about, so it has no way to determine if it knows the answer or not.

The fact that it happened more than one time makes it so much funnier

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Regarding biometrics, I’ve felt that one advantage is that if I’m in a public space, I don’t have to worry about someone watching me enter my password over my shoulder. If I got into a situation where someone is physically overpowering me to get my finger onto my device against my will, I’m probably going to give them whatever password they want so I don’t get a beat down.

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Soccer fields are affected by temperature, weather, state of grass, wind, etc. too. So are football and baseball fields. Baseball fields are all unique. Cricket fields are round.

That said, there are obstacles in those identical rectangles. But unlike golf, these obstacles can move and think! They are called opponents and believe it or not, they can often be more dynamic than a tree or pond!

I think you’re right but I think it goes further in that he genuinely doesn’t grasp the concept of reality. I think for him reality is whatever he wants it to be in the moment, and anyone suggesting it is anything other than that is lying, unfair, disloyal, and so on. So even if he does remember it, it doesn’t matter.

Actually I feel I can honestly say that with Trump I got exactly the joke of a human being that I expected. The thing that completely caught me off guard was the way the GOP behaved in response to him.

Meanwhile the relatives are potentially thinking “well I guess he doesn’t value keeping in touch with me”.

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What if you bought an ice cream cone and it was so cold that you had to get skin grafts to repair the damage to your lips? And not only that, but the owner of the store instructed the employees to make it that cold?

The McDonald’s woman’s risk calculation was probably “if this spills, it will hurt” and not, “if this spills, it will do permanent, significant damage to my body”.

Why would anyone prefer living in a world where some property of any item you buy could intentionally be set to dangerously extreme levels?

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