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Joined 1 years ago

I've seen some things, I've done some stuff.

There are no noise-cancelling headphones to stop the U.S. Navy's 235-decibel pressure waves of unbearable pinging and metallic shrieking. At 200 Db, the vibrations can rupture your lungs, and above 210 Db, the lethal noise can bore straight through your brain until it hemorrhages that delicate tissue. If you're not deaf after this devastating sonar blast, you're dead.

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Donald Trump is a poor man's idea of a rich man, a weak man's idea of a strong man, a stupid man's idea of a smart man, and a loser's idea of a playboy.

He is a caricatute and nothing more.

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Remember when Chris Christie was mercilessly mocked by fox news for "hugging" Obama after he shook the President's hand during Sandy relief efforts?

Meatball Ron's campaign staff does. That guy may be an idiot, but someone on his staff had a flicker of sanity for a second to prevent the final bullet being shot into this campaign that should have died before it ever even started.

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The policy, agreed to by all nine justices, does not appear to impose any significant new requirements and leaves compliance entirely to each justice

Nothing. They did absolutely nothing. No new rules and they can just not follow them if they want. Toothless and pointless pandering.

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Counterfeiting of United States currency, bonds, checks, and other financial obligations and securities. Distributing or passing of counterfeited, forged, or altered U.S. currency and other financial obligations and securities. Criminals sometimes use online forums to sell bulk counterfeited U.S. or foreign currency.

“To condemn Hamas is a good thing,” said Elrabieey, a native of Egypt and a visiting scholar in Tulane’s Middle East and North African Studies program. “But at the same time, if you didn’t condemn Israel for committing war crimes, this is a double standard.”

At least one person there has a good grasp.

Damn, that's amazing. How tall was Melania's mailman?

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Bonds are to restrict the poors. It's serving it's intended purpose in this case. Allowing the rich to walk while keeping the not rich in their place.

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There's an article, but the tldr is... In 1906, 51 years after the losers lost, the daughters of the confederacy wanted to remind Black people where their place was.

My wife and I were best friends before getting married. I'm a social butterfly and pop from place to place and she is a ginormous introvert. Neither of us were lonely but loved the adventures we had together. Ten plus years into our marriage and nearly fourteen into our friendship, we still do most things together. Her friends come and go, and she's the one who understands me deeply and more than anyone else on this planet, and yet we find solace in each other, friendship, and a partnership neither of us expected. Marriage is not for everyone, it's a lot of work, it's a lot of trust, but mostly it's not there to fix a problem. If you go into it broken looking for something else, you may never find it. In the end, it takes two complete people to make it work.

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100,000 challenges and not one single prosecution.

Obligatory :

Thank you for servicing me, Marine.

It's cancel culture when it happens to them. When they do it, it's called boycotting.

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The evil part is having laws like this and then filling in their water sources with concrete.

"I’m confident I’ll be able to support the Republican nominee, especially if it’s me." - Pence

"Surely this will never bite me in the ass." - Also Pence probably

Nuzzle his orange grundle even harder!

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Yeah, but felons can't legally carry a gun, so...

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Western media is full of it. Check a news aggregate and put US as your country and you'll see news media orgs across the map today talking about the evils of hammas and how the poor isrealutes were attacked. Conservative and liberal news alike sticking their noses so far up Israel's grundle without shame or remorse.

Wholeheartedly agree with your assessment. My wife recently bought the kids the original to play in the car while on road trips, so hearing it in the background while the kids laugh at it was a good refresher before watching this last night.

It's nostalgia, plain and simple. The throwbacks to the original characters, like Roxanne and Monique were fun with a few sensible chuckle level of jokes, but overall it's not something that would even be remotely fun if it wasn't for the nostalgic bit that reminds you of the original.

But he pays people who weren't going to cut down their trees to not cut down their trees so he can have a carbon neutral jet!

(The above sentence is an example of sarcasm.)

True story, Tiktok has never been available in mainland China.

If you have 69 in your username, you are either 54 or 12. I do not believe OP is 54.

FISA authorizes a specific court to authorize warrants, the FISC, however the article looks directly at the NSAs role who is not affiliated with or charged by FISC, but through warrants and direction of the FBI. The FBI is not very scary since people normally associate them with protection of national interests, so instead the article only mentions who the tasking authority and holder of the warrant actually is. The article uses key terms specifically to get a reaction from a small subset as click bait without even providing accurate information about the topic. It's lazy and uninformative.

Technically I'd be in Night City, but for the first few hours surrounded by homelessness and decay I'd likely be trying to figure out how I got to San Francisco again...

Oh, thank you so much. I don't follow the whole Joe Rogan thing so I wasn't familiar with him claiming to be a liberal. I thought he stuck to the conservative/libertarian thing and wasn't trying to convince people he was something else. Thanks! TIL

Absolutely agree. Have really enjoyed passing it on to my two girls as well.

I bought a Harry's set when I was in the Army and used to change my blades about once a month with full shaves six days a week. I have a goatee now and just shave my cheeks and neck on Monday mornings. I haven't changed a blade yet this year.

Brian Kemp has been nose deep in Trump's orange grundle for years, the only delay he would have in pardoning Trump is because of all the orgasms he'd have while drawing up the paperwork.

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The Supreme Court has adopted its first code of ethics -

This article does a pretty good job of going over the important parts of Article 2 of the US judicial code and talks about how Congress could regulate the Supreme Court as it does all other Federal courts. It would just take appointing an inspector general to enforce article 2 that already exist for lower courts.

The regulation would still maintain an independent decisional authority in the same vein is how they regulate the number of justices currently on the Supreme Court. The regulation itself would have nothing to do with the way that the justices reach their decisions, but would only cover their conduct outside of the court. The law is already in place, Congress just hasn't put the mechanism in place to enforce it.

That being said, they can't even pass resolutions in order to stop the time change which has near unanimous support across the population and all our other branches of government. It's my firm belief that the opposite of pro is con, so the opposite of progress must be...

I use RIF exclusively on mobile. I never use reddit from my computer. The interface isn't all that different from RIF when on mobile, so I'm giving it a shot. Lots of the other places listed as "reddit alternatives" were mostly just discussion and not community focused and link sharing sites. I like it so far. (my first post!)

I have an 8 core i7 Alienware 17r3 with 32GB RAM I use to host a pen-test lab. It's outdated and only runs Win10, but with Xubuntu 20.04 and VirtualBox, it makes a nice little vm server I can power up and down with plenty of resources.

My apologies, I mixed up the hospital for the church. You're correct.


Our experts confirm Washington secretly rotated his slaves out of the state, sometimes just sending them over the river to New Jersey, so they couldn’t claim their freedom.

“He actually instructs his secretary to do it in a way that will deceive them, meaning the slaves and the public,” MacLeod said. “So, he doesn't want his actions to become common knowledge because he knows that there are so many abolitionists in the city that it could become a PR disaster for him.”

In 1793, Washington signs the Fugitive Slave Act into law, which helps slaveholders recapture enslaved people who have escaped.

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I use pihole. It's external to a browser extension and performs the same without the in browser complaints about using an ad blocker.