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Joined 12 months ago

I'd be fine with them if they weren't constantly shoving it in our faces. Think about the children!

Sounds like the problem is more that they're for sale in the first place, not that they don't have a warrant. They don't need it because our privacy laws are so outdated and ineffectual(/nonexistent).

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...the police officer was immediately arrested

I'm American, can someone explain what these words mean in this particular order? I'm not familiar with the concept...

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Yeah, like people haven't been making fake sexual images of celebrities for decades...

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Watchmen came out almost a decade before Comic Sans existed, it was hand-lettered by Dave Gibbons. In fact, it directly inspired the creation of Comic Sans according to Wikipedia.

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You can have black ancestry and appear not-black, so this really doesn't support her argument at all.

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"Have you ever had a honk where you, if you, you would, you could, you would honk you so much you could honk anything?

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They did give it to Conan, then they gave it back to Jay. Like everything else wrong in my life, I blame the boomers.

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I'm reading it now and I still don't understand it. Was the league hiding?

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Luckily, copyright law is based on guesses!

Though incoherent, your comment does point to a major cause of conservative voters constantly voting against their own interests: reading comprehension & general education.

Do they have social security numbers? Can the hospital claim them as dependents? Can an eighteen-year-old embryo vote?

No they don't.

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But super-honestly, the bitching about the bitching about the bitching is worse. Why did you make this comment? Why not just downvote that asshat's content and move on? It doesn't contribute, you allegedly don't care, why comment to complain about complaints about complaints?

We can do this as many times as you'd like, you still won't have made a point.

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Don't worry it's not as bad as it sounds. The guy also has developmental disabilities,'s even worse.


Yeah, Christianity fucked them up pretty good, just like the rest of us.

Who says the only options are "world news" or "US news"? Just post in the relevant country's news community. If it doesn't exist, start it!

I always took "world news" to mean "news that affects the world", which this definitely doesn't.

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It's absolutely both.

Even though it's publicly available information

What's your hourly rate? Sounds like the easiest day of work ever.

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I live in Omar's district and I can tell you first hand, it's possibly the most gentrified district in the state. If there's anything wrong with the it, it's us white people.

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This post did none of those, reported. /s

It doesn't count as self-awareness if he disassociates from the statement entirely, it's actually the opposite.

The Walking Dead. Mediocre acting and worse writing. Production was really all it had going for it, which is ultimately just money that could have been better spent elsewhere.

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Hahaha, the subpoena is literally meaningless thanks to the GOP, good luck with that shit

Why does the fuel pump need to know what date it is?

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And after he pays his contractors.

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Yeah, we need the classic Drake meme with "She's a 10” on top and "She is 10” on bottom.

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Believe it or not, Barbie's feet are a major plot point, there's more than one close-up, lol.

If it's a business, why don't they pay taxes?

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Lol, k

Did anyone actually like that though? I thought that was a meme because of how bad it was. I really don't know, I never saw it.

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I wouldn't have seven children.

Same exact thing as "How can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real?"

That might be one reason that happens, but I highly doubt it's the sole or even main contributing factor. How could this even be proven? Some light googling returned zero scientific studies and one clickbaity article with no sources.

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Yes. And cereal is a stew.

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Good luck finding one that actually got paid.

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Which one of those girls is Pilar?

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