
7 Post – 430 Comments
Joined 3 months ago

I make music. I play videogames. Nothing else to it.


Oh there's an opposing force alright. It's not quite legal, there's a lot of blood involved, and currently is not justified. However, if it ever starts happening I think we will see it happen at some point.

SMH I can't believe they did goku like this.


I read magazines, played videogames, watched TV, went "out and about", browsed the net, etc.


North Korea can shut the fuck up and just focus on sending their poop balloons while starving to death in misery. The end.

And replacing the incumbent last minute would also be catastrophic.

He's definitely not "toast". One stupid debate will not affect anyone's decision to back him. Obama had a bad first debate as well when he ran in his very first electoral race, and he still won. Twice, to be exact. None of these things you mention are going to be a deal breaker for people who know what's at stake, and each day, that number grows. Joe isn't perfect, but he is light years better than another Trump term.

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What Trump brought was an overblown ego and a fountain of lies and vitriol that his idiot followers eat up like candy.

I upvoted you because you got downvoted for some reason even though you are spitting facts.

Thus has been around for awhile now. I doubt it.

We are so fucked if this is Joe's new demeanor. My god, the orange bafoon handled it so much better...fuck

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No. Trust me, this would be amazing but he cannot legally run again :(

You posted this twice lol

Of course not, because they didn't do anything wrong. Just a bunch of pissed off pokemon fanboys pissed that Palworld was way better at the pokemon concept than Pokemon itself was.

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Typical republican bullshit. All they want is suffering.

Yeah, this is not looking good, and I'm not impressed

I mean...it is, literally, factually better than pokemon is at its own formula. Not really a disrespectful take, and far from a strawman. And you're kidding yourself if you think being inspired by something is the same thing as theft. Fun fact: pokemon lifted off of dragon quest. The fact that it is so successful is literally because it does pokemon better, but sure, "flippant accusations" lol. Congrats, you are the exact type of fanboy I'm talking about

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South Park is brilliant and was ahead of its time when it first came around.

The catching of pals, the way you do it, mounting your pals, fighting in real time instead of turn based, the boss battles, the exploration are what people are specifically saying it does better than pokemon, and I 100% agree with that take.

Why my pee pee is the big pee pee: 5 reasons why

New fear unlocked

Did you find any legendary gear?

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Fuck no. I can barely even make it through the day anymore.

Sure bro it's cool. Have a nice day!

How sad

Not even common white gear? Man this game SUCKS.

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Good graphics, awful gameplay...

Uh oh!

Oh look, there it is...proof these companies never gave a flying fuck in the first place.

Theyre gearing up another January 6, mark my words

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Why? Why would this be something that upsets them?

Ah, ok:

Escape from Tarkov players are irate with developer Battlestate Games after it announced the release of a new edition, with a new mode and a $250 price tag, as they believe they should get it for free for purchasing the season pass.

Players who purchased the previous Edge of Darkness Edition were promised future DLC content as part of paying for the season pass. The community thinks the new Unheard Edition – which comes with a heavy price tag, what they believe is pay-to-win in-game content, and the new PvE mode – falls under DLC.

Carry on then

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"Stunning"? How? This is the least "stunning" thing I've heard. Trump is a piece of shit. This 100% checks out.

RIP new whistle-blower 5/9-5/9 he will be missed

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Trans stuff. Before you get the torches and pitchforks, I have no problem with them. I believe they deserve equality, and I don't believe in spreading hate their way. I'm not Trans, so I don't have a horse in this race, nor do I desire one. It doesn't appeal to me, it doesn't interest me in the slightest. I have my own concerns (keeping my house, paying my bills, keeping my family safe) and they have theirs, I guess is what I'm saying. If I see a Trans person get mistreated, I'll stick up for them, just like I'd do for anyone, but I'm not interested in it. They are no different from me, we are all people. I think constantly bringing it up to people all the time is more of a disservice.

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WOW. I know he's a scumlord GOP bootlicker, but this is bad, even for them. Unsurprising, though; all they want is to cause suffering, control woman, punish the poor, suck off the rich, and spread hate. Absolute garbage of a "human being". What a disgusting, soulless wretch of a "man".

Who would you have in office then?

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Lol I'm not paying shit, have fun everybody else. X is garbage