1 Post – 206 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

He's notorious for not paying people. He purposely chose small contractors to help build and do work on his properties, then would say they did terrible work and he wasn't going to pay them. He knew they wouldn't be able to afford to take him to court to get the money owed.

So all of the GOP - male and female - are weird. Got it.

"These watches are not designed to give accurate time and should not be used to tell time or keep track of time."

He became a far right nutjob conspiracy theorist.

Do SCOTUS next!

What did he say about John McCain? "I like people who weren't captured."

Trump has never given a shit about the military or veterans. I'm surprised at how many veterans love him.

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What worries me is we'll have a repeat of 2016 where everyone just assumed Hillary was going to win so they didn't vote. Hopefully people will go out and vote regardless.

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Just more proof that tax laws are not made for the working class.

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Man, for a party that talks about freedoms, they sure love taking them away. As long as their followers still have gun rights, fuck everything else.

So Biden could order SEAL Team 6 to assassinate Trump and Biden wouldn't be convicted?

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Any takers on his lawyers trying to say this was an official act? Lol

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These are the same people that constantly chanted "lock her up".

The same reason Republicans voted against their own immigration bill: Trump told them not to because he doesn't want to give that win to Biden. No wins for Biden, especially in an election year. Republicans continue holding us hostage so they can to put their fuhr back in office.

Prosecute the Bidens on what grounds? The GOP have been investigating them for a few years now and have admitted they can't find anything, other than Hunter's tax evasion or whatever it was.

He's full of shit and just says whatever the fuck no matter how stupid it is because he loves the uneducated and his followers are certainly that. They believe anything from anyone with an R in front of their name.

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Can she really do that, force the jury without security clearance to view top secret documents? Seems bullshit to me.

But what are the options? Obviously she says to let Trump go if the jury can't see the docs. If he gets the jury see the docs, do they have to get security clearance? They have to sign an NDA of some sort?

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Is masturbation going to considered mass murder? Or premeditated mass murder?

If life begins at conception, can we get some tax laws changed to reflect that?

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How can they say they love Israel but also say Jews run everything and be generally negative towards Jews here?

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They mean to say women don't want their bodies regulated by men that don't know a damn thing about how a woman's body works. Like that fucking idiot Republican politician who's also veterinarian and said he's done thousands of ultrasounds on pregnant animals and that makes him an authority on women's bodies. Like how the fuck do you make that jump in your head?

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Weren't a lot of them installed by the GOP leading up to Trump's presidency? I know the GOP was pushing through a lot if confirmations when they had control of the senate.

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Remember when Trump said he would get rid of the ACA and they had a plan to replace it? But he never had a plan and eventually said "who knew healthcare was so complicated?" (Everybody knew it was complicated.) This is the exact same thing.

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SCOTUS: We're going to let the states decide who they want to prosecute for merely existing.

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I can see it now, they go to Russia and expect all Russians to speak English.

Russia: You're in Russia! Speak Russian! You don't like it, go back to where you came from! Conservatives: How dare you!

Yup, which is why the Republicans try to make it as difficult as possible to vote, especially for minorities. Don't forget Trump said if minorities vote, Republicans will never win another election.

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They'll vote for him anyway.

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Is there a way for Republicans to block this? Because if so, they'll block it.

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Man, you never worked for a large corporation that that had internal web based apps that only work on Internet Explorer and refused to update it.

I'm really tired of these assholes using religion as a basis to make and change laws. They're forcing Christianity on everyone else. I guess freedom of/from religion is there with the separation of church and state, in the trash.

Trump is now saying abortion should be up to the states to decide, but he's only saying that to sway voters in his direction.

Wait, you're telling me that the man that constantly calls people names and ridiculed his Republican presidential opponents can't take the heat?

No worries, he'll release some more NFT trading cards for $2-300 a pop and he'll sell a shit ton of them because his followers are fucking dumbshits. Bitch and moan about the economy but then buy his crap.

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Pretty sure this was on the topic of gun control, he said "take their guns away and go through due process later" but his 2Aer followers don't remember that.

This will never pass because we aren't seen as people with families and lives. We're seen as labor. Tools to keep the machine running and making money for corporations and its executives.

The SCOTUS is violating my right to freedom of and from religion.

It's amazing that Republicans are both pro-Israel and anti-Jew at the same time.

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I had to start going back to the office today. I'll eventually split time between two buildings, but my main office is practically empty. Been here 3 days in a row, and I'm the only one in my area that stayed the entire day. The first day 4 of 5 other people left at lunch. The last person left about 4:15pm.

Yestersay I was by myself until about 10am and that person left at 4. I'm here by myself today and I don't suspect anyone will show up late.

On the other side of the floor where the breakroom is, there's maybe been 7 people total across the 3 days I've been here lol.

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It's about making money for executives and shitting on the employees that do the actual work.

"It's not for us to decide. It's up to the Republican controlled Congress to decide to allow Trump and any other Republican candidate and not allow Democrat candidates the same luxury."

Says the guy who never came up with an alternative to Obama Care and said "who knew health insurance was so complicated?"

Get rid of private insurance! We pay a ton in premiums and they still get to decide what they want to cover. Private insurance is bullshit. I'll just laterally move that premium to socialized health care so everyone has it.

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He's just butthurt that he can't get xAI off the ground.