12 Post – 186 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


In an age of LLM, Seaman needs a remake.

Used to love it, had too many weird promptless experiences, unplugged it and now it's gathering dust on a shelf.

Though it was nice to say "Hey google, tell me today's news" and get a few different news updates while making coffee.

Edit: Out of sheer curiosity, have you tried factory resetting it?

No need to apologize, was just curious - figured folks is gender-neutral as is, never saw an alternate form of it before.

Sincerely, thanks! Didn't know this was a thing for anyone.

Off-topic, but if you don't mind me asking, why folx over folks?

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There are people trying pretty hard to make that happen, though mostly in the context of supervised medical interventions.

Which I'm here for - while a lot of people do OK (fantastically even) with less structured psychedelic experiences, many do not. A really bad trip can do a number on you, sometimes for a long while.

There's something good here - if anyone takes this up leave a link or something for us other folks to check out, too.

The first thing that comes to mind when thinking about fleshing this out: who/what made the train station? Given it's a place people stay only for a short amount of time before being whisked off to their afterlife, what does the MC learn staying there for so much longer?

I'd love to write a really good acid western. So far all I have are daydreams about being a badass old west drifter to the music of Spindrift.

Edit: I suppose there's also what I started when I tried (and failed) NaNoWriMo, which was a horror story about a pathogen that made people deranged killers of a spectacular nature. There was a fight in a stained glass factory, that was kinda cool. Should see if the laptop with the draft still boots...

(If I recall the movie correctly, it was basically The Crazies, but more violent and written before the 2010 version came out [never saw the 1973 version])

The Toke-Athalon - a three stage sport involving [some thing], a 1 gram rolling and smoking race, and a round of trivia.

Back in the day we had a regular civil disobedience event that had a game like this, but it was cannabis activism trivia, roll and smoke race, and more cannabis activism trivia. Surely there's a better third event somewhere.

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I. Fucking. Love this.

Thank you so much for sharing!!

YYYY/MM/DD hhmm, 24 hour clock gang unite!

(We also support our YYYY.MM.DD and YYYYMMDD compatriots)

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It's definitely not for everyone, but I've met a small number of disabled people who do exactly this, for similar reasons.

Wouldn't offer it as a suggestion though, kinda feel like people have to come to that decision on their own.

It really depends where you are - some places have a lively late night culture, others not so much.

All night diners, 24 hour fast food places are really the only alternatives here (though you could count movie theatres with late showings, I guess).

But (unless you have personal reasons for not being around alcohol and drinkers), you can totally go to a bar with a vibe you like and just hang out drinking soda. Bonus points if that bar has something cool available aside from just booze (barcades, live music venues, etc.).

If you're not looking to specifically be around people, you could also just check out some green space outdoors, but keep your wits about you and use your judgement - some places are lovely to chill at 3:00 am, some would be if it wasn't for the sketchy folks shooting up.

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So I can't personally give the kind of advice you're looking for, but saw this when sorting by new and just wanted to say this isn't a stupid question. You're coming into a state where you're feeling better about yourself, have probably not been caring for yourself the way you should/want to, and are now seeking advice on improving in this area. Good for you! That's actually fucking huge!

'Cause with all the new traffic, Lemmy's alive and full of beans!

As someone who rescued Micah by immediately shooting the Sherriff of Strawberry and his buddies in the face, much to my sibling's utter shock when they were letting me try RDR2 the first time, I'd say the reverse is also true.

Power nap, cold shower, light exercise (brisk walk), and coffee (bonus points if you have l-theanine to take with it, can help w/ the jittery effects).

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Aaand Mill Street is now boycotted.

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One, anything else is pure decadence (unless you have a neck issue or something).

There is, in fact, good country music that isn't just about trucks, beer, flags, and right-wing U.S. propaganda.

People have a lot of hate for the genre due to the mass appeal, common denominator examples. But like with all music, dig a little deeper beyond what gets radio play and you can find some good shit.

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My immediate problem is I have an extremely hard time asking for help, in any context. I think it stems from trust issues. My immediate thought when something needs to be done is "I will do it, or it won't be done and I will deal with that outcome", because I think the chances someone else will actually do it when asked, the way I want it done, are pretty low.

Makes you a rock star at work until you break under that expectation you set. Makes for weird relationship dynamics when you help all the time and never ask/expect that it will be reciprocated. It's just not a great position for fostering healthy interpersonal dynamics in general. I'd argue that it might also sap energy from working towards some things you want done, and are unhappy, deep down, are left undone.

I think there's even a name for it - helper syndrome or something. It's a weird "It actually works pretty well, until it doesn't" position.

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I hope the patient lodged a formal complaint with the California State Board of Pharmacy (have seen a lot of folks just go to the media, forgetting that there are authorizing bodies involved in any medical service). As per the 2023 Lawbook for Pharmacy:

  1. Dispensing Prescription Drugs and Devices (a) A licentiate shall not obstruct a patient in obtaining a prescription drug or device that has been legally prescribed or ordered for that patient. A violation of this section constitutes unprofessional conduct by the licentiate and shall subject the licentiate to disciplinary or administrative action by his or her licensing agency. (b) Notwithstanding any other law, a licentiate shall dispense drugs and devices, as described in subdivision (a) of Section 4024, pursuant to a lawful order or prescription unless one of the following circumstances exists: [...] (3) The licentiate refuses on ethical, moral, or religious grounds to dispense a drug or device pursuant to an order or prescription. A licentiate may decline to dispense a prescription drug or device on this basis only if the licentiate has previously notified his or her employer, in writing, of the drug or class of drugs to which he or she objects, and the licentiate’s employer can, without creating undue hardship, provide a reasonable accommodation of the licentiate’s objection. The licentiate’s employer shall establish protocols that ensure that the patient has timely access to the prescribed drug or device despite the licentiate’s refusal to dispense the prescription or order. For purposes of this section, “reasonable accommodation” and “undue hardship” shall have the same meaning as applied to those terms pursuant to subdivision (l) of Section 12940 of the Government Code.

If the pharmacist in question did NOT previously inform Walgreen's of their religious objection to hormone treatments for trans people, in writing, before this incident, they are in violation of this. At minimum, Walgreen's should discipline or can the guy. I do not know what disciplinary or administrative actions re: the board would apply here, but I don't think suspension of license or fines are off the table (there's details on disciplinary stuff in the document, but like all such documents it's lengthy and I didn't dig further).

That said, commenting from another country, so idk.

Source: - Page 373-374

Was gonna come in here to say "The first rule of gun safety is your gun is always loaded, even if you cleared it and the safety is on, so barrels don't get pointed at anything you don't want to die".

This still applies here, but the situation had nothing to do with teaching a kid. Now that kid is dead. So fucked...

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For me, it's sheer laziness. Can't be arsed to shave more than once every 6 to 10 months.

Do always find it funny when folks react strongly when I do shave. It's hair growth, not a personality.

Got dang*

If you have an issue with a given community, find or start an alternative one on another instance. If you have an issue with how your instance deals with anyone, sign up for a different instance.

I urge you to consider this before giving up on Lemmy entirely, it's kind of the beauty of the federated services.

A lot of guys take that dom/sub dynamic too far, as an extension of misogynist beliefs. Agreed re: your evaluation.

It's also pretty sad - you're in the most permissive time in history for this stuff, someone is giving you a gift that (carefully approached) can let you live out your deepest sexual desires to everyone's satisfaction,, and you're going to treat the person giving you that gift as actually lesser!? For fuck sakes man, not too long ago you'd be thrown in a psych ward for this shit.

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So from ages 16 to about 22, I was the guy who would get blackout drunk and into wacky situations. This is one of them.

I had just moved to a little town in Ontario with some buddies from BC. We moved into our apartment on Halloween, and one of said buddy's cousins was having a party. I tossed on my army jacket, put some blue hair gel on my head, deemed myself a punk and headed out with my 26 of Jamieson in tow.

The last thing I remember was telling the host "Nah, I don't need a cup or chase, I'll just keep drinking from the bottle." Things got hazy, then suddenly I was in a holding cell.

Let's take a step back for a moment. This wasn't my first time inside a holding cell - but this was literally my first night as a resident of this place. I had only a vague sense of where my place was relative to the rest of the town. I did not memorize the address. I had no family or support network there, other than my two friends. And I had exactly zero knowledge of the journey from the party to the cell.

So naturally, I start screaming, asking why I was there and what I did, trying to squeeze through the bars, etc. etc. Cop comes by, says "If you don't know why you're here, that's why you're here. Just get some sleep and we'll talk in the morning". Still freaking out but recognizing there wasn't much I could do, I passed out on the slab.

In the morning, the cops got me out of the cell, and explained that I had passed out on someone's lawn on what I learned was the other side of town from the party. When they picked me up, I apparently told them I had no fixed address, and they took me in. As I was apparently very cooperative they handed me a ticket and sent me on my way.

So there I was - it's about 7:00 AM on November 1st. I had blue-smeared, slept-on-a-concrete slab matted hair, I was in that nasty 'still drunk but also hungover' pocket, outside of a cop station with still no idea where I was relative to my place. So I just start walking.

Eventually, I make it to the centre of town. I notice a big gathering of people and stumble over to see what it was. Some guy sees me, and hands me a protest sign. After a few minutes, I realize it's an anti-New World Order protest of some kind. I look around for some place to drop the sign, and see a sudden flash. Someone took my picture - and the dude was wearing one of those press passes around his neck.

My second day in town, and there was me - haggered, literal gutterpunk looking ass holding a protest sign at an unhinged protest, with a picture taken for the local newspaper. Neat.

Eventually I find my house. I walk in, and my buddies are like "Holy shit, what the fuck happened?". Apparently, I got so drunk I fell off the porch and was just generally being a fool, and got kicked out of the party. These guys then took me to try and get some pizza in me at some place. At a certain point, I just dropped my piece on the floor, left the building, and the rest is history.

I don't talk to those guys anymore. I don't drink whiskey from the bottle anymore either.

What's funny to me is that this isn't even my first unhinged drinking story from that place - I found myself on the wrong end of a 12 v. 3 brawl at a chain pizza restaurant over someone calling my buddy a chicken nugget, the day we went to sign our lease - but that's a tale for another day.

Weed's soooo much better, kids.

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You're 100% overthinking it. If you like her and she's into the idea, date her - more to the point, get to know her in that context.

If it doesn't work, it doesn't work. But I mean, I've been with my partner for 14 years (married for 8 of them) with a 7 year age gap, meeting at the opposite end of our 20s. Sometimes it works.

I'm not who you were talking to, but I think you and I can agree that war is primarily a means to increase the power of the aggressor. Money is one form of this, perhaps the main one - though I'd argue things like direct control over other territories and their populace is another (connected to money re: control of resources, sure, but that's just one aspect).

That said, the American WWII dead buried at Arlington, or the Canadians and Brits buried in Dieppe for that matter, or heck, even the Soviets buried in Warsaw (regardless of how you may feel about the former USSR in general) - would you say that their lives were given, primarily, in the name of money/power? Or in defence of that being stripped from others by force?

I'm not going to pretend there isn't an argument to be made for the former, but I am legitimately curious about your thoughts here. Is it ever just to take up arms?

Let's say you have a 50/50 chance of getting your choice of a vanity number or a randomly assigned 800 number - what do you do in either outcome?

One Christmas, my mother-in-law gave me an unopened bottle of whisky they had in their cabinet for a while. It was some of the best whisky I've ever had. About halfway through the bottle on Boxing Day, I took a moment to look up the cost (it's since gone up in price, but you'll get the idea)

I. Was. Horrified. I have exactly two ounces left, that I will probably consume with my wife on my deathbed.

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Having an in-depth conversation with a crossdressing or trans street sex worker at 0100, claiming they were thirty but who looked eighteen at most, looking to do tricks for meth money, while I was outside of a bar on karaoke night on acid.

She showed me her DeviantArt page, which included a drawing of her as a queen on a playing card fellating a shampoo bottle. It was the most fucked up, but interesting drug-addled conversation I've ever had. Very friendly, eventually went down a block to another group of people because quote 'They look pretty drunk'.

Every part of this sounds made up, but I swear it's true.

Edit: For some reason, I think it's important to point out this was a Thursday night.

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Brain - Candied
Tapeworm - Fed
Heads - Crushed
Chicken- Ladied

Take that, atheists 😎

Irritability, sleep problems, night sweats, appetite issues, etc. These are 100% withdrawl effects for some heavy or frequent cannabis users who stop cold turkey.

Is it cocaine or heroin withdrawl? Absolutely not. But we don't do anyone any favours pretending that people don't experience these symptoms when stopping (though, on the other hand, not everyone does. Depends how heavy/long you've been imbibing and individual differences in body chemistry).

Ah, hospitals. I feel for you.

I haven't read the comments here yet, but scenario 1 and a modified scenario 2 in combo sound like the best approach. DO NOT TELL PEOPLE TO CALM DOWN, IT WILL ALWAYS MAKE THEM ANGRIER. The best way to do it IMO is to model the behaviour you want to see - remain calm. Explain (to the degree that you're authorized to as a nurse) why they can't do the thing, and the potential outcome of doing the thing. While trying to calm them down, have the more vulnerable target disengage and make the call to security. Remember that your duty is to your patients' health and safety - make it as clear as possible that you're not doing this to be a power-tripping douchebag, but to make sure their father gets the best possible care they can so they can go home ASAP.

My work experiences are not exactly the same, but similar in some respects. I've found it useful to consider the following - in a healthcare-related scenario, the person who is super pissed and aggressive is usually more scared/freaked out than angry. If you address the fear they will usually calm down pretty quick (or at least the anger turns to other, less dangerous expressions of fear).

Does your hospital/union offer any training on descalation techniques? They're not a cure-all but it's vital stuff to know in a high-tension environment like a hospital.

Edit: Misread the OP and thought patient was the daughter of the aggressors, fixed to say 'father'.

Small improvements are still improvements, my friend - good on ya!

I'd say legalization is actually better in this case, as you can provide licenses to pharmaceutical manufacturers subject to QA regulations, lab accreditations, etc. Decriminalization just means that guy with 1:1 cocaine:fentanyl is probably getting a ticket rather than arrested.

[Was going to put a 'doesn't help when the guy overdoses' comment here, but thinking about it now people do overdose (and die) on just cocaine too. One of the factors that make this a different conversation than cannabis. Don't know the thresholds for overdose re: just coke, though]

Love the worst band in the world, fam.

If nothing else, they're an inspiration for just doing your own thing artistically. Fuck the critics, just make some shit you're passionate about, make it available to find its audience, and connect/bring in other folks who want to do the same.

IMO, they created/'popularized' an entire genre of music, and some of it's better than what they put out (for example, I like Twiztid more - but they wouldn't be what they are if it wasn't for ICP and Psychopathic Records)

Edit: For those who need a pick me up going into work tomorrow, a little MMFCL for ya.


I love my sibling - but they're kind of an asshole. There isn't any real malice behind it, or at least I'd like to think so, but they just do not consider the opinions, feelings or needs of others at all. A little bit of that is healthy. I'm talking to an unhealthy degree. It has repeatedly bit them in the ass, and was a major factor in torpedoing what could have been a good career before it could get going, so thoroughly that they'll likely never work in the field they trained for.

In the last couple years, they've at least started to learn when it's best to just keep their mouth shut, but it was a long time coming.

At their core, they are not a bad person, but I always find myself frustrated with something after spending time with them, which is upsetting. I really wish this wasn't the case.

Hold up - as a Canadian, this isn't a skill everyone learns in/around high school??