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Joined 1 years ago

If some Americans I disagree with want fewer immigrants coming here, then a more stable Mexico would encourage Mexicans and other Spanish speaking immigrants to stay in Mexico. Mexicans wouldn't immigrate to the USA, and Guatemalans and so on would stop at stable and prosperous Mexico rather than making the further journey to the culturally estranged USA. Instead of building the wall, we'd make Mexico a net.

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What short sighted idiots. Chopping down a tree to steal the fruit? Our species is its own Great Filter.

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Natively run Windows software. Do I win?

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Nobody else knows or cares how Cyrillic is pronounced versus the language the rest of everything written is. You're just confusing people, especially if you don't care about proper grammar to match your capricious language hopping.

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It's exhausting having Europeans assume that because I live here I A) endorse everything about it with every fiber of my being and B) have no ability to conceptualize any other way of living at all, much less a better one than my current American lifestyle.

It's true we don't have a quaint medieval village on an island, but we never had invading Huns or something force us to live on a postage stamp of land and make a quaint little village there.

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Well good. Those companies deserve to fail if their business model can't support itself without abusing people.

They want to disenfranchise people so they keep power illegitimately.

Hey dipwad, we the people elected him.

Edit: specifically he was elected in hopes of doing things like this instead of hiding nuclear secrets in pool houses. It's a matter of priorities.

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I feel as though in the US these are seen as the same sort of behavior, though perhaps to different degrees. The dog may be whining to go out, and the teenager is whining about having to take out the dog. Very interesting, the differences that have cropped up in such a short time between our dialects. Have a nice day!

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Hey just wanted to say I think it says good things about your psyche that you're being kind to you.

Yeah, so much so that I had to tell you about it in that last comment I wrote.

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In a toga, that changes the audience age rating.

You have good weed.

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I would trust you with my technical questions! You look professional!

Seriously? Unlike all the warm supportive right wing dehumanization. That person is sick. They'd be sick on either side of the aisle. Making this a left/right thing is small of you. I don't know you so I didn't expect better, but in a general sense I hoped people were better than what you've demonstrated here.

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I'm so glad someone understands. It doesn't necessarily have to be Huns. Tartars or Mongols or really any nomadic horselord invaders would do well. Just drop them in the middle of Nebraska and let them get started.

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The people who want us to give up all meat and even not have pets operate the biggest kill-shelter in the United States. They're constantly preachy, condescending, they lie. Fuck em.

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I probably could if, y'know, my life depended on it.

Wait, 11 tastes like goat barn and frankincense?

The Big Lebowski

Who does that help?

Edit: Yes, I see.

Edit 2: Ah jeez.

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Black and white? Don't fight. Grey? Stay away. Green? Remain unseen. Plaid? That's real bad. Red? That's just Fred. Clear? Oh dear... Orange? Make some...more...whinge?

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I know Valve and others have done a lot of the legwork already, so maybe it won't be so difficult for Apple to catch up, but it feels a little bit like Microsoft's last attempt at making phones. It's been a minute since the starting bell, the competition has the software catalog already, and it'll cost the consumer more.

I feel so free, thanks government!... Man I'm glad I'm leaving this stupid state.

Actually this one time they infiltrated a three letter agency.

I don't know how relevant this is but I heard human eyes are very good at picking shades of green out. Maybe mammals are generally good at spotting greens and so hiding as a green thing doesn't work as well. Just a guess though

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That's a great teacher. Refusing to teach a technology only leads to poor use. Even if one thinks it's a poor technology, teach THAT instead of just black boxing the topic. The bottle is open, the genie is out. Better to teach how to make legally airtight wishes than to ban wishmaking.

There are absolutely awful homeschooling parents out there but it really is up to the home in question doing the schooling. My Mom would, every semester, find text books covering the topics you normally have in school, and then some, and make a weekly plan out of it. I was given the plan, the books, and an essay to have written about topics presented by the end of the week. It was encouraged to cross topics, so for example I might read Tom Sawyer, then read a history book about the real steamships that were on the Mississippi, then the steam power that moved the ships and the science behind that. Not every parent can or will do that, but I just mean to say like, not all homeschooling parents are making antisocial disorganized idiots with no work ethic. I'm only anticisocial and disorganized.

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They get overrun by the local threats the USA may have been able to help with? I mean, there's obviously nuance here, but you aren't using it either so

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Texas will run out of bus drivers to send once a few are arrested.

It means we should be cool with dead kids because some guys in powdered wigs liked to stay strapped.

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I refuse to update.

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When a piece of content that doesn't allow downvotes, like a tweet, has lots more reposts than it does likes, the "ratio" is seen as proof the opinion was disagreed with, proportionally to the "ratio" itself.

I think he meant that scientifically girls don't have the ability to fart. /s

I'm fine with the word and thrilled with the thing itself, but a lot of people consider "pussy" a cuss or swear in the same manner that "dick" is. Is there a less provocative word you think covers all the bases?

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That was an interesting read. Thank you. You might make it a post of its own.

That bothered me too. I binged them all before Fury Road and it was a real whiplash to go from "All the houses are smashed up, there's bits of siding everywhere and everyone has guns" to "These people live their whole lives on stilts in a fetid swamp like some sort of crazy flamingo men, but that doesn't matter right now, keep driving". It seems like more time would have to pass.

So they overreact when their feelings get hurt there and I shouldn't go. Got it.

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No, an olive tree may give you an olive at 3 years. One. A hundred year old olive tree gives thousands and thousands. It's really not replaceable.

Yeah when we ask the government of that place, and they say yes, we should then feel free to do that.

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