
1 Post – 286 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I'm a big fan of Destruction Manual by Lord of the Lost

Lol. People want Boeing to fail, because they're corrupt, lying, poorly engineered pieces of shit riding on bribed politicians. They've already deliberately caused the deaths of hundreds of people due to willful and deliberate negligence to save a buck.

Nobody's wanting the astronauts to die. And they won't, they're safe on the space station, and there are multiple options to get them home safe even if they have to abandon the POS Starliner to do it.

Honestly just keep your old ones.

Speaker technology hasn't exactly advanced by leaps and bounds like graphics. The greatest innovations have mainly been adding RGB lights and manufacturing then more cheaply.

Strange how Google became the default search engine back in the day because they were so good at filtering out the dumb websites that just spam search terms all over the page.

They've regressed and become Yahoo

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Every other version of Windows. It's practically a law of nature at this point.

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because it's easier.

You have one "frame" where you just do everything: read the player input, do whatever actions, calculate collisions and physics and whatever, and draw everything when all those calculations are done.

Then you move on to the next frame and do everything again. Everything lines up all the time and always happen in the same order. Simple, quick, and consistent.

To decouple calculations and framerate, you don't know when the game will try to draw something. It might be in the middle of when you're calculating collisions, or moving the units, or calculating physics. Or you might end up doing multiple calculations while the GPU is slow and can't draw anything.

So you have to add an extra layer in between, probably saved to some memory somewhere. Now every time the GPU draws something, it has to access that memory. Every time you calculate something, you also access that memory. Let's hope they DON'T try to read and write on the same spot at the same time, that could cause bugs. And so much memory access, you've basically doubled your memory bandwidth requirements.

It's complicated, more resource intensive, and introduces potential bugs.

What if they just had an entire zoo where every animal was just a dog with dyed fur

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Many birth defects are rare, and require 2 copies of a defective gene to show up. Most "normal" people will be carrying a few defective genes (out of thousands of pairs), but are fine because they have a good copy still working.

Family members tend to have similar genes.

The chances of you and a family member having the SAME defective gene are massively greater than you and some random stranger.

Thus any child would also have a massively greater chance of inheriting 2 identical copies of the defect.

or else what? They'll bring in paid moderators to do an actual job?

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do Reddit admins think they have any kind of search function without using Google and site:reddit.com?

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the beige CDROM drive on a black panelled case is peak turn-of-the-millennium PC. Not to mention the airflow holes that are practically an afterthought.

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"X can kill gems! Why don't we use X everywhere?"

X: Thing that can kill humans too. And/or cause cancer.

See also:

  • Fire

  • chlorine gas

  • dehydration

  • Boiling water

  • Radiation

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he knows what the algorithm wants

maybe BMW can introduce a monthly fee to disable features!

Is it certified for clockwise wiping only, or is it bidirectional?

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given how much AI has advanced in the past year alone, saying it will "always" be easy to spot is extremely short sighted.

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Wait, so if I book on a "woke" airline I'll be less likely to sit beside asshole racist idiots? This just keeps getting better!

of course Valve will make a steam deck 2.

They just won't make a steam deck 3.

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But then the executives will make less money

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is fox news considered a news channel now?

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Boeing's #1 competency isn't airplanes or engineering, it's lobbying.

wait until they hear about headphone jacks!

if it's anything like Reddit

hot = most upvotes recently

top = most upvotes overall

given the rather smaller community and less activity, there is a large overlap between the two

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they're being told they are fighting a righteous war defending Ukrainians from Nazis

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Saying the Bible is based in history is kinda like saying Cocaine Bear is based on a true story

In fact I'm pretty sure we have more evidence of Cocaine Bear's existence

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originally it was sold as a way to quickly detect genetic diseases before they became a problem.

yeah. panel gaps aren't a sheet metal issue, it's been a Tesla issue since forever.

Well, we know Google won't get rid of this.

They'll only cancel it after it actually works and becomes useful

hate to break it to you, but the Israel-Palestine thing is happening a whole lot more than once in a lifetime

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Anyways both Nebula and Curiositystream have lifetime subscriptions available right now... 90% of my YouTube viewing is from creators on those sites anyway

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Just saying, hidden cameras have been a thing long before the internet was invented

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oof. I was trying to give as much benefit of the doubt before going in... like, maybe it was a consenting patient, anonymized, and it would be really cool for educational purposes. I'd love to see a livestreamed surgery where the surgeon explains to the audience exactly what's going on and such.

But this... damn. Straight up negligence

I wanted a Tyco RC car as a kid. My parents actually got it for me after waiting nearly a whole year for my birthday, and it was one of the most expensive birthday gifts I'd ever received.

Turns out it uses a proprietary battery that wasn't even included in the package! We'd have to go out and buy that separately, which made the thing like 50% more expensive.

We couldn't afford that so I agreed to return the RC car and pick something else.

I've decided to boycott them for life. Stupid Tyco for running my birthday with a stupid toy that doesn't even include the battery.

aka "Please only ever buy things off the Google Play store"

Yuck. Minimal upgrades from last generation yet they increase the price. Artificially limiting software features to the pro.

And those prices are for 128gb? Just so they can overcharge you for more memory upgrades.

"Haha hey guys we just forgot about all these artillery shells in the basement"

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HP actually has a brilliant business strategy.

  1. First get a huge customer base via cheap ass product

  2. Remove the customers who care about quality

  3. Remove the customers who care about reliability

  4. Remove the customers who care about price

  5. Remove the customers who pay attention to their monthly bills

voila, you have like 3 people left who you can charge infinite money for a lump of shit. Infinite profit margins

So which forest are you planning on burning down for the reveal party?

If camping is too effective, then the map or weapon balance is what needs work.

For example, of people are camping spawn points, why is the spawn point so easily accessible at all? Why don't players spawn behind cover with multiple exit points? Do they not get temporary invulnerability?

Or camping objectives. Why is there only one, easily defended path to the objective? Why isn't there a path for you to sneak up and just stab the camper in the ass while he's staring down the scope? Or just walk around him and ignore him completely?

Watch some professional CS:GO. Those maps have been refined and balance-tweaked for decades. You can't just camp one objective because there are two objectives. Every good camping spot is still leaves you exposed to getting flanked. Even with arguably the most OP camper's weapon in any competitive game - the AWP, teams still only run 1 AWP, maybe 2 at most. Simply because camping alone isn't effective.

Using artificial intelligence to ban intelligence!