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I'm certainly not a virtuous person but I don't think I'm categorically bad.

Thank fucking god. It's exhausting being around people for whom any meme, any post, any comment, has to spin into how good communism is, how bad the libs are, how good China is, and how bad The West TM is. It is exhausting.

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"I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are." - Mewtwo

Maybe it's on a different account but at least on this account I don't see any posts on your profile that are in the negative.

I find it interesting how posts like these only pop up asking about downvotes, never upvotes. Does this "hivemind" only do things you don't like? Is it in the room with us right now?

People have no obligation to interact with anything in any way. There are people who downvote just to make the post go away in some apps. Stop worrying yourself with what gets points. If it's that big of an issue, sign up with beehaw, afaik they don't do downvotes at all.

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I think it has something to do with everything trying to get your attention, and waste your time for metrics.

We ignore signs because we don't want to read another popup.

We skim text because we don't want to know about your life story, just the chili recipe, thanks.

We skip or misread instructions because we've been doing the job for years, and we're halfway on autopilot.

We can't find a restaurant or shop right in front of us because we're starting to learn to ignore bright colors and flashing lights.

We browse the internet while watching a movie because we've seen the same cliche Marvel movie before.

The problem is that sometimes we get so used to these things that we also do it when we shouldn't be.

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offered to pay the charge with his credit card, but German customs rules require half of the charge to be paid in cash.

What a stupid fucking law.

He should've had that shit looked at though, especially being a public person.

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We have outwards opening bathroom doors in the office and they're great for giving people concussions and bumps on their head, as well as knocking coffees out of people's hands. When we pass these doors in the hallway we put our hands up like our abusive dad went for a high five.

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Because that is better for your teeth. Talk to your dentist about it.

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One memory that kept popping up occasionally over the years is of my mother lending my neighbor my favorite matchbox car. By the time I'd gotten to him, he'd crushed it. I don't think he meant anything by it, and I don't have bad feelings to either one of them, I just know how much that sucked. I do remember that nobody gave a shit, and I never got it replaced.

Late last year I decided I was gonna get it back, so I've spent a few hours spread over some months when I was bored at my pc looking at matchbox size red Dodge Vipers from the 90s. Most had the wrong color, or extra decals, or the wrong wheels, etc. Eventually I found it, ordered a copy, and it got delivered about a month ago. I don't play with it, but it sits on my desk at home as a sort of fidgeting toy.

I'm sure it says some bad shit about my psyche but to me it's a nice reminder of a time when I was much happier. Maybe I should get some beyblades.

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I don't agree with the commenters in this thread.

An ad is an ad.

I don't care if they're for the youtuber's own stuff. I don't care what their cut is from youtube premium, they can take that up with youtube. I don't want to see any ads of any kind if I'm paying for the content. Especially considering how much premium costs.

Disclaimer; I don't use youtube premium, I use youtube in browsers that allow adblockers, and on android I use firefox with ublock.

You measure garlic with your heart, not in cloves or bulbs.

Event Horizon. Nuh uh. Mmmm, nope. Nah.

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The machine spirit requires that you submit the correct incantations

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Lmao posted to the Communism community. How is this about communism? It isn't. It's just that to them, everything is about communism.

... you can follow people on Spotify?

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Same as any other illegality. It's legal until you get caught. The account will work fine until for one reason or another it becomes obvious you're not the original owner of the account, and then it's banned. Billing changes, location changes, ip changes, confession, etc.

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Music and entertainment tastes in general tend to be quite personal, so it's probably a bit of insecurity. He'll get over it, just explain that it's not a test, you're just chatting. Maybe share some of yours first or something

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As a complete nerd and homebody I was really surprised to find out during lockdown that I needed and wanted time outdoors.

Turns out it had nothing to do with reddit, this is just how some people are

Pretty sad to see this kind of attitude. The problem IMO is buying with the intent to rent, and companies owning too much property. I rent, but I don't think that if you inherit something you're immediately a bad person until you sell it. Or if you bought something while single, once you move in with a significant other you're a bad person. I wouldn't have a problem renting from people like this either. There needs to be % cap on company rentals, and there needs to be a cap on private properties owned, but I don't personally think the number has to be 1.

Owning more property and being richer than me doesn't make someone automatically a bad person. People nowadays can only see black and white. We're so frustrated and tired of dealing with shit that we can't empathize with fellow human beings. Not everyone is a "real estate investment firm".

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I really believe that this has nothing to do with kids. "For the kids" has made me suspicious of intentions for a long time. It makes it difficult to argue against it because it implies that you're a pedo or are doing something illegal otherwise. You implement general monitoring "for the kids", and then you add some anti piracy stuff to it, then you add some hate group detection, some anti government group detection, etc. Now you have everything you need to get ahead of any danger to the government. If the people can't organize, you can do whatever you want.

The devs are the tankies that run

The universe is not locally real*.

*Locality and reality are defined in specific ways within quantum physics, and "not locally real" doesn't necessarily mean 'illusory' as you might expect. Look into it, it's some crazy shit.

There was a bunch of art inside, people even ran in to save some:

Paste the link into google translate.

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There was an AMA on reddit some time ago with a guy who had been convicted for embezzlement. His imprisonment consisted of effectively living in the prison but otherwise being allowed to leave during the day, go to work, etc. That's probably the kind of imprisonment you can expect. I'm not saying that's not bad. I'm just saying, it's not as bad as you might think. I tried googling it but I can't find it.

Personally, I disagree with the decision but do understand it. The government just doesn't want more conflict between people, and it doesn't care how it gets it. It makes sense 'mechanically', but I think it's a significant blow to freedom of expression. It also adds to the list of reasons why people will vote more right wing in the future, which sucks.

I don't replay games often, but I did several playthroughs of Elden Ring when it came out. It's a 10/10 game and nothing beats playing it for the first time blind.

However, the mountaintop of the giants is fairly lacking and the boss rush at the end leading up to Radagon and the Elden Beast feels rushed. I also prefer the Godfrey fight over the final boss.

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I don't think Lemmy has higher quality content, but it has less content which makes you interact with it to get more of your social media fix. I've seen this post a couple times passing by, and I've just come back to look through the comments because there isn't anything new to see.

II always thought this would be the case. BB console exclusivity is a Playstation problem, not a FS problem. It's the same for Demon Souls.

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No, and I'd say it's probably not the solution to your problem that you think it is.

Reading the rest of these comments, I can't help but agree. If I found out a friend, family member, or coworker was answering me with chatgpt I'd be pretty pissed. Not only would they be feeding my private conversation to a third party, but they can't even be bothered to formulate an answer to me. What am I, chopped liver? If others find out you're doing this, it might be pretty bad for you.

Additionally, you yourself aren't getting better at answering emails and messages. You'll give people the wrong impression about how you are as a person, and the difference between the two tones could be confusing or make them suspicious - not that you're using chatgpt, but that there's something fake.

This is in the same ballpark as digital friends or significant others. Those don't help with isolation, they just make you more isolated. Using chatgpt like this doesn't make you a better communicator, it just stops you from practicing that skill.

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Bro it looks like king tut was embalmed with his favorite chicken

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Cyberpunk, and specifically the Phantom Liberty DLC.

I know 2077 has a bad rep for its terrible release, but the game excels in storytelling and mocap above all else. The DLC is accessible at the end of the prologue and requires that you make several hard choices which have a major impact on the dlc's conclusion.

The DLC is also chok full of side quests and contracts that don't affect the overall story but can affect your relationship with various factions, and that are affected by other choices made outside the DLC. The quests also feature various difficult choices. Do you kill the guy you were hired to kill, or do you give them a second chance so they can get treated for the cyberpsychosis that made them lash out in the first place?

I can't recommend this game enough, honestly.

Edit: If you want more details, or have questions, just ask. I don't want to spoil too much.

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"Some other guys figured out how to trick rocks into doing stuff by putting lightning into them

I just write to the rocks instructions for how to do some work. I get paid for doing that."

This is basically it, but I'd like to add something. Don't bother drilling through the long piece. Instead, find a peg of equal diameter to the one that broke, cut it to size (+some that will go in the balls) cut off the old peg, drill holes in both balls, and superglue in the new peg.

You can get brass rods in scale modeling hobby stores and/or online and they'll be crazy strong. Alternatively you can get plastic rods in a variety of diameters.

This isn't a question, and fits better in one of these communities:

It is they who are extreme.

The US is going to pressure the EU into loosening regulations for US based tech companies which will result in a return to some, and the advancement of other anti-consumer practices.

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IMO sitting at my desk, watching logs or waiting for something to come in isn't living my life. I can't do my hobbies, I can't play video games, drink a beer, watch a movie, hang out with my friends, etc. Browsing lemmy or youtube isn't exactly living my life. As long as I'm at that desk, I'm working.

My mom refuses to watch anything remotely 'scary' so she hadn't seen Lord of the Rings. I managed to trick her into watching the first movie by watching a vlog of some people visiting the hobbit holes in New Zealand.

She loved it. She didn't like the orcs and the balrog, and the fighting, but she loved the story, all the beautiful nature, the lighthearted nature of the hobbits, all that good beautiful stuff. We saw each of the three movies on a different day and she was the one who asked to see each of the sequels. It was nice to share one of my favorite things with her.

My favorite new movie I saw this year was Dune. It was the first movie I've seen in a long while that made me go "Was that it? Where's the rest of it? That can't be all there is. I want more!" needless to say I'll be seeing the sequel in the cinema. I loved the books and I loved the movie too.

You don't have to imagine it at all. All you have to do is go on youtube and learn about Replika.

To summarize, someone tried to create a chatbot to replace their best friend who had died. Later, this evolved into the chatbot app called Replika, which was marketed as a way to help with loneliness, except the bot would engage in dating-like conversations if prompted. The company leaned into it for a little bit, then took away that behavior, which caused some distress with the userbase, who complained that they had "killed their girlfriend". I'm not sure where the product stands now.

I don't know if I'd feel weirded out, but I'd definitely feel worried if it were a friend who fell for a chatbot.

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I like my morning ritual a lot. After I brush my teeth, I shave, and then I have a coffee before I get dressed.

I used to hate shaving, just an annoying chore that gave me razor burn and bumps, that I had to do because I can't grow a beard. So I switched to an old style double sided blade safety razor. Yup, like your grandpa. Yes, they still make those. I also got a badger brush for lathering, and I make a ritual of it. When I start, it's like "ok, it's time for something pleasant that I can't rush, and I will do it, and I will enjoy it". And you know what? I do enjoy it. The old timey razor irritates my skin a lot less, the result is better and smoother, and I like how the brush feels on my face. I feel like I look good when I'm done.

And I got a nice coffee machine, and good coffee, and I take the time to enjoy it before I leave for work.

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