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Joined 12 months ago

Set the battery usage of your essential apps to Unrestricted and your persistence problem is solved. Android has vastly improved its security by cutting off the workarounds shady (and legit) apps have used to persist. Some of these improvement are from GrapheneOS devs hardening the AOSP pipeline and increasing everyone's privacy. You mention VPN apps getting neutered. I've never experienced Wireguard getting killed by Android and I use that app nearly continuously. I also use Syncthing all day. Setting its battery use to unrestricted keeps it working just fine. I use the app's internal options to disable syncing when my battery tapers off. The hacky workarounds you speak of to maintain persistence on A14 should be killed off to improve everyone's privacy.

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No way. Anyone have a link? Its gotta at least have electronic fuel injection. A 2025 Benz with a carburetor and old school distributor is not believable.

Why's it free on F-droid but $3.49 on Google Play? Or is the dev on Play just shamelessly profiting off an open source app? Edit: My bad. As everyone pointed out, purchasing on Google Play is how you can donate to the project. Sorry to jump to conclusions.

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Good call. Sedans are un-stealable. taps head

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I'd say this is more of a billball. Sorry, everyone.

Retrieving samples would be the last thing on my mind if I was dating a shark. I'd be preoccupied choosing an appropriate appetizer and getting that silver fox back to my underwater cave.

Its not even a free market. Check the protectionism keeping Chinese EVs out of the US. Its more like the land of corporate profits.

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10 LTSC is the last tolerable version of Windows.

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It appears you're attempting to patch the installed app. Download the APK and patch that file. Then install the modded APK.

You can download APK here:

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Why use Edge tho? If you want a browser on Android with extensions, just use Firefox. In my humble opinion: M$ anything should be avoided (unless there are specific benefits or features).

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I avoid the site when I can, but I use Revance-modded Infinity. You generate an API key on and mod the APK with that via Revanced Manager. Unless I'm missing something: that gets you an ad-free Infinity experience for free. Fuck Reddit and fuck Spez. Hopefully the Fediverse will get more niche communities and I can abandon that site for good.

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That's a good Momma. Helping out pups of all species.

I feel legitimately bad when I see friends and family obediently sitting through ads. I absolutely do install extensions and 3rd party clients to remove ads. I alslo help my parents and close family install ad-blockers. I just don't want to be the guy who gets blamed when YT changes something and a 3rd party instance, client, or extension inevitability breaks. Just because I keep up on the latest blocking methods, doesn't mean I wouldn't like an ad-free experience for all.

Aux vs Bluetooth is not analogous to Betamax/VHS. It's more like WiFi and ethernet. WiFi can replace ethernet most of the time, but there are clear benefits to wired connections.

BYD recalled 53k cars in 2022. The pictures you're talking about of abandoned EVs in China are mostly from ride-sharing companies that went bankrupt in the mid-2010s (after purchasing the cars with generous subsidies that ended in 2019).

Search "The.Daily.Show.February.12.2024.WEB.h264-RBB" and you will find links and magnets.

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"Alexa, was there an attempt by Amazon to put Internet connected microphones in everyone's home?!"

Is Fossify's SMS app on F-Droid yet?

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FPV is hugely popular these days. You can get small, light cameras with low latency that connect to goggles (or TV/monitor). Its fairly affordable and you wouldn't need a large RC vehicle to live out your Home Alone 3 dreams!

Edit: The car in the movie is a Tyco Mutator (for any interested RC nerds).

Planned obsolescence is the preferred method (and doesn't require breaking and entering).

Here's a citation for your statement, mate.

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Does OpenTracks have the features you're wanting? It tracks your path, shows stats, and allows you to save it to recall later. It's on F-Droid.

What reality do you live in that you think vehicles in the U.S. are getting smaller? Please compare a new Colorado or Maverick pickup to an S-10 or Ranger from the 90's. Sales of fullsize cars have decreased over time (but that's only because they have been replaced by trucks and SUVs).

I can 2nd that SyncThing works well with KeePass. I have it running on Windows, Android, and a few Debian computers (guys, I use Linux) and I've never had an issue. I just checked (and apparently I'm a thug), because I've been using "No File Versioning" for years. You may want to opt for any of the available options to err on the side of caution. As long as you're adamant about syncing any changes ASAP (and not modifying the database on 2 different devices simultaneously), you won't have issues. Even when I have screwed up (by editing the DB on 2 devices), the KeePassDX client on Android has handled it gracefully and allowed me to merge the conflicts. I also always keep regular backups of my database outside of the whole SyncThing monstrosity (just for worst case scenarios). Cheers mate, give a whirl.

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At least get a cleaning for a few hundred bucks, opt for x-rays, then discuss what your options are for restorative work. Finding abscesses and getting screened for oral cancer is important to your overall health.

The margins are why car makers prefer them. Crossovers are cheap to make, have fewer emission regulations, and they conveniently sell for higher prices.

Care to share what outlet you had success with? I'm comfortable with Home Assistant and ZigBee/Z-Wave. Something this critical probably shouldn't be wireless, but I digress. I'm also interested in what software you're using for monitoring and alerts (if you're willing to share). Cheers!

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That's not the point. USB 3 is 15 years old and has been widely available for 13 years. Most would expect a new $800 flagship phone to have modern standards.

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Gotcha. That does make sense to me. Its hard to verbalize, but Firefox does seem a bit clunkier than alternatives. Chrome on Android also runs buttery smooth. I'll have to give Edge a try sometime. I try to keep an open mind, but I do gravitate towards open source (when it makes sense and works well).

Download and install the Revanced Manager APK from

Now you want to download the Infinity APK from

Now you open the Revanced app, go to the Patcher screen and "Select an application." Tap storage and navigate to the Infinity APK you downloaded. Tap "Selected Packages" and tap the gear next to "Spoof client." Enter your ClientID, which you get from:

After you enter that, tap Patch and wait patiently for your modded APK to be built. Now install that new APK and you should be set!

Obviously you should test any APK on VirusTotal (or similar) to make sure they are not malicious, but yeah. Please downvote me to hell if any links I posted are bullshit.

That's crazy that you heard about crypto before it was created in 2008. Are you Satoshi? Did Hal Finney get Internet installed in his casket?

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Syncthing accomplishes both local and Internet transfers and doesn't need a third party server (if you're not doing NAT traversal). I don't think you can send individual files through it's interface. But you can share a directory and any files you add (or edit) will sync via P2P to other devices.

Firefox + uBlock Origin + User Agent Switcher (set to Chrome). I did get the pop-up once saying they would cut me off. I cleared cache and browsing data and haven't seen the warning since. 🤞

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Thanks for the advice! I just added 2FA to my phone carrier account.


More blackjack and hookers

I'm the closed container.

OK cool. I've played around with blocking net permission for other apps on Graphene and confirmed it really kills Internet access. I've been on Nova since I started on Android many years ago. Old habits are hard to give up. I'm in the same boat and haven't found a replacement launcher either.