Gnome Kat

2 Post – 227 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

wa wa wa

not really but also kinda? it feels like getting your ass fucked i dunno what you wanna hear..

::: spoiler prob more detail than you want so spoiler it's like asking if cumming and peeing feel the same, they are distinctly different but kinda similarish in that fluid is being moved..

pooping is like just a bodily function, you push and things fall out.. wipe and flush and move on.. not much emotion other than relief.

Getting ass fucked is completely different, it's like having one of your most intimate areas opened up and penetrated in a way that simultaneously feels taboo but amazing at the same time. You aren't pushing you are relaxing and there is a thing inside you hitting parts you didn't even know you had. Your ass being stretched and held open, if you are properly relaxed it feels amazing, if you are nervous and clenching then it can be painful for both parties. If you have a prostate then getting that hit will force prostate fluid out and you won't really cum but just sorta start leaking fluid, it's wild. The term for this is prostate milking..

Over all there is just a whole host of sensations and emotions involved in proper anal such that describing it as reverse pooping is not really accurate. Are there overlaps? Yes, but it's still a very unique experience. :::

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Making friends as an adult

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Hey the auto workers are striking now... can we just like... do a general strike already?

Honestly I think lemmy is kinda meh but im just here cus fuck reddit...

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This might be a dumb question... but uh... what are the alternatives in the modern US?

How do people meet nowadays? Like there are no 3rd places left, I dont want to pay to be in some overmonitized club or some shit. I am long out of school. Meeting people seems next to impossible nowadays.

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Who is still interested in that stite it's actually baffling at this point that there are still people on there.

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trans people

You should look up the double empathy problem. Its been shown that autistic people don't struggle to communicate or be understood by other autistic people. Its only between autistic and non autistic people where the issues arise but only one side gets all the blame when the failure is both ways.

That's an oddly transphobic/intersexphobic way to express a criticism of semicolons...

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Nah leftists true enemy is the luke warm centrist who will agree in theory but not in action. Fascists are atleast honest and easy to spot. Its the people in the middle who bothsides evey argument till we are sitting here watching genocide happening before our eyes and still nothing is done to stop it.

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Political compass memes are unironically the dumbest fucken shit ever, I really hate them.

Any attempt to plot all of politics onto a two dimensional image is just pure concentrated idiocy mixed with huge helpings of stereotyping and propaganda. Stop taking these things seriously, they are not serious, they are actually the opposite of serious and are actively misleading you and making you dumber just looking at them.

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Literally it's just wealth peacocking and classism, that's it... people who are proud of owning an iphone are gross

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Mastodon is pretty great for queer people. Better than lemmy I would say (and obviously better than the mainstream apps) ...

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Please just give us good public transport, busses, trains, please...

we dont and never have needed flying cars its a fucking dumb idea and always has been.

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Some of us have 2 boobs and 2 testicals :)

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Maybe Oklahoma schools should focus less on porn and focus more on preventing 16 yo trans kids from being brutally attacked and getting their head smashed into the ground repeatedly until they physically could not walk. Maybe they should have called an ambulance instead of waiting for the kid's grandmother to take them to the hospital. Maybe instead of worrying about porn Oklahoma schools should be held responsible for the death of Nex Benedict who died the next day from brain trauma.

Fascists need to be locked up for life

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My 2c is that if the majority of people are confused about the purpose of a punctuation mark or language feature in general, then that feature is not actually fulfilling a useful function. If it was actually useful then people wouldn't be confused, they would just be using it. People would learn it organically and not need it to be explained.

That example sentence would function exactly the same if it was separated by a period, nothing is gained by using a semicolon. No new information is added, you are just going to make people wonder why there is a semicolon there making the sentence less comprehensible.

Its sorta related to the prescriptivism vs descriptivism distinction.

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i hate linkedin so much

looks around at the fediverse uh we kinda already are...

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How do you spend 35 hours on a game you aren't enjoying??? My dawg value your time more

The article and comments seem to be primarily focused on the racist aspects of dress codes. I just wanted to chime in and point out they are also very transphobic and queerphobic and are very often used as a way of punishing queer people. So multiple axes of oppression involved with dress codes.

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Can you elaborate on what "subpoenable information" means. Like I have a vague idea but im not super clear if thats like a legal term with special considerations or whatever. Elaboration would be helpful.

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The news report is probably from 2018..

Like China’s social credit system?

or just like... credit scores... ppl act like china invented the dystopian social credit system but the US has been doing it since the 90s..

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cases like this are why we need more specific tags like NSFL... i see NSFW and i think oo something horny not something to give me nightmares

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This is how they justify half the evil shit they do... make up lies saying the left is doing it too so they need to do it to make it fair.

Meh, sometimes I drive places a really should have walked.

sounds like you are part of the problem

ACAB even castle guards <3

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can you not use ableist slurs so casual?

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I get you are just making a joke but I hate responses like this, it completely misses the point. It's like those dumb carpool memes. It just doesn't work like that.

Fascists absolutely do not care about consistent ideology. Their goal is to hurt people, it's about power and disciplining/terrorizing the working class. We are cattle to them, our only purpose for existing is to serve and if we get too uppity they turn the screws. They are trying to systematically hurt and depower certain groups of people, not apply some consistent ideology. They will always just do whatever gives them power and takes power away from the groups they have deemed lower.

Because people think mo money = mo good.. its core ideology of capitalism.

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Some people don't want to financially support creators who on record have said things like homosexuality is wrong and should not be encouraged. Watching youtube videos is financial support.

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Bruh babies cant even talk or have object permanence, don't try to spin that as being smart.

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hes so orange in that picture it's weird...

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It absolutely does not. I have worked for the US government doing "simulations" of UAV (unmanned aerial vehicles) control systems as a software engineer. I put simulation in quotes because they hardly qualify, they were using a shitty game engine from a shitty war game that was like 10 years old. Their tech was a shit show absolute garbage. The worst job I ever had. I do not believe they have anything we don't see in the private sector or in academia. They don't have secret tech like that.

Is Trump gonna genocide harder or something?

I mean.. yes... yes he would definitely support escalation of the killings. He has stated he thinks they aren't going far enough so trump would 100% just encourage full genocide openly

Biden is at least turning on this issue, though obviously it's way too little and too late.. but he is at least reachable and is now saying there needs to be a ceasefire.

Is biden doing enough? Fuck no.

Should he step down and let other dems run? I think yes... I would feel so much better if we had a candidate who hasn't been supporting this for as long as biden has.

But would trump be worse on this issues? Absolutely things can get so much worse..

I see George Takei and Neil Gaiman post on there :)

Maybe if we eliminate the concept of countries and borders and national identity

fuck off transphobe

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The sad thing is a lot of companies are doing the same thing...

I'm job hunting rn and most of it is hybrid or in office. I am not saying all of them are I seen a few that are remote but they feel sorta rare at least for the jobs I'm looking at (graphics programming, games and GPU stuff).

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