Twitter now blocking all DMs from non-Twitter Blue subscribers by default to – 1318 points –
Twitter changed DM settings so users who don't pay for Twitter Blue can't message you

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Who is still interested in that stite it's actually baffling at this point that there are still people on there.

Journalists and politicians love Twitter for some reason. They're the only people keeping it alive right now.

Pundits in general. I really enjoy The Majority Report, but it pisses me off how much they criticize Twitter but still talk about what they're saying on it.

Check the news. Twitter is/was used all over the place as a source for stories. The death of twitter removes the source of some really easy reporting income.

I only use it to get updates and breaking stuff from NFL, ESPN, POTUS, etc. I don’t actually go on it to browse. I wish there was another place where I could the same level of breaking/interesting news/updates

Those probably have a twitter mirror on mastodon by now. As long as there's no need to interact a mirror bot would probably work.

I still don't understand what it was ever for in the first place.

I've been there since 2014 and if I wasn't aware of the constant whining about how bad twitter is on other sites but twitter I wouldn't know anything has changed. For me it's the same it has always been. It's also the only platform where I have any kind of following so I don't just leave like I did from reddit.

So the bottom half of any twitter comment thread has ALWAYS been crypto scammers, gofundme scammers, bots hawking t shirts and maga chuds responding off topic?

I have no idea. I don't read twitter threads

Guys why are we down voting a Twitter user for giving their perspective?

This thread started with someone complaining that it's baffling and they can't understand why people are still using the platform.

That is why that site we shall not mention has died, let people discuss for discussion's sake

That’s so interesting, our Twitter consumption habits are really different. What do you use Twitter for? Just sending out updates to your followers?

Also as an aside, I hate how lemmy users are like Redditors and downvote any information contrary to what they want to see

I hate how lemmy users are like Redditors and downvote any information contrary to what they want to see

I was thinking the same. There's one person being honest about why they use Twitter - in a thread asking about why it's still used - and the only thing people can do here is downvoting him? It's sad.

It's not all users, it's the server culture. Try a different server and you'll see a different user culture.

Servers are not isolated from each other, people participate in communities regardless of the server they have their account on, that's how the federation works.

Tho if by "server" you actually mean "community" then yes, each community can have its own "culture" like different subs on reddit did.

Unless a server is defederated. Try viewing from for example. You'll have a more curated, and some would argue, less toxic experience. I have accounts on multiple servers and swap between them depending on my desired browsing experience. And though lemmyworld has a huge amount of content the quality of the discussion often reminds me of what you'd find on Reddit all.

I know of beehaw defederating from a lot of instances, that doesn't make them isolated tho, there are still a lot of instances they're federated with.

That's true but my point is that a lot of the servers that they are de-federating result in a significantly different experience. The inexplicable down voting you referenced above is not encountered as frequently on beehaw, at least in my experience.

That's only beehaw tho, it's quite an unique community, it's not representative of the "average" lemmy server.

I started on beehaw and then moved to and have been using it since... i appreciate what beehaw are trying to do but the server and their leadership feels a little like they are sniffing their own farts, and I didn't like that my feed there seemed a lot more sparse than the one I see on I am still feeling it out tho.

I only post pictures and only follow people that post pictures. I basically use it like Instagram in 2014. I just don't get any engagement on Instagram so I stopped using it. On Twitter I got like 1600 followers and I'm not even consistent with my updates.

I've never made text posts there and I never read what other people are writing. It's a bad platform for that in my opinion.

Are you trying to move to another platform that might also get you followers/help you maintain those.followers (Threads, BlueSky). If I had a photo account, and dining post anything personal about myself, I would probably try any and all platforms. But I don't use SM like that. Does Twitter allow mentions of other platforms you're on? (When he banned mentions of Substack that got me interested in it and it led me to download the app and create an account there.)

you don't know how bad twitter was or what has changed because you were just ignorant. The issues are still there. If you say there is no starving children because you don't see them, your opinion is irrelevant.

Am I supposed to leave twitter because other people don't like it or what's the issue here? Like I said; I've had no problems with it. My feed is 99% what I want to see and the rest is cat videos

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The worst thing is that the blue checks swarm the replies and are prioritized, so when a fucking dumbass says something idiotic you don't even get the catharsis of watching them get ratioed and dragged. It's all just sycophant idiots now.

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