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Joined 1 years ago

Iā€™m 25 years old.

No. The answer is no. Unless you were exclusively looking to date leonardo dicaprio, 25 is not too old

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I mean the eff can only do so much to defend people who didn't even fucking bother in the slightest to defend themselves and just rolled over at every turn

I'm sorry but I refuse to switch to an emulator that is not named after a citrus.

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Prices don't make sense because you, as a regular person, don't see the overwhelming majority of what contributes to them.

For instance, I figure you aren't particularly familiar with the output quantity of various semiconductor factories around the world, the overall percentage that are good enough for high end computers, and how many different companies around the world need them for their products, and in what quantity. Or even on the consumer end, how different use cases effect demand, along with how the various brands stack up against each other in their current offerings.

In a similar vein, I love my ps vita. Hacked, it's an absolutely amazing console, and is able to boast the "actually fits in my pocket" award.

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It largely depends on what the online functionality does. Pirating software that heavily relies on external servers as opposed to your machine isn't really feasible. But if it's just a phone home to verify, someone has probably cracked it

The problem, at least to me, is the wildly inconsistent application of the rules. Plenty of streamers have gotten bans for inappropriate content for far, far less than this, and been told to shove it when they tried to appeal. I can guarantee you nobody would be up in arms over this if twitch just treated it as a free for all, and didn't care if people streamed tits. The problem is that it isn't, and lots of people get banned, while the big thirst streamers get given a free pass on everything

Also, If this goes through, the "banned games" list is going to need some real pruning.

The devs just completely folded to some bogus copyright claims against their extentions

It's such an unfathomably bad idea to pirate things on company servers

I choose to interpret this as you having chatgpt add incomprehensible comments just to make code more confusing

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My guy, reddit doesn't even care if your email is valid. Just use some keyboard spam like aocjd@sjd.aa, it will accept it

Mullvad is the only one, though it's in large part due to me not being in a situation where I have any important software needs in my personal life, meaning I can get away with just free options and cracked versions whenever I need something.

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Let's be real, that's the last place anyone would look for a torrent client

From my experience, it largely depends on how online multi-player is handled. Things that require game-specific accounts or have drm tied to an account like steam, it won't work. But a lot of stuff on console works fine since it's presumed that the anti-piracy has already happened. I play plenty of pirated games online on 3ds, Wii u, and psvita

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For me the primary question is "Am I willing and able to buy this firsthand".

The latter is the most obvious. For instance, Nintendo won't sell me a game for the ds no matter how willing I am to buy. Therefore, I have no issues with pirating said game since they refuse to distribute it.

The former is more nuanced. Sometimes it's a matter of distain for the company and their business practices, such as Adobe. Sometimes it's a matter of the thing being incredibly overpriced. Sometimes it's just something that contributes so little value to me the only reason I'd interact with it is if it's free. Sometimes it's lack of knowledge about what I'm getting, and I want to try it first.

Also when it comes to Anime specifically, I try to support creators in other ways because my objections to the licensing companies in the US has nothing to do with the content itself.

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I extremely rarely pirate games and software. It's just far too easy an attack vector for malware. The games I want to play are usually worth buying regardless, and free software is good enough for my needs. It isn't a flat out refusal, I've definitely pirated these things, but it's in niche situations where I need to see something specific, and I always check run it under a vm

Copyright. I'm not making some statement of value. I fucking hate it as much as the next person here, just pointing out the proper acronym.

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This. A ton of games have it removed eventually. The main purpose is just to keep the game from getting cracked during the initial release phase where they expect the majority of sales and hype.

Mercury looks so damn refreshing

I get why hdcp exists, but why the fuck would apple enable it permanently, for everything? They afraid of people pirating their own desktop or something?

You can literally make a reddit account with random characters in an email format. For instance, akxue@sjcra.wd is considered valid, and since you don't actually need to verify the email to use reddit, you're good to just never care what you entered.

Sounds like a skill issue tbh. I've never run into one drive trying to grab up my entire documents folder, across 4 separate windows computers and multiple installs. And I doubt Microsoft has just decided to bless me, personally, in this regard.

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Exactly. The twitch thot meta is entirely successful because they don't have to compete with people posting actual porn, and that they aren't posting on a porn site such that it's less likely to be restricted, and gets full publicity

But don't worry, the tachi devs genuinely consider the mass bs dmca spam from kakao to be entirely good faith and legitimate

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I wonder how many non-nsfw streamers are rejoicing because they no longer have to be paranoid about modded games and nudity

Probably in the single digits since at this point nobody actually expects twitch to treat the rules as if they evenly apply to everyone

A huge amount of emoji use is either a) entirely redundant, and thus just unsightly clutter in the text as it doesn't fit in with any typical fonts, or b) completely lacking in general, shared meaning, such that it fails at being effective communication.

And yeah, there are situations in which they work, but typically it typically only does so in specific subcultures that have a common understanding of what various emoji mean. Because I'm sure you don't consider šŸ’¢šŸ’¢šŸ’¢ needs correction šŸ’¢šŸ’¢šŸ’¢ to be a sensible response to your own emoji, but it would be for many people

"why pay for a vpn to hide my ip when I can just use an ip that isn't mine" --that dude, probably

Know how to count cards?

What sort of smoothbrain neanderthals


Of course not, he would have announced it already if he was

Wow, there's 4 whole gamepass subscribers in Japan now

Didn't they just make one game, that had an error that occasionally burned out Nvidia cards?

Well it's not like I'm going to just throw the dog in the washing machine, that'd just be cruel

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Yeah, the series s was a great decision in the short term, but was always going to create a lot of problems as the current generation progressed. Because while it kept consoles on shelves during the initial launch and chip shortage, and pulled in people who would ordinarily balk at the cost, the promise of next Gen support for the series s was always going to come back and bite Microsoft in the ass when more games started to push the consoles limits.

In this regard, Sony was way smarter in just extending the ps4 lifespan since developers can just drop it any time without the existing user base feeling like the got scammed since the ps4 never had promises of running concurrent to the ps5 like the series s does.

I mean no shit. Biden is possibly one of the most generic establishment presidents possible. It's not exactly a mystery why people voted for him.

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Lmao Nintendo is doing plenty well at selling both consoles and exclusives.

I don't remember the buttons to hold, but when you boot a ds game on 3ds, and hold the right buttons, it boots pixel-perfect on a smaller segment of the 3ds screen such that it's the same exact resolution as a ds screen

but maybe citri are too obvious, maybe we should think out of the box... like melons!

Sorry, but I'm an emulated fruit purist, and melonDS is never taking over my crusty desmume installation

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The way these strikes happen is that the right holder (or usually just some company on their behalf) joins public torrents for their content, and grabs every ip that connects. It's entirely possible that in the few seconds you had qbit open without a vpn, enough of the program had initialized that the basics of joining the swarm started, and your ip got seen.

Most of the posts are videos