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Joined 1 years ago

I wish hackers would invest their time in clearing credit card debt, deleting hospital fees, or something else that actually serves the public good, instead of hacking ordinary people just trying to get by.

50 more...

For the sake of my sanity, I'm not going to read that article. The headline is bad enough. Utterly beyond comprehension.

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I find it disturbing that there are people out there who spend much of their time thinking about new ways to get people to see adverts. Surely it falls under the "bullshit jobs" category that David Graeber once wrote about.

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No. As the effects of climate change become worse, people will migrate to cooler places, which will only push up prices in those places. Poor people will be left to live in uninhabitable and uninsurable areas, while the rich will get to live in comfort.

Climate change is essentially a class struggle, like everything else in life. As long as the 1% don’t have to suffer, nothing will be done. To get the rich to do something about climate change, it will have to affect them directly.

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Elon loves drama and attention. Responding to his idiotic tweets with outrage is exactly the kind of drama he craves.

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Now all he needs to do is to connect his own management of Twitter to its failure.

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You know someone’s worldview is warped when they defend Putin. Ukraine didn’t attack Russia. It was Putin who first stole Crimea, then invaded the rest of Ukraine. How is Ukraine corrupt for simply defending itself?

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No, they'd be able to afford the best lawyers. It's the poor who would be punished the most. We already have fines for not recycling properly, even though the rubbish all gets mixed back together in Turkey or China and burned anyway. We have to use soggy paper straws with our drinks while the rich blanket the atmosphere in burned fuel from the private jets.

I'm starting to think Spez is depressed. He probably had visions of being a Billionaire tech bro by now like Zuckerberg and Musk. His only thought these days seems to be how to monetize Reddit, regardless of how he destroys it.

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Journalists and politicians love Twitter for some reason. They're the only people keeping it alive right now.

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This. All the signs point to Spez being done with Reddit. He wants out, but not before he makes as much money as possible.

Reddit brought back r/place so Redditors could have somewhere to vent their anger rather than making subreddits private or other forms of protest. R/place is a distraction and the majority of Redditors fell for it.

So they were targeting another baby?

Voat started out well enough, but after lots of hate communities on Reddit were purged under Ellen Pao's stint as CEO (under the orders of Spez and Ohanian), Voat was inundated with a mass exodus of angry redditors. Because of this, Voat ended up becoming a right wing echo chamber. Like I said, it was actually a nice alternative when it started out, but rapidly went downhill once the great purge of Reddit took place. Voat ended up closing its doors a few years back due to lack of funds.

I sincerely hope Lemmy is more successful than Voat, but without the Nazi's and Trump nuts that festered on Voat.

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I want to get off this planet now. There's too many nut cases and I just don't feel safe anymore.

I don’t care enough about Reddit anymore to take petty revenge against Spez. Life is hard enough these days without some silly internet drama. Delete your Reddit account, take a deep breath and move on.

Rich daddy = bootstraps.

The media, especially the tabloids, have been like vultures, picking apart her life, her mental health, her marriages, her kids, etc, since her death. There's no dignity in death when you're famous.

Shit yourself in front of her. You may need to prepare with laxative beforehand.

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What we need is to see CEOs become unemployed by 40 or 50%.

I don't bother pre-ordering anymore. Can't afford to. Most AAA games are £60-£70 on release (up to £90 if you want the Upgraded Super Deluxe Gold version). I wait until a game goes on sale before I buy it. By then all the bugs have been patched and most of the DLC has been released so you get a better experience.

He’s going to be poisoned or fall out of a window by the end of the year.

Corporations will be tormented between wanting robots and AI to do all the work, and needing to employ real humans so they can earn enough to keep buying all those consumer goods that the corporations produce.

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The only outcome we can be sure of at this point is that the company responsible for this mess is going to have to answer a lot of questions.

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At first I thought this was a new Marshall amp.

He’s going to be poisoned or fall out of a window by the end of the year.

Ditto. I've been on Reddit since before the big Digg exodus. Cancelled my premium sub and deleted my account on Sunday.

Could the sub be stuck? Maybe they tried to get into the Titanic through a hole or something and got stuck.

No, it's a strategy to sell you an expensive cable. Apple always do this, create a problem and offer an expensive solution.