12 Post – 393 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

" father came to America at the age of 12 as a plumber’s apprentice. No education.”

“I went to public school in the Bronx, high school in the Bronx, college in the Bronx. I started my career in Wall Street the day after I got my MBA from Columbia. I had no money. I couldn’t afford a vacation. I made a lot of money. I’m giving it all back...

I'm imagining the cost of living that allowed his father to live on the salary of a 12 year old who worked as a plumbers assistant. I'm also imagining that this billionaire probably went to Bronx Science (a free public school now where attendees likely have paid for test prep to do well on the entrance exam, out of reach for a lot of NYC public school students). If he went to college in the Bronx, it was likely Fordham - the 2023 cost of attendance (tuition plus fees and books) is now $89,575. For an MBA from Columbia, their cost of attendance (which includes room and board) is now $127,058 in 2023.

He cannot make the connection that COL and earnings have grown exponentially since the time his father was 12, yet wages haven't. Does he not see that very few students would be able to go to private universities for undergrad and grad schools and service their debt with current wages? How many graduate and immediately start working on Wall Street? He's probably against WFH, too, solely seeing the benefit to his commercial real estate portfolio and ignoring the commuting costs and work life balance issues for the workers. The world capitalism gave him and his father is gone. At this point it's as real as ghosts and dreams. We are dealing with the current world that capitalism has given us, a capitalism that only a billionaire would cry over.

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One thing nobody has commented on - how that article slips in a seemingly positive mention of Nestlé (they own the cafe that uses plant milks). That raised my eyebrows.

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The first thing I check out in AI generated images is the hands. The hands in this ad are nightmare fuel. I can't believe they still wrnt ahead and published this, lol.

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Are all Republican politicians stunt queens?

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OP was clearly talking about BDSM. Now he's too embarrassed to correct us and is continuing with this whole communities / magazine charade.

An Alabama woman was imprisoned for endangering her fetus. She gave birth in a jail shower

But over the next seven months of incarceration for “chemical endangerment” in the Etowah county detention center (ECDC), Caswell was denied regular access to prenatal visits, even as officials were aware her pregnancy was high-risk due to her hypertension and abnormal pap smears, according to a lawsuit filed on Friday against the county and the sheriff’s department. She was also denied her prescribed psychiatric medication and slept on a thin mat on the concrete floor of the detention center for her entire pregnancy.

In October, when her water broke and she pleaded to be taken to a hospital, her lawyer says, officials told her to “sleep it off” and “wait until Monday” to deliver – two days away.

During nearly 12 hours of labor, staff gave her only Tylenol for her pain, the suit says, allegedly telling her to “stop screaming”, to “deal with the pain” and that she was “not in full labor”. Caswell lost amniotic fluid and blood and was alone and standing up in a jail shower when she ultimately delivered her child, according to the complaint and her medical records. She nearly bled to death, her lawyers say.

So, jailed for endangering a fetus but not given prenatal care while in jail and forced to give birth in a jail shower when her labor signs were ignored - all of which actually endangers the fetus they are so concerned about. They don't care about the fetus, they just hate women and want to punish them for having sex. It couldn't be clearer.

Aha. This may be why Threads is based on ActivityPub - a way to prevent accusations of it being a Twitter clone. It's just an innocent member of the Fediverse. ;)

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I'm American and I can't think of a comedy show that makes fun of Indian food. Can you name one of them so I can check it out?

I'd say most medium to large sized cities in the US have Indian restaurants, so it's not so unusual.

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I upvote for general encouragement. But I upvoted this especially to be nice to you, OP. I also gave you a lil boost.

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Remember when the Democratic Party's emails were hacked and it was all over the news? Remember when the same thing happened to the Republic Party emails? Except that there was much less press attention...

I wonder why so many Republicans are publicly pro Russia now.

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OMG so that's why the CEO was piloting it? They couldn't find a sucker, er, pilot?

I don't know about taxes in Kentucky but I'm assuming people in the state want to pay as little in taxes as possible. This is the result. How will they pay bus drivers higher salaries to attract them and hire more drivers without raising revenue via higher taxes? I'm going to make a wild guess that teacher and school staff pay is also terrible in Kentucky.

Also, the articles mention that school staff is waiting with the kids. So they are out at the bus stops till 930pm? Are they getting paid overtime for this? Do they have children of their own?

What have Mitchell McConnell and Rand Paul said about this situation in their state?

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I can't think of a single left leaning space that is not concerned or empathetic about the mental health of men. I can think of several right leaning spaces that dismiss men's mental health struggles with "stop being a snowflake and man up."

This reminds me of a recent stay at a chain hotel. One person at the front desk for the entire hotel. He seemed really overwhelmed. I felt bad for the guy.

It's basic Econ 101. People buy more in high inflation periods because they know the same goods will cost more in the future.

ETA: I myself have bought sneakers in future sizes for my kids as well as household consumables and toiletries (meaning, not gifts) this Black Friday.

Every accusation is a confession.

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I asked Bard the same "don't be evil" prompt and this is the reply (they have an option to shorten the response but I didn't use it):

-Google's "Don't be evil" motto was removed from the company's code of conduct in April 2018. There are a few reasons why this may have happened.
-The meaning of "evil" became too ambiguous. The phrase "Don't be evil" is open to interpretation, and what one person might consider evil, another person might not. This ambiguity could have led to confusion and disagreement within the company about what the motto meant and how it should be applied.
-Google's business grew and its operations became more complex. As Google grew, its business became more complex and its operations had a wider impact on the world. This made it more difficult for the company to adhere to a simple motto like "Don't be evil."
-Google faced criticism for its business practices. In the years leading up to 2018, Google faced criticism for a number of its business practices, including its handling of user data, its involvement in the Chinese government's censorship program, and its work on developing autonomous weapons. This criticism may have led the company to believe that the "Don't be evil" motto was no longer an accurate reflection of its values.

It is important to note that Google has not completely abandoned the "Don't be evil" motto. The phrase is still included in the company's code of conduct, and it is still used by some Google employees and executives to describe the company's values. However, the removal of the motto from the preface of the code of conduct suggests that Google no longer sees it as the defining principle of its business.

In its place, Google has adopted a new motto: "Do the right thing." This motto is more specific and less ambiguous than "Don't be evil," and it is intended to provide guidance to Google employees as they make decisions about the company's business practices.

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  1. Endemic COVID. (This one is basically true.)

  2. Computers will make everything so efficient that workers will work fewer and fewer hours, and we will need to seriously consider what to do with all of our leisure time. (This could be true if it weren't for employers exploiting those efficiencies.)

  3. Unions will disappear. (Looks like the opposite is happening, possibly based on #2.)

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I'm American and of the Americans I know who traveled longterm or lived abroad, or traveled for free or on a budget:

  • They were part.of a student exchange in High School and.lived in Europe.for half a year(program was competitive and free)
  • They were part of a program in college that included an annual international trip (program was free)
  • They college or university abroad and would travel during breaks (had to pay for school and for the travel, but traveled on a broke student budget)
  • They were a nanny for a wealthy family in Europe
  • They taught English as a second language in countries like India, Thailand, South Korea and China, usually living there from 1.month (very short cultural.program when hey were in college) or several years (working FT in private ESL schools), which allowed for a lot of inexpensive Asia
  • They perform on cruise ships full time and visit the locations where they stop
  • They live frugally,.save a bunch and vacation days, then travel to the places with the cheapest airfare and COL, also typically not during the busiest tourists times (off season or.shoulder season)
  • They go where they have friends and can crash on their couch, or travel.with friends and split the costs
  • They are "digital nomads" and work remotely while they travel
  • They are vloggers and their travel is a part of their content; they on YouTube etc. (this also can include digital nomads - they may work their FT gig the content creation on the side)
  • They are retirees, some relatively young (military or nonprofit/governmental pensions,.money saved in Roth IRAs or.other retirement accounts that they can tap early), traveling for.months at a time or living abroad and doing a lot of traveling from that jumping off point)

Of the above, if they have student loans that they are paying off, they usually don't travel longterm anywhere. The lifestyle requires little to no debt.

ETA: Thinking of a few more,, one already mentioned by PP:

  • They saved up summer job money and backpacked in between High School and college
  • They visited family abroad periodically throughout their childhoods over the summer
  • They work for companies that had branches in foreign countries, or for the State Dept., or for NGOs, or are in the Peace Corp
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48 degrees Celsius (predicted temp) and 53% humidity (the humidity in Southern Italy today) is a wet bulb temperature of 38.52 degrees Celsius. In the danger zone.

I love sitcoms but beneath their light exterior they always have a heart of darkness, or at least a trace of one. But given your OP, I figure you can handle a teensy bit of a shadow side. Here are some generally upbeat shows with lots of laughs.

Catastrophe- I think it strikes the right balance of optimism in the face of doubt. It's light but not saccharine. It's my favorite sitcom.

It Crowd

Black Books

30 Rock


Adventure Time

Mentioned in lots of other replies:

Parks and Rec

New Girl (extremely underrated)

Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt

Brooklyn 99



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Even if they had checked the weather, would they have known 0.8 inches of rainfall translates into being stranded in the desert and possible death? I've never been to BM or spent time in a desert so this is news to me. Were people warning about this and attendees just ignored it?

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I sometimes resort to using Google to find the Amazon item I need.

He also reneged on deals he had promised the Democrats. Why would they trust him in the future?

If you get a lot of replies, too many to individually thank, you could update your post with an "ETA: Thanks for all of the helpful replies" or something like that.

I usually just upvote and thank the especially helpful replies, or the ones that resonate with particular.

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Yes! 😋

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I'm so sorry. It's a real loss of something you valued and took pride in. It's also a loss of community. Be kind to yourself while you mourn the loss. (We're all feeling it to some degree.) But you have a fresh, new community right here for you.

I'm not as well versed in FOSS as other posters but FOSS Android apps that I learned about on Lemmy/kbin and am enjoying:

AntennaPod (podcast player)
Inoreader (RSS reader)
Newpipe (YT player)
Bitwarden (password manager)
LibreraFD (PDF and other format reader, substitute for OverDrive)
kbin (I subscribe to Lwmmy communities thru kbin, also)

And I rely in Firefox with UBO, as other posters have mentioned.

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I just went to It looks like it's up but all of the posts on the main page are from 9 hrs ago or older (I didn’t scroll very far to see if there were newer ones).

I went to the search and looked up Redditalternatives. I got two error messages - "We had a server error..." and "Request failed." But the sub appeared behind the error pop ups. I see sub posts from 2 and 4 hrs ago.

Does this mean that Reddit is down? I don't want to engage too much with the site to find out.

which is present in the footer of every major website in the world

OMG, I just realize that the little blue bird will be replaced with an X everywhere. A generic looking, forgettable X.

I also realize that instead of saying "follow me on Twitter" or "I'm on Twitter," people will say "follow me on X" and "I'm on X," which sounds like you're talking about Ecstacy or Molly. Very 1990s club kid. (He's Gen X so I'm sure he's well aware of how this sounds.)

I am seldom a conspiracy theorist but I am really starting to think that he is deliberately trying to destroy Twitter, I mean X.

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I'm a woman and I liked this advice.

My tip: This might sound obvious but I'd have you wear a bright color, like red, in the first photo in your profile. It will catch the eye and stand out a bit. This is not my original thought - I got it from someone who was describing her experience on dating apps and what worked best for her. You want to catch someone's eye while they are swiping quickly through pictures.

I think almost every trip on the sub had technical issues. He didn’t seem to learn from any of those instances. If anything he kept doubling down.

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Or they are just looking for a repository for their negative feelings. Their own personal dumping ground, if you will. It's great that these men (and it's not just men) expose themselves with flat footed negging early on.

What if this person comes to Lemmy or kbin and becomes a mod...yes, I'm asking the inevitable question.

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This is tangential to the conversation but have you heard of Radio Garden? You can listen to radio stations around the world. As for "good radio stations," I'm partial to college radio stations like 90.7 FM in NYC. They have a lot of freedom with their playlists.

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I hate that he is not.paying people the severance he promised,.yet has hundreds of billions of.dollars in net.worth.

I hate that most of the people who will lose their jobs because of this guy will have their lives completely disrupted.

He's a deadbeat and a sociopath.

Archive link:

BTW you're welcome. I had to do four different Captcha tests 😆

So funny that he didn't see the logic at hiding his misogynistic world view. The point, i guess, was not to school you on logic but to test how much crap you'd put up with.

I hope he actually took a moment or two of self reflection and understands that he himself was not displaying much logic in the relationship. Who knows, maybe he'll even question one or two of his misogynistic beliefs.

I'm sorry you had to put up with that but at least you've learned what to look out for.