23k New Lemmy and Kbin Accounts Created in Last Hour

Very_Bad_Janet@kbin.social to Reddit Migration@kbin.social – 371 points –
threadcount (@threadcount@botsin.space)

According to threadcount

222,397 Lemmy/kbin accounts
+23,441 in the last hour
71,331 monthly active users


I don't think we've seen any evidence of this yet but I think we should be skeptical of sudden spikes. Could be bots.

Not to mention a couple hours ago someone publicly disclosed a bug that could create thousands of new accounts quickly.

That's incredibly impressive! I haven't noticed a single hitch and I've been browsing nonstop for the past hour or so.

Odd 503 error here and there due to cloudflare, otherwise smooth like butter!

Yesterday I was receiving a 503 error a few times. I've run into it once today when trying to upvote a post. At the very least kbin seems to be handling traffic pretty well.

The live page psuedo app is working well for me on grapheneOS with the vanadium browser, I do also get a random 503 error but it's already so much better than a couple days ago

Looks like this comes from https://www.hexbear.net/, as I understand they started federating today (https://www.hexbear.net/post/273380) with 23K users and 271K posts.

This would explain the spike in the number of users and the number of publications. So no, they're not bots





Hexbear migrated to upstream Lemmy yesterday (they were running a home developed fork from an earlier version of Lemmy). I submitted the instance to fedidb earlier today (after a bunch of failed attempts because fedidb kept erroring out/timing out for some reason). Afaik, federation is not active (yet) on their instance.

Yup, they don't seem to be federating.

Not on Kbin (hi from sh.itjustworks) but I love to see it popping off. I just hope they're ready because if it's like this now, after the 30th is gonna be nuts

Totally expected since that post from r/ModCoord mentioned kbin and lemmy

Oddly enough, they initially mentioned kbin.social directly, but we're not on the list anymore.

We've been replaced by https://kbin.fediverse.observer/list , however, we're not listed there, either.

Well, like lemmy, it's recommended that we don't all flood to one instance and overwhelm them. It seems most people have gotten the message re: lemmy but most are still just signing up at kbin.social

That's understandable. I was just confused that the site that appears to list kbin instances is missing this one.

However, we appear to be showing up now in that site list, so all is well.

This is exciting. I don't need millions of people, just enough to not be a ghost town.

I feel like we may well be over that particular hump now.

Now excuse me while I go give Ernest some more coffee. I somehow doubt he was expecting to become the founding father of a whole new social media ecosystem all at once like this. :)

Wow, finally people are flooding in, just hope these instances can handle it. Did some youtuber mention us or something?

According to the post I linked to, in the comments someone mentions that Lemmy and Kbin were mentioned on a Reddit post. ETA: I recommend rfollowing that account.

As awesome as this is, I hope it is not because of a bug someone posted about a few hours ago being able to create accounts in mass.Some people need to learn about responsible disclosure.
If legit then this is fantastic!

I was thinking they same thing. They didn't even test it ok their own instance 😑

I had to create like four accounts today before I finally got a confirmation email.

Ooh exciting stuff, I wonder if there is another wave with the appocalypse on the 30th.

the r/modcoord people finally admitted that there's no use sticking around and have finally started saying to leave reddit

I suspect that will be the next wave too. Then whenever reddit gets closer and closer to going public I have a feeling they have more steps in place they will start to change/shut down more subs that don't 'align' with a clean image they want advertisers and shareholders to see. The place will become more and more dry as everything becomes about pleasing those who pay them rather than the community.

I could be wrong but with how they ignored and responded to the recent protest (whether people agree with the protest or not) they clearly are hell bent on their way or the highway.

P.S. This is another tracking account, this time for Mastodon accounts:


These are Mastodon's latest stats:

12,632,888 accounts
+2,654 in the last hour
+60,821 in the last day
+372,962 in the last week

They also are having a lot of recent growth.

I know it's early...but this seems a better start than Mastodon! Hope it sticks! Even if we get a fourth of reddit's numbers I think we can have a great community!

Over 55 million active daily users on Reddit, a fourth would be cool but I’d be happy with a fifty-fifth too.

Haha I didn't know how much reddit does. But even a fraction would be a good place, no oversaturation.

Definitely agree, there’s probably a line we need to cross where fedi becomes self sustaining, without being driven by Reddit’s drama.

What was the Reddit userbase increase at the time of the Digg exodus? Or the Slashdot exodus? I'd be happy with those numbers. The ball should roll from there, especially as people get their grips with the concept of federation.

I saw someone mentioned earlier today that there was norhing stopping automated account creation or something (I'm not tech savvy enough to knoww exact6what he meant) aand as a proof of concept, they created like 20,000 accounts or something on sh.it.just.works. So I'm hoping this isn't just a flood of bots.

Wait did I miss something? Why the sudden influx?

/r/ModCoord is officially recommending recreating communities elsewhere now. Likely related. Though others have said it's just delayed reporting. Maybe a bit of both.

the r/modcoord subreddit finally admitted that there's no use trying to stay on reddit and are now recommending people migrate, and this was the top place on the list

I'm trying to figure out as well. Its been so vague because reddit keeps surpressing information that gets shut down by reddit itself.

The moderators organizing the protest had been trying to organize their own thing for a while to port their communities over.

It's becoming increasingly obvious that the "own thing" was untenable; too many differences to reconcile. Different mod teams had given up on the process and have already started to make places on Lemmy/Kbin.

Remaining closed is seemingly impossible; if you remain closed, Reddit will replace you within 24 hours). That's not a bluff; Reddit has done it (and is creating more and more powermods in the process as these big subreddits get centralized into the hands of giant powermods that cooperate with the admins).

With that in mind, they've decided the best way to damage Reddit is from within Reddit itself. Over the last couple days they've been putting together guidance on how to stay within the letter of Reddit's rules while maintaining the protest. Among that guidance is tips to make Reddit as miserable as possible while heavily promoting alternative communities. Everything is officially following Reddit's rules to the letter, so if the admins punish these communities they're proving those rules to be a farce.

A lot of places are now making the jump to alternate communities. Some are on the fediverse (here's a list), some aren't. But now it's "official" guidance from the protest leaders, so expect to see a lot more advertising for Lemmy/Kbin from subreddits that participated in the protest.

"delayed reporting"

growth is still great though, proud of this community

I'm new to this what's the difference between kbin/Lemmy/mastadon

Mastodon is primarily a microblogging social media platform akin to Twitter. The other two are primarily multi-forum board akin to Reddit.

All three rely on the ActivityPub protocol, so there is some intercommunication between them (esp. between Lemmy and Kbin). That's why they're often referenced in the same breath. That, and most websites operating under these standards are not run for commercial profit.

Mastodon is like Twitter, Lemmy is similar to reddit, and Kbin combines both functionalities with different terminology. I'm sure someone more knowledgeable will chime in !

  • Mastodon: Like Twitter. You can follow people, or #hashtags.

  • Lemmy: Like Reddit. Subreddits on Lemmy are "communities". Different instances have different communities.

  • Kbin: Both Lemmy and Mastodon combined. Subreddits on Kbin are called "magazines". Posts can be made to magazines directly, plus Mastodon posts with #hashtags will be automatically cross-posted to the appropriate community.

All of them are part of the "fediverse". Because of this, they can all talk to each other. You can follow Lemmy communities and Kbin magazines from Mastodon. Kbin allows you to follow Mastodon users from Kbin.

All that changes is how the content is displayed. Lemmy displays it like Reddit. Mastodon displays it like Twitter. Kbin has different tabs that let you switch between both.

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Not a ton, they're both link aggregators, and the servers can all talk to each other (except for some that defederate, I think beehaw has defederated)

my advice is to find a community you like and want to stick around in and make sure you can post and read there, and don't worry about the rest

Simplified answer: They’re like email servers, and posts are like really advanced emails. You’ll see the same content on all 3 of these since all the content is automatically emailed between them (you don’t need an account on every instance like you don’t need multiple email accounts).
Where things get different is how the content is displayed to you.

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So exciting! I’m planning on starting up my own instance for my family to use, so that way other people who don’t have the overhead or knowledge to self host can have my bandwidth 😁

Way too sudden. Someone just either made a bunch of fake accounts or that graph found a big instance it wasn't counting before - hexbear possibly?

Organic growth would not be so sharp, you'd expect to see it continue for more than an hour and slowly taper down

I think it's bots to be honest. my server went up to 1.5k from 120. not sure what i should do? i closed open registration.

Alert the autoscalers! We have a flood coming!

Reddit is laboratory for inventing creative ways to sabotage ones employer. I think maybe reddit should be concerned about the mods that stick around. Imagine pissing off a ton of unpaid volunteers and still allowing them access to your inner workings. Im already amazed at the creativity being used in resisting this ceo. Revenge is a dish best served cold.