40 Post – 59 Comments
Joined 1 years ago




For a long time now, if a flatpack is available and maintained, I use it.

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Looks like this comes from, as I understand they started federating today ( with 23K users and 271K posts.

This would explain the spike in the number of users and the number of publications. So no, they're not bots





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You cand try adding more trackers to your torrent

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Spaces are a headache whenever you're not using a graphical interface.

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The way Lemmy works, a bit like Reddit in the end, the server administrators own each community more than the moderators, so yes, they can remove a moderator and put in a new one.

If that doesn't suit you, unlike Reddit, you can create your own server or simply switch to another one.

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I want more info about this one 👀

It's quite strange, I've been downloading torrents for more years than I can count, and I upload them from time to time, and I've always had the worry myself of how to name torrents: with dots? underscores? dashes? (although with spaces is definitely not an option).

I've even asked the questions on several forums and upload sites, read tutorials on these same sites etc and every time I've asked the answer has been: THERE IS NO STANDARD, even on the tutorials, I've never seen anything mentioned such a thing.

All this to say that I'm making a meme, and after so many years, this is the first time I've heard of a Warez scene, and several times in the same comments!, curious, isn't it? I wish I'd heard about it before.

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You'll find a lot of answers in this thread:

(I used Piped ( with LibreTube (

I don't think there's a way of doing this automatically at the moment.

With Lemmy's API you could set up a bot that takes care of listing all the local communities on a remote server and then searching them from yours, which would make them appear in your search results.

But if you want the publications of this remote community to federate with your server, you need to have a local user subscribed to it.

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Maybe check:

edit: I've just seen that you don't like the fact that you can't sign in to your google account... If you want to synchronise your subscriptions with your computer, you can create an account on a Piped server and then your subscriptions will be synchronised with LibreTube. Otherwise, I don't know.

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The linked article in this post is a cut down version of the original BBC article below, except it somehow lost all of the important content in the process:

sorry for that, changed the url now (they may have updated the article)

Okay! So you first need to check /.well-known/nodeinfo to get /nodeinfo/2.0.json!

In the case of Pixelfed it's in /api/nodeinfo/2.0.json

At home, my parents are forced to use Windows and macOS because of their work, but all the machines at home are either Linux or a Linux/Windows dual-boot. The mobile phones run LineageOS. I haven't succeeded with my little brother, who's the only one with an iPhone.

Everyone's happy, and when there's a problem (which happens quite rarely), I'm asked, and it's solved in seconds. Most of the time, no one misses proprietary applications, and everyone's surprised that everything's free, hahaha.

It is already on the finnish rervers! ☺️

If you're comfortable with Python, you can try this out:

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I don't have unlimited storage...

I've just tested it and it's pretty impressive.

  1. It continues to display children's results
  2. It found my face in a photo of a crowd of about 300 people, in a video!

Interesting, I hadn't thought of that. I guess it's technically possible to post on a community without even having an account on any server...?

I shared the article through my link precisely because the site is "overly bloated" with ads...


If that's a problem, no trouble, I'll share the original links from now on!

Neglecting a fundamental right: the right to vote.

For me the best option on Android is LibreTube with a nice-working piped instance!

I don't pirate songs, but I guess I would use a scrobbler and then ListenBrainz suggestions

Thak makes sense, thank you!

works for me

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Nice work!

Have you ever written a program or simply used a terminal?

6 more... seems to have a lot of potential, but is not federated as far as I know.

How can they if I download everything on my personal computer using a VPN?

Hi, why And why don't they cause DMCA issues?

Same for Chrome


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Hetzner because that's what I had and have always had a good experience with them, anything else to recommend at the same prices? And that is a reason why I don't download the content directly on their servers but on my local machine.

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And of course, I've tried other chargers/cables...

I only heard that it was not advise / that it did not work well, and I actually tried it myself instead of using rclone sync to upload the content to the storage, mount it on my local machine. qBitTorrent downloaded everything, but the content was never reflected on the storage.