8 Post – 242 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Refugee from Reddit after 11 years. Very happy to be here in the Fediverse and have no interest in going back.

You know what's so much more expensive? Teenagers having babies. That shit is expensive for everyone. Having a child's life ruined and forced to raise a child into another ill prepared adult. Costs society lots of money.

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Because infinite growth of profits on a finite planet.

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Steve Jobs was full of shit and killed himself with his own over confidence.

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You're describing felony wiretapping. Go to the police.

Apple used to brag about how Macs didn't get viruses. I used to laugh because it wasn't that they were that much more secur but because their market share was too small to be a profitable target.

Now they've cultivated the perfect target user base. A large collection of tech ignorant or adverse people who have lots of money to burn.

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And Nintendo will "once again" outsell hardware that out performs theirs.

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I've been with namecheap a long long time now. They rarely raise prices and it's usually because upstream costs go up and everyone is raising prices. I'm a happy customer and ain't switching. I don't get bothered for endless upgrades. I only get emails when my domains come up for renewal or on the very rare occasion this happens.

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Remember when Obama did this exact thing and Trump just immediately undid it when he became president?

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LGBTQ conservatives continue to be the dumbest people I can imagine.

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Only two kinds of people believe in infinite growth; economists and psychopaths.

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I switched when I got tired of not having ad blockers on mobile. Best decision ever. The Internet can be unusable without it.

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We should all remember Ruth Bader Ginsberg, a woman who fought so hard for so many people's rights and yet was willing to undo all that for the sake of her own pride.

Plainfield is full of these people. It used to be a haven for the KKK. The high schools had racially motivated brawls as recently as the early 2000s and I don't get the impression things have improved since Trump was elected.

You know what wouldn't cost half a billion dollars a year? Giving into the demands of those striking.

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What a shitty click bait headline. He refused to comment on an appointment at all because McConnell has no plans to resign.

Here in the US we only pretend to have rights until conservative Supreme Court majorities say we never had them to begin with.

I look forward to the chaos of reddit replacing the moderation teams of 5000 subs with shills.

And in the US they insist religion will cure it. My sister in law had to demand medication, she just kept getting referred to AA. Guess which one finally got her sober?

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The container connects to the VPN and only the VPN, now you can route whatever docker containers you want through that container as a network. Now that one VPN connection can serve any container you want.

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Don't fuck about with getting a tetanus shot if you think you might have been exposed. It's not worth this.

Money is speech according to the supreme court. These groups cannot dictate how private organizations hand out money.

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Most conservatives that react to this kind of stuff seem to boycott hygiene products already.

Having bodies is not the same as having dedicated moderators. Moderating a public web forum is a thankless and time consuming task full of frustrations. Putting the wrong people in that position is a recipe for disaster.

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Haha, his supports being asked to write.

Anyone who has open discussions on the Internet and thinks they're somehow private is a fool. Short of end to end encrypted chat I'm not sure what they expect.

If he didn't have a shortisg ready to go he shouldn't be governor. Her death was not an unforseen event.

Nothing enrages me more than a password character limit. Thank you for making sure my password is LESS secure with your idiotic requirements based on security recommendations that are at least a decade old.

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That's actually kind of how the switch works. But it's not hardware in the dock, it's just the ability to draw more power when plugged in allows it to increase performance.

Perfect is the enemy of good. As long as this country is run by a majority of conservative politicians from both parties we will never have free higher education. Hell, half the country doesn't want kids to have free education at any grade level.

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There's people with differing opinions and there's people who believe people they don't like should be exterminated. And there's trolling assholes. Differing opinions can be discussed, the other two disrupt communities.

The rest of the US shouldn't take any climate refugees from Florida because they're all anti-semitic.

If you watch Andor, this is exactly what one of the lead characters Luthen is trying to accomplish. He's afraid that if the Empire tightens too slowly that by the time people are upset with the changes it will be too late. So he wants the rebellion to very loudly and publicly attack the Empire to force them to tighten their grip faster which inspires more rebellion.

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My biggest weakness is bad interview questions.

They lost more than 30% of their actual users. Of the remaining traffic a portion is just bots. Maybe 10%? Maybe 30%? No idea, but not all of the remaining traffic is real people.

The weather is literally the issue here.

11 year redditor here, I scrubbed my account too.

The goal is to banish his businesses. Part of the sentence they're seeking is to make it impossible for him and his sons to own a business in New York State.

There's already a pretty recent post about this on the threadiverse. I recommend checking the discussion there as lots of us are not likely to repeat our comments.

So I guess we're going to end the old rule of not editorializing headlines?

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Exactly, it doesn't take a genius to compare how these cookies were packaged vs how commercially made cookies are packaged for the store.