
0 Post – 148 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

We probably don't agree.
I probably said something you didn't like.
You look lovely, by the way. New shirt?

I'd still prefer to wait 5 seconds than have to watch a fucking sanitized corporate advertisement trying to sell me bullshit I don't want and won't buy with annoying fucking music, voiceover, and footage of people pretending to be happy.

Fuck off, Google. Good thing this will be easily bypassed anyway.

10 more...

"These aren't windows, they're just sophisticated high resolution 3D monitors. NASA has had this tech for decades, they've just never let the secret out. You're not seeing the Earth, you're seeing a video. Why can't we go see it with our own eyes outside? Exactly. Seems very convenient we're being asked to wear suits with image projection helmets."

You will never win with people this fucking stupid.

7 more...

"I don't expect to see any change in how we do things."

Oh, this is going to age like fucking milk. You belong to the shareholders now, mate. They'll MAKE you change how you do things, and you'll love it.

I'll legitimately be moving to Linux today. This just broke the camel's back for me.

13 more...

Living in Australia means piracy is essentially legal - individuals can only be taken to court for the cost of one physical copy of the pirated media, so companies don't even bother as long as you aren't distributing. The more things in this area get worse, the more justified I feel in filling up my 10TB HDD.

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100% this. For everyone that takes their online privacy and freedom very seriously, there are literal millions of others who couldn't give less of a fuck and proudly parrot the "if you have nothing to hide, you've got nothing to worry about" bullshit, like they're some enlightened cunt atop their own tower who conveniently ignores the consequences of every company that experiences a major data breach.

These people are the reason the internet has devolved as hard as it has, and it makes me sick to know there's nothing that can be done to stop things from only getting worse - the masses enable the surveillance capitalist machine, and what's worse is that they've become convinced they need it to survive. Meta pushing their fucking nose into places it isn't welcome, like the fediverse, just further proved it to me. These big tech firms will not stop until they own a piece of every free region of the internet, and they know that no matter how vocal their opponents are, that the lobotomized fuckwits that make up the bulk of their userbase will just lap up anything they put out.

Social media was a fucking huge mistake.

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It'll be such a surprise when it turns out all 10 have been suicidal for years and/or extremely susceptible to infection.

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Are everyone's dicks really pixelated?

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"If you refuse to return to the office, we will assume you work on behalf of North Korean intelligence, and will be monitored by our WFH bots. Please keep your curtains open."

I'd still prefer a Pixel running GrapheneOS with aggressively-restrictive permissions.

Defender is all I use, with Malwarebytes free as a backup if I sense something feels different. Haven't had a virus in years.

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Lemmy.ml is a hive of authoritarians. I'll be glad to not have to see their oppressive fascist fantasies here.

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Honestly, it sounds like a great way to further expand mass surveillance, advertising empires, compliance, and over reliance on technology that ultimately further removes us from our humanity.

I think I'm in the wrong place.

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Built with shit from Home Depot, controlled with a literal Logitech game controller, construction pipes as ballast... holy fuck, why would anybody agree to go 3.7km below the surface of the ocean in that deathtrap?

13 more...

It couldn't possibly be the fact that the game is just mid as all fuck, and people are far enough past the honeymoon phase that they're finally having to accept it.

4 more...

I love the passionate anger.

I regularly emulate Switch games on my RoG Ally Z1E, and it pulls it off so fucking well, I haven't touched my Switch since I got the thing (it easily runs every title I've thrown at it at 60fps+higher res, plus I have the ability to mod games if I need to.)

I can't imagine it'll be too difficult for them to emulate Switch 2 games, assuming Nintendo don't catch on to emulation developers too early.

I swear you can actually spot entire chains of comments consisting of only bots replying to other bots on every single submission that makes it to the front page. It's baffling how fast and hard reddit has fallen.

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This is one of the most incredible things I've ever seen. The complexity of life just continues to astound me.

Coles isn't small. They're part of what is essentially a duopoly in Australia.

I'm only 31, but I'm going to do all of these things anyway.

This complaint about wind power has always come across as the kind of thing people say because they heard somebody else say it. imo, it's just stupid people who desperately want to have an opinion on the topic weighing in with the only piece of criticism they've overhead some Sky News host parrot at some point in the past, and because that host had authority on the matter in their minds, it gives them some kind of false confidence to then go forward and proclaim the visual pollution argument, as if it has any real basis in anything.

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Nightly drinking. At this point, I don't know what life was like before I started, and as much as I know I'm shortening my life, I actually really enjoy the daily stress relief - I'm weirdly happier overall these days as a result, although I do keep my intake low.

I don't smoke, vape, trip, weed is a no go, as it triggers psychotic thought patterns, and I don't take anything else (unless caffeine counts, in which case, I'd rather fucking kill myself than give up coffee.) I enjoy having something to lean on. We're all dying, some of us slightly faster than others by choice. I don't think a couple whiskeys a night is all that bad, all things considered. The world is moving in a direction I'm not compatible with on a deeply personal level anyway, so fuck living until 80.

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Early 30's here. I was at a small gathering my best mate put together about a year ago, and his 19 year old nephew was there. He expressed his interest in anime and we got chatting. While showing me some newer anime-related TikTok stuff (I have no social media myself and haven't really kept up with modern anime), I heard some fucking awesome 'aggressive trap' stuff and asked him who the artist was. It was Lil' Darkie and I was immediately hooked. I went down a rabbit hole searching his best stuff as well as other similar artists, and now have a huge playlist of great music I'd have never discovered on my own.

imo music discovery is a pretty organic process for most people. It's cultural and spreads via word of mouth. Chatting with younger people may be the best way to go, but understand that the youth rightfully don't want us in their spaces lmao

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Bingo. If Meta get their foot in the door, then the writing will be on the wall and the Fediverse as we know it today will slowly disappear. These huge corporations have extremely covert and efficient methods of influencing change and instilling their evil values which aren't fully-apparent until it's already too late.

If Meta get involved, personally, I'll be leaving, and will just accept that the internet will never again be allowed to exist in a free state; the system won.

EDIT: I also left all social media over two years ago, and this was largely because Facebook was making me remarkably unhappy and angry. I don't want them in my life full stop and have gone out of my way to rid my digital identity of any ties to corporate proprietary bullshit. I like it here precisely because it has no corporate overlord, and it makes me sick to think that Meta can just waltz back into my life in a space users largely want to be left alone in.

Same. If kbin joins in, I'm gone. I haven't been here long enough to give a fuck, but I do love it. I want kbin and Lemmy to make the right decision, but won't think twice about leaving the second I see things taking an enshittified turn. Fuck off, Meta - nobody wants you here.

I don't like this ride anymore.

Enjoyable exploration at the very least. It's the one thing Bethesda has always excelled at, but I knew Starfield was going to be a massive disappointment full of copy+pasted POI's as soon as they mentioned "1000 planets" and procedural generation. So not only does Starfield fall flat on its face in the story and wooden dialogue departments (imo, all their games suffer here), it isn't even able to save itself with the kind of immersive and rewarding exploration experience you'd have expected Bethesda to at least provide as they did with their previous games by merit of a handcrafted, curated map.

I'm glad the honeymoon period is over with this game and people are finally seeing it for the half baked, outdated, and bland exercise in mediocrity that it actually is.

It's fucking surreal to see not only this, but the amount that Google knows about Pyongyang. I did try to get directions to the concentration camp lol

The very same AI that shows pictures of black people with dreadlocks when asked to show a typical viking also has a braindead response for a question involving Hitler and a guy who posts retarded tweets and regularly pisses off his shareholders? I am shocked.

AI is still so ridiculously tainted by bias and the relative infancy of the tech.

15 more...

This guy acting like those in charge at Lemmy being pro-CCP and censoring dissenting opinions isn't a valid reason for not wanting to be involved with them. Fuck Lemmy. Fuck authoritarians.

What a crazy fucking read. Thank you for posting that.


I'll happily just stick with Kodi. I download all the media I watch to a massive HDD anyway, as I live in Australia, and our internet infrastructure is beyond useless. No accounts, no invasive 'social' features, just my local media library - no streaming required.

Enshittification strikes again.

I just... don't care about reddit anymore. I really wanted these protests to succeed, but both the mods AND site admins revealed their true colors, and I ended up here. I fucking love kbin, and wouldn't go back even if reddit fixed its shit. Whatever happens with that site doesn't bother me one bit anymore.

I hope the protests go well, but I'm 100% certain that this is more a case of going out with a fizzle than with an explosion. I almost feel bad for them.

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I like girls. I like how they look, I like the way they sound, I LOVE their fashion options. It isn't really any deeper than that. That said, I'll usually always play a male character in a Souls title, because [insert valid reason for inconsistency here.]

EDIT: I guess if I had to further expand on this, I'd say that female characters give me a way to explore options I don't have as a tall, bearded, broad, 'built' man. I've always loved cuteness, hyperfeminine fashion, "girly stuff", and so in addition to just really, really liking girls, video games allow me to explore the cute, feminine avenues I can't in the real world.

Also, as another commenter stated, I'd also just rather look at a girl's ass than a guy's for the entirety of a playthrough lmao

7 more...

Is Session actually secure though? I know they're based in Australia, and as an Aussie myself, holy fuck would I not trust this country for even a fraction of a picosecond with anything private or sensitive. We have some of the world's most draconian and far-reaching digital privacy and surveillance laws, and I'm not ready to accept that Session hasn't been secretly compromised by the AFP, given the law against revealing government backdoors.

Happy to be proven wrong, but I always err on the side of extreme caution when it comes to Australia. Digitally, we're closer to the CCP than any of our fellow western nations.

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I live in Australia, and I hate the lack of seasonal variation. Almost every day of the year is sunny with a varying temperature between 15C-45C, or overcast/humid. On the west coast, it rains a whole lot in winter. Visually there aren't a whole lot of environmental changes, and as an Aussie, the year is generally split into "too hot, less hot, cold, less cold, and repeat."

I get the appeal of seasonal stability to those in the northern hemisphere, but live here long enough, and you'll probably miss the way the passage of time seems to pass when each quarter of the year brings with it refreshing scenery and liveliness.

I've always wanted to live in a country that experiences and celebrates the changes of the seasons and all the visual beauty it brings, and truth be told, Aussie culture and pastimes don't appeal to me at all. I feel very alone here.

I checked my account through the site and they don't seem to have shit other than my current display name. When did they start collecting this data?

Keep in mind this is the same guy who said that he idolizes the way Musk has been running Twitter. It's a real shame, because reddit is the only place I know to get actual real answers from actual real people for generally difficult or otherwise niche questions. I don't use reddit anymore as a user, but without Google search, reddit is done (given that even ex-users like myself still affix 'reddit' to the end of a search query.) I have no idea what Spez is planning, but it can't be any improvements to his site, because holy shit.