Call to action - renewed protests starting on July 1st to Reddit – 205 points –

The latest from /r/ModCoord.


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I just... don't care about reddit anymore. I really wanted these protests to succeed, but both the mods AND site admins revealed their true colors, and I ended up here. I fucking love kbin, and wouldn't go back even if reddit fixed its shit. Whatever happens with that site doesn't bother me one bit anymore.

I hope the protests go well, but I'm 100% certain that this is more a case of going out with a fizzle than with an explosion. I almost feel bad for them.

I'm here now for sure...

...but deep down I really do hope that Reddit sorts it's shit. I had a really nicely callibrated frontpage that's going to take a long time to build back up here, and will never be the same.

There were some really niche subreddits on there that I just don't know will ever make the jump (no, I'm not going to start alternatives, thank you, but I have a day job)

Stuff like /r/happycowgifs or /r/nerdcubed

My problem with kbin is the amount of real-estate it takes up on the phone. Even in compact view I can only see 4 threads at a time on my whole screen. On RIF I can see 8!