
5 Post – 100 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Green is clearly the next colour release, to complete the RGB cycle

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I'm sorry maybe I'm a little triggered because this hits close to home, but seriously how the fuck can people claim "oh suicide is going up because guns"

Are they fucking blind to how things are going in the world? I'm so fucking livid right now. "Suicide is because guns" fuck off

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Uhm, get FireFox with uBlock Origin???

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Firefox with ublock always

Solarpunk is amazing

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As a cinematographer, h.265 is superior in every way. That being said I don't mind watching other formats, as long as their is a reasonable bitrate I'll even watch 720p content

Using Chrome and uBlock for work, no issues.

Firefox and uBlock for personal, no issues.

Try only using uBlock, uninstall all other extensions. Works great for me on both Firefox and Chrome.

This is really good actually

Does this actually work?

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Millennial checking in. Not a Linux user, not a programmer, occasionally plays Minecraft

Love Aegis and Bitwarden, but here's another one that's a must if you're on stock android:


Blocks network access for apps and processes on your phone, great way to ensure apps aren't calling home all the time.

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Just did my part and posted a sexy John Oliver image

Really good point here, that just makes somuch sense

How dare you! Guards! Arrest this man!

Holy shit this is true, 0 trackers on lemmy. I have'nt had a tracker alert yet on lemmy so far, this is amazing

I've made about 10 alts so far, just making sure to secure my username in case I do need to migrate somewhere

Literally just use Signal. E2EE and open source

Same for me. Won't use with a workaround, this should be fixed

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Wtf, this sound super sketchy to me...

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So amazing to see both communities coming together!

Please link to an explanation of amp links, I'm not sure what they are

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I'm more of a top -> day kinda guy


+1 from me for ReadEra as well, great app.

Does this comment make me active now?

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Yes, I can't sleep without white noise

Firefox and ublock is where it's at

100% agree. I do miss apollo, but I'm sure in time we'll have some great apps for lemmy as well

Ditto to this. Audio is extremely powerful, more so than video in my opinion.

Record yourself reading some things you've written and upload them to a safe space for your family

Oh man that's cool! Going to be switching now, thanks!

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Hmm. Good analogy, I like it

A short hike is so good! And it's not a very long game, so it's a small commitment but so worth it

You can just turn the crypto stuff off, and the nice thing is when you turn it off it actually respects your decision and actually turns off

Thank you for sharing!

ps, which discord is this?

Hey thank you for the response!

Ahh that makes perfect sense, completely understand. Maybe making and linking a short guide at the bottom of the page would be helpful? Something to say "Not Seeing Anything?" And then it links to like a paragraph or two explaining why.

Just a thought for not so bright users like myself :s

Absolutely. I think the quirks are cool, makes it feel more new and fresh

This is my new app, netguard has been removed, thank you!

Is there anyway to blacklist new apps so they are automatically blocked from network access? I can't seem to find that functionality

Edit: Nevermind there is a toggle saying block newly installed apps, it was actually easy to find, my bad


100% Bitwarden

Are you going to manually edit all posts and comments or is there a tool one can use to bulk edit?