
27 Post – 355 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Is anyone really surprised cannabis use surged? Like with legalization you would think it would have that cause and effect.

Im glad psychedelic use surged. Makes you see reality differently and can be amazing for mental health issues which needs to be utilized. Fuck the war on drugs

Alcohol can go away though but it’s hard when there is quite literally no future to be seen

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This shit is actually crazy though. Everything that went on leading up to this. The event. The after where there are still millions supporting him. Damn I'm baked and now I'm thinking about if he got away away with it. Will never understand why people have such a hard on for him that they treat him like a god so their entire personality is based on him. Imagine being so self conscious about yourself that it takes a con man who ran for president to give you the strength to be yourself but you're not even yourself, you are Trump's minion and everything you do is based around him.

That's crazy

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It’s so incredibly sad how adults need to be reminded and told to vote for people that have a background with real education. I can’t believe people don’t care about education when it comes to voting for someone to be put in your government. I feel sorry for those people who don’t. You know it’s the people who don’t that have lives that revolve around politics and consume it everyday

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My mind changed escalator to elevator because it didn't want to believe this

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There is no way that 53% is correct. Is everyone really that fucking dumb

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Unless I'm misremembering but isn't there a pic of him?

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"We are all domestic terrorists" No republican sadly gives a shit about laws or rights anymore. They just care about power

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Oh wtf this was one of the drugs people used to poison themselves with? I was prescribed this a month ago because the rheumatologist told me is the safest drug for auto immune issues although I still need to take mehtylprednisolone every few months due to spinal inflammation that messes with nerves.

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Have y'all heard about Trump being the antichrist? I'm not religious but it's eery how closely it matches up. So many specifics that can't just be made up.

Here's a link if you're curious - https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/

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I’m not against pirating, in fact I do it for movies and tv but this is quite an excessive reaction for like a 10% increase in what? 12 years

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Excuse me? This is a real thing that is happening? The fuck

This is a completely shitpost community

I hate that saying it makes no sense at all. It’s couldn’t care less ya dumbasses

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His followers will actually believe he’s 215 also lol. Like mathematically there’s no way if you actually measured his volume

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This is hilarious

Probably cause the left has actual proof of illegal activity

This is some type of origin story. Not sure if vilian or hero

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Fuck Reddit. I’m honestly not going back. I’m happy enough with Lemmy and I am really interested to see it’s future

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I know right. It’s like the meme of “nothing ever happens” but for real. People get fired for having weed in their piss and this dude is manipulating a whole country based on who gives him the most money

Big ass lifted trucks with the double back wheels my god. I feel so embarrassed for them

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Thanks, I hate it

Getting my year long undiagnosed chronic pain issues to be diagnosed. My neurologist has been proactive this past month since I saw him so I’m hoping we can get somewhere. Got proof, just no diagnoses

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If this ain’t one of the dumbest thing I’ve read here

I'm out of the loop here

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100% would have a life altering event with this on acid or shrooms

Can't go to hell from suicide if someone kills you

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Lmfao who is that clown in the picture

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Could you give me 6 random numbers that are between 1-49 please?

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It almost makes me more upset that the subreddits are going public and makes me resist going back even more. It’s obviously having some sort of impact from that article about advertisers. Like, do mods really need to have their subreddit public that much? Go touch some god damn grass It’s irritating

This is Spezs fault somehow

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What uh…. Games are not riddled with micro transactions these days? Do you consider console/pc games riddled with micro transactions not games?

What is your definition of a game?

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How I handle my daily life in one picture

And yet he wasn’t 18

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Hp is a piece of shit

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For real. My brother is one of those people who is like “they aren’t gonna die from this so why should I care blah blah blah”. He thinks if protesting won’t have the immediate impact that people want then those no reason for it to happen

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This has to be the guy responsible for this. He’s all over the thread defending a company that wouldn’t give 2 shits about him

Pretty sure he did it just to get attention and then dial back cause he “heard the people”

But it doesn’t have to be if the employers pay how they should

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