
5 Post – 415 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Heres how this grift works, its become quite common and started with books. Once you know it you will see it all the time.

  1. Politician writes book = politicians pr firm hires ghost writer to write book.

  2. Politician says one controversial/spicy/tell all thing in book

  3. Politician goes on all news shows to promote book/super spicy new hot take

  4. Politicians PAC/dark money donor/political party/putin buys up millions of copy of said book injecting millions into campaign not subject to campaign finance laws that can be spent without regard to laws or limits because its "income".

  5. This massive buy immediately puts book on best seller list while books sit in warehouse.

  6. Books in warehouse legitimately sold/given away at campaign events or give as " FREE" copy if you donate X amount today.

  7. Politician gets to be on all cable news shows, gets a massive injection of untraceable cash that isnt subject to campaign finance law, and now is a new york times best selling author. Win, win, win.

  8. Its just money laundering

Trumps shoes? Same as his super hero cards. Its a way to launder in untraceable money from putin, perhaps folks he sold nuclear secrets to, and god knows who else. If it doesnt seem to make sense that all of the sudden trump is selling sneakers its because it doesnt. Hes laundering dark money in full view of the public.

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Heres how this grift works, its become quite common and started with books. Once you know it you will see it all the time.

  1. Politician writes book = politicians pr firm hires ghost writer to write book.

  2. Politician says one controversial/spicy/tell all thing in book

  3. Politician goes on all news shows to promote book/super spicy new hot take

  4. Politicians PAC/dark money donor/political party/putin buys up millions of copy of said book injecting millions into campaign not subject to campaign finance laws that can be spent without regard to laws or limits because its "income".

  5. This massive buy immediately puts book on best seller list while books sit in warehouse.

  6. Books in warehouse legitimately sold/given away at campaign events or give as " FREE" copy if you donate X amount today.

  7. Politician gets to be on all cable news shows, gets a massive injection of untraceable cash that isnt subject to campaign finance law, and now is a new york times best selling author. Win, win, win.

  8. Its just money laundering

Trumps shoes? Same as his super hero cards. Its a way to launder in untraceable money from putin, perhaps folks he sold nuclear secrets to, and god knows who else. If it doesnt seem to make sense that all of the sudden trump is selling sneakers its because it doesnt. Hes laundering dark money in full view of the public.

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Couldnt wait for the next election to foment the next coup, sedition, or other traitorous activity. The gop is a traitorous terror cell within american borders. We are living in history and it is wild.

Mark my words. He'll dial this back to only blue checkmarks can block. Dont wanna be harassed by nazis, pay me.

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Heterosexual men who play extreme metal guitar do not seem to be doing it to attract women, as has been suspected about musicians of other genres,” DeLecce told PsyPost. “Instead, it seems they are trying to impress and/or intimidate other heterosexual men with their skills.”

Hilarious. This how you do a science.



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Probably need 3 to man the sub. May as well send both and everyone agrees on the third. Dont even need to name him.

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Heres how this grift works, its become quite common and started with books. Once you know it you will see it all the time.

  1. Politician writes book = politicians pr firm hires ghost writer to write book.

  2. Politician says one controversial/spicy/tell all thing in book

  3. Politician goes on all news shows to promote book/super spicy new hot take

  4. Politicians PAC/dark money donor/political party/putin buys up millions of copy of said book injecting millions into campaign not subject to campaign finance laws that can be spent without regard to laws or limits because its "income".

  5. This massive buy immediately puts book on best seller list while books sit in warehouse.

  6. Books in warehouse legitimately sold/given away at campaign events or give as " FREE" copy if you donate X amount today.

  7. Politician gets to be on all cable news shows, gets a massive injection of untraceable cash that isnt subject to campaign finance law, and now is a new york times best selling author. Win, win, win.

  8. Its just money laundering

Trumps shoes? Same as his super hero cards. Its a way to launder in untraceable money from putin, perhaps folks he sold nuclear secrets to, and god knows who else. If it doesnt seem to make sense that all of the sudden trump is selling sneakers its because it doesnt. Hes laundering dark money in full view of the public.


This is your brain on fox news


Anyone sick of this? This stunted man/toddler requires the collective co-parenting of an entire nation.

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Russia has cut back to only funding republican congressmen. Austerity is a bitch.


Its always been his entire schtick. Look at reality, declare the opposite, trailer parks in kentucky erupt into cheers, repeat

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They are rebelling against their own hand picked supreme court and attempting to make it about biden.


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Weird. Mention putin and all his employees show up in the comments

Hint; They cosplay as leftists

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