
7 Post – 253 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Another #wednesday another day of work, can‘t wait for #friday to come around!

-Mastodon user probably

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I wonder if some of them feel similar to me. It just doesn‘t feel like a positive thing to put anyone into this world, which seems largely exploitative and hostile towards my economic class. All I have to look forward to is to work my whole life to pay the rent and food and all that for what? To destroy nature with everything one does or purchases, to participate in what is basically a pyramid scheme.

For those that do feel similar I can say this, some subsidies for parents won‘t make us create more children, where I am we already give a lot of our taxes for the parents here and it doesn’t change my mind to get a few hundred € a month extra, which just about offsets some of the implicit cost of children anyway. They can punish, threaten, spread panic, or reward obedience and all that in any way they like, I won‘t put anyone into a similar existence to what I experience, simple as.

So from my perspective, they‘d have to actually fix our economic situations for working class people first (much lower inequality and higher wages) and ALSO fix climate change, which I just don‘t see happening.

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My mother‘s partner had some small success, on the one hand doing what you do already, unsubscribe from bad stuff and subscribe to some other stuff she might enjoy (nature channels, religious stuff which isn‘t so toxic, arts and crafts..) and also blocked some tabloid news on the router. On the other hand, he tried getting her outside more, they go on long hikes now and travel around a lot, plus he helped her find some hobbies (the arts and crafts one) and sits with her sometimes showing lots of interest and positive affirmations when she does that. Since religion is so important to her they also often go to (a not so toxic or cultish) church and church events and the choir and so on.

She‘s still into it to an extent, anti-vax will probably never change since she can’t trust doctors and hates needles and she still votes accordingly (which is far right in my country) too which is unfortunate, but she‘s calmed down a lot over it and isn‘t quite so radical and full of fear all the time.

Edit: oh and myself, I found out about a book "How to have impossible conversations" and the topics in there can be weird, but it helped me in staying somewhat calm when confronted with outlandish beliefs and not reinforce, though who knows how much that helps if anything (I think her partner contributed a LOT more than me).

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Wait, you are trans and in Russia? That seems like reason enough to flee, I wouldn‘t wait until they become aware enough of you to strip your citizenship. Maybe Finland would be ok: https://en.seta.fi/human-rights-support/asylum-for-the-lgbt-and-activists/

Good luck, I hope you will be safe.

"Only kings, presidents, editors, and people with tapeworms have the right to use the editorial 'we.'"

  • Mark Twain

Yeah, so which is spez again?

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I‘m the type of determined contrarian who even pays for AdBlockers to support them in this arms race, so if they want that sweet subscription cash to keep coming they‘ll defeat whatever bullshit Youtube comes up with. Worth every cent, for a less ad infested world.

No, but that is not what they said, they said they were forced to reopen. That happened in such a way: they sent a message to the main mod and told him to reopen or be replaced. He didn‘t respond within an hour, so they removed him as main mod and made some other mod who was willing to play ball the main mod.

Since there is always some sucker to be found on Reddit who enjoys taking orders and licking boots, no sub can really defend against this move by Reddit admins. Which is probably why some other mods decided to maliciously comply instead.

Me, I think anyone with some dignity would go out like the r/piracy mod did, don‘t respond and get removed and rebuild elsewhere.

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You know that saying: "Don‘t attribute to malice what can be explained by incompetence."

I think with rich people there is often some assumption that they‘re generally competent because they are rich, so what looks like stupidity on their part could be some grandiose plan.

I don‘t think so, because I think for most of them they simply got lucky and that is why they are rich, so they are just as capable of stupidity as the average person.

Yeah you are not alone at all, there is an entire subreddit for this r/qanoncasualties and while my mother doesn‘t know it, a lot of this stuff comes from this Q thing. Like why else would a person like her in Austria care so much about Trump or Hillary Clinton or a guy like George Soros? Also a lot of it is thinly veiled borderline Nazi stuff (it‘s always the jews or other races or minority groups at fault), which is the next thing, she says she hates Nazis and yet they got her to vote far right and support all sorts of agendas. There is some mental trick happening there where "the left is the actual Nazis".

Well she was always a bit weird with religion, aliens, wonder cures and other conspiracy stuff, but it really got turned towards these political aims in the last years. It feels malicious and it was distressing to me, though I‘m somewhat at peace with it now, the world is a crazy place and out of my control, I just try to do the best with what I can affect.

In addition to Anna’s Archive, I also use libgen.rs, libgen.is, gen.lib.rus.ec (which I think are all the same site?) as well as zlib (ways to access on: https://go-to-zlibrary.se/#useful\_link\_tab), I can‘t find more than the core rule book on there though.

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Pretty sure most of the more anarchist mods got pushed out sometime after the whole Fox News debacle already and since then the content has become less spicy too. Watering all that down again, what is even left? "Please master spez I would like to slightly criticise a corporation, am I allowed to do this or is it against the guidelines and duties of moderators?" or what.

Well, it is all for the best, free thinking people will migrate and rebuild, the rest I won‘t miss.

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Exactly what we need, billionaires tinkering with brain chips. I‘d rather die than have anything from Musk in my head, bad enough the knowledge of his existence is in there.

Facebook already went through enshittification and should be dead but somehow it isn’t, it just survives off boomers and conspiracy theorists or something.

Similar to how Reddit will survive even if it‘s all just bots talking to each other and reposting into infinity.

Weird to think some text or image I contributed could be reposted long after my death and written about by AI bots.

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Awesome, more users is good!

Kbin is so nice and seems more stable than lemmy. I spent all of yesterday on a lemmy account with a lot of loading errors and all of today on kbin and not a single error! Well done to the devs.

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10h a week of my life back. It cost me about 500€ a month, but it improved my mental health immensely.

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Finally some good news!

Well shit. I thought this might happen. I mean it‘s only a talk for now, but I suspect further that there will be some sort of money offer in an effort to start the "embrace" part of embrace, extend, extinguish and with the NDA we won‘t know if he took the money or not.

So for those who care about not embracing Meta, it‘s the canary in the coal mine. I‘ll switch to one of my safer Lemmy instances now I suppose before I get too attached to this one, see y‘all around under my new identity.

It‘s like Twitter basically, but since it‘s also in the fediverse there is a bit of overlap where Mastodon people can comment on Lemmy/kbin stuff too anyway. Usually they have something like @LostCause and hashtags like #mastodon and so on in their comments, that‘s how I typically spot them.

So their growth is relevant for us, but you don‘t need to make an account there.

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Laugh at the fools who believe they won‘t just make the same changes in increments instead. Oh a reasonable level? Let me introduce inflation to you. Now pay more and make us content we can sell serf. That‘s the entire purpose of your existence in the eyes of a corporation.


I‘m from the EU, but it unsettles me to know about how willing the US government and other interest groups there are to do violence to the workers to keep them in line. Whenever anyone from here brings up "why don‘t they strike for healthcare" etc, I think of this. We got a government and companies which are less willing to straight up shoot us to force the rest back to work. That helped I imagine.

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The sound of dogs barking. If I liked that, I‘d be so happy every single day. I‘d wake up and go to sleep to a sound I enjoy. As it is, I will have to move and rent is even more expensive now, just depressing.

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They‘ll just get removed anyway, but it‘s a funny and creative response.

In German but "As long as they pretend to pay me, I pretend to work." Probably one of the first pieces of wisdom I got way back as a wee apprentice.

Now, I work more than this quote may make one think of me, but it‘s influenced me insofar as I‘m aware of not overdoing it as my employers never overdo the pay part either.

Close, I moved to a smaller and cheaper apartment and reduced some other costs, then I found a job where I work 30h a week.

Each month when I get my wage now I think "I bought this time and I best make use of it" and so it changed my mindset to one where I enjoy my free time a bit more, maybe cause I‘m aware of the price I pay for it.

Hot. Heat waves. Forest fires. Sea level rising. Floods. Droughts. Water shortages. Extinction of various animals and plants. Collapse of supply chains and resource shortages. Rising nationalism and distrust. Mass migration, mass starvation, mass casualty events.

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I just went back to log in for the first time in a week and took a look at one of my most frequented subs (Austria) to see what is going on. Apparently the mods decided to allow posts only about an Austrian children‘s show character who is a bike.

However, in the comments where I looked overwhelmingly the users whined about power tripping mods and that they should be removed and are undemocratic for not letting users choose the topic and nobody cares about 3rd party apps and they should just shut up and go back to normal.

So if that were my entire impression of this it wouldn‘t be that the mods are winning. Maybe a draw since I can also see the mood on here.

I‘d think it‘s maybe "opinion forming" bots if it weren‘t some of them in Austrian and I doubt Reddit would use bots for German opinions. So it seems genuine to me, only the spez bootlickers are left. I‘m never going back, let them have it.

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Yeah, so whats up with that? I looked into getting a NAS and the thing itself is ok, but the HDD price is so out there it seems crazy to do.

Since we’re all here looking at yet another terrifying headline. I have a huge grudge for companies who force people into the office. It‘s unnecessary!! There should be a legislation in all countries ASAP to give workers a right to WFH they can enforce on the company!

We have seen with the pandemic it‘s possible and would free a lot of people from this pathologic need for a car and yet the companies owners and paid for politicians are dragging their feet to save their fucking "office real estate investments" or other bullshit reasons that all amount to control. Elon fucking Musk personally pisses me off the most, cause he pretended to care about the climate to sell cars and then is the absolute worst about this calling WFH "not real work", also to sell cars.

Don‘t even get me started on their private jets and pleasure yachts, all this unnecessary bullshit, there is already a first class the rich assholes can sit down in with extra space, they don‘t need their own plane!!

Assholes like that should be shamed everywhere they go for daring to do something so damaging while also forcing people to rely on cars cause of the hostile infrastructure and hostile work environments they created!

Governments are so good at making up crimes out of nowhere, see how effective they are at fucking over trans people for something as innocent as changing their own gender, maybe use that power for good for ONCE and criminalise environmental damage??

Thank you a lot for sharing! Since he’s the guy who coined Enshittification, I‘m curious to read what his solutions would be in more detail.

I hope people, especially instance owners and devs, listen to this warning.

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Nyx. Her children are all the personifications of various negative aspects of life. I‘ve got a bit of a pessimistic attitude. Just seems fitting.

I‘ve already heard multiple people say they just roll back any edits and deletes.

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I enjoyed the underlying anarchist texts to the movement like Bullshit Jobs by Graeber, The Abolition of Work by Bob Black etc. but yeah discussion of that was minimal and the more people arrived the less there was and I‘m also sure none of that ever made it to r/all.

Ironically, I have a great manager and wonderful job, I just dislike the system as a whole due to a) people around me suffering b) bad experiences growing up I been exploited with internships as somewhat of a cleaner. Thus I like our cleaners more than the CEO and if I were in charge I‘d pay them better too.

Anyway, the biggest advocates for r/antiwork in my mind aren‘t some mods, it‘s actually people like Musk or spez who can‘t help but treat anyone working class like trash and rabble. They push this mentality of everyone should kiss their feet or they deserve to become homeless. As long as they are around, such a movement will persist. I mean it even exists in supposedly-communist China with tang ping and they try to censor it a lot harder, haha good luck! Either they treat people well and foster a positive and engaging work culture or a counterculture arises naturally.

Sorry, now I went off on a tangent all just from this little comment!

There is no war in Ba Sing Se.

Yeah true, that is more accurate to what he said.

I get what you‘re trying to say and I‘m not a fan of churches either, but this just legitimises this idea that we need states and governments to ban attending an activity entirely based on negative actions of a some of that group. By that logic there is a whole lot of shit we need to ban including schools, kindergardens and daycares.

The logical outcome then to "protect the children" is to ban any contact to any adult whatsoever, including the own family members since those are most likely to abuse the children.

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Embrace, extend, extinquish. That’s the tactic, the reason it works so well is cause of how you say, it makes them look all nice in the beginning.


Humanity sucks. Destroys ecosystems. Feel hopeless.

Yes they are like a shining beacon to fascists worldwide on "how to do it". Now the GOP may have been mainly conservatives, but they are being turned to fascism by some elements.

In my country the far-right even had a written "agreement of cooperation" with the Kremlin to "advance both their causes". They only stopped openly doing that since 2022, but 100% they still parrot Putin talking points. This was public knowledge (as well as their repeated corruption) and yet people STILL vote them in even bigger numbers, because their "distract, recruit and convert with hate and fear" tactics work so well.

I don‘t really like/want either, but slightly prefer cats cause they are quieter and I never stepped in cat poop.