9 Post – 77 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Numbers can be fun if you play with them a bit. We may not always agree but I'll be your friend if you ever need one.


This all sounds like extremely reasonable to me. Fuck the haters.

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Boy I sure wish I didn’t live in America where we only care about the welfare of the super rich 😒

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Yes, I'm not afraid to admit that all my friends were on Reddit and I have missed them a lot. They have my email but none of them have reached out. It's understandable but it kind of sucks since I was close to so many people there.

Before you cast stones and call me a loser. I was in a really bad accident last year and I got terribly hurt. I'm still recovering and a lot of that recovery was in either a bed or on the couch. All I've been able to do for almost an entire year is stay inside, work on my laptop, go to the office, watch anime and talk to my friends on Reddit.

It was really hard to let go of Reddit because it meant cutting off the only real socialization I had left outside of work. I have met some awesome people here on Kbin though, so I am hopeful I'll make new friends and connections again. Change is good and I'm open minded to the Fediverse and everything it has to offer.

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It didn’t host actual CP. That is hyperbole and the FBI would have shut that shit down in a heartbeat.

It WAS however, a disgusting place to obtain scantly clad pictures of minors and Spez actively encouraged and contributed to the abuse of these minors.

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Here is a bullet point summary if you didn't want to read the article in full:

  • Human remains are believed to have been found within the wreckage of the Titan submersible, which imploded on a deep dive to the Titanic.
  • The US Coast Guard unloaded pieces from the sub in St. John's, Canada, including the landing frame and a rear cover.
  • US medical professionals will analyze the presumed remains, and the Coast Guard's Marine Board of Investigation (MBI) will transport the evidence for further analysis and testing.
  • The investigation into the causes of the disaster is in its early stages, with efforts focused on understanding the factors that led to the catastrophic loss of the Titan and preventing a similar tragedy in the future.
  • All five individuals on board the submersible died during the dive, which was organized by OceanGate.
  • The recovery mission was led by the Canadian ship Horizon Arctic, and the debris brought ashore includes several major pieces of the sub.
  • OceanGate has faced criticism for its safety practices, and former employees have raised concerns about the Titan sub not being subject to regulation.
  • OceanGate expressed sadness over the loss and stated that its employees were grieving deeply.

One of my worst days in basic was the rappel tower. I didn’t shave that morning because prior to basic I barely grew any facial hair. Of course I stupidly said “this recruit didn’t have enough time to shave”.

Wrong fucking answer. Not only did they absolutely fuck me with bullshit exercise but I had to run around the rappel tower in circles in my skivvies screaming “NOT ENOUGH TIME TO SHAVE SIR!”

This all went down prior to me even getting rigged up. It was brutal day for my legs.

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Hell yeah! I think the public should have the right to inspect any software at any time. If you want it to go into my computer I think I should know if your sloppy ass spaghetti code is going to open me up to security vulnerabilities.

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They already had it. It was called /r/SubredditSimulator

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You summed up my feelings about it very well.

We are still waiting for his comment on the subject to surface.

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If there is one thing I learned on my time on Reddit... it's that you don't piss off Redditors.

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I only downvote awful/hateful comments so I usually stand by what I strike down. I can understand why this may concern others though.

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On Reddit my username was 4672656542656572

I would get called a bot all the time. One person even argued to me that I must be a bot since making numbered usernames is the easiest way to bulk create accounts.

My reply? My username is hexadecimal for FreeBeer. Who doesn’t like free beer? 😅

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I say what’s the rush? A lot of users were nostalgic of old school Reddit and this is fairly accurate to how it was when I first started. Feels rough but good.

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I'm okay with using Nuclear power in a limited capacity. There is a great channel on YouTube that goes by the name of Plainly Difficult. Extremely well done documentaries on nuclear related incidents. In my observations, most issues are due to human related error, poor inspection process or a failure to follow a safety procedure.

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That was a hard decision for me to make, but once I did it... I haven't looked back since. I hope my friends there come join the Fediverse someday though.

There was one community of people I really got to know well. Like all of them. I remembered all their usernames by heart and their avatars. We would have a daily chat thread and the community was private. None of knew who each other were but we all shared details about our personal lives, you know like stories from our day or news events we wanted to discuss. Sometimes we just vented. It was great, we all really cared about each other and supported each other. I grabbed a copy of a photo where one of the users stitched all our Reddit avatars together before I deleted my account.

It's going to be hard to find a replacement for that but I am really starting to see some awesome new communities and it makes me hopeful.

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It thankfully was but it survived for a long time, likely because of Spez’s role in it. There is a video on YouTube about it if you want to learn more but I can’t recall the title right now.

The top mod there curated the subreddit heavily and made sure to ban users that “crossed the line”. That way they can say “it’s not illegal and we believe in freedom of speech so it stays”.

When all the other hate subs finally started getting banned is when I recall it going away.

This is so sad for me. RIF was the first app for mobile for me. I ended up going with Apollo eventually but why did either of these awesome apps have to die? I can't believe they are willing to throw away everything they promised for money. I won't stand for corporate greed. I used Reddit to fight against that behavior and they literally became the exact thing I hate the most.

You know the rich usually get “eaten” first when there is not enough to go around for everyone else.

You can’t eat a yacht but you can certainly strip it down and sell the copper wires for some cash if people are really desperate.

I’ve seen this happen before on job sites where the building sat for awhile. We opened one MSP and a bunch of wires landed on the tech when he opened the door. Scared the shit out of him. He thought he was going to die since he didn’t expect it and didn’t know if power was running to that MSP or not.

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Trump Supporters and Pro-Lifers.

Go fuck yourselves assholes.

No, I kind of see it too.

I’ve never cared for Lemmy in general so this is just one more reason I’m glad I joined on Kbin.

I cut my teeth on /r/politics. You want my take on it? You aren't arguing with real people. Reddit is botted to hell and full of paid shills that do nothing but corner you into an endless argument just to frustrate and piss you off. They have no purpose but to parade around and spam up the subreddits with hate and vitriol. This serves two purposes. To distract the liberals who probably should be spending their time on literally anything else other than arguing with these idiots. Then they have propaganda to spread. They have to appear to be large in numbers. So they go around and pick off the people who are willing to join them or follow them down an endless rabbit hole of logical fallacies and conspiracy theories.

I generally upvote any post as long as it's relevant. I also upvote comment chains I find amusing. Makes me feel part of the moment.

More progress than “better at being a Bethesda game than Fo4”.

I was a die hard Bethesda fan prior to 76 and they need to do better than par to earn my favor back. They scorned me and my wallet isn’t going to forget that any time soon.

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It depends on the amount. A little... like a really small dose? Maybe.

If you get blanked it with radio active fall out in a high enough dose you will die or be so terribly sick you will want to be dead. So it kind of depends. Between me and you I hope I'm caught right in the blast radius. Instant death is fine by me.

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I’m with you friend. I’ve used Reddit daily since it practically opened. Sure the people who don’t care might stick around but the people who really loved Reddit are scorned and I have zero reason to go back to someone after they already backstabbed them the first time.

I deleted all my comments and content from the site prior to deleting my account. Did it work? I have no idea and I'm not really interested in checking anymore. I'm happy here on kbin.

I kind of miss my massive karma though. I was 168k mostly from comments... Oh well, it's just fake internet points. I wonder how much karma I got here... -102...

Okay, maybe I'll go reverse this time I guess 🤣

Bookmarked, thank you!

@Th4tGuyII @HeartyBeast To answer your questions. I don't have their email, I offered it to anyone who wished to stay in contact with me prior to deleting my account but I did not request anyones. I put the onus on them to reach out to me. It sucks none of them did but as I mentioned, it's understandable. We all communicated, interacted and posted on Reddit and I don't expect them to go out of their way since I was the one who left the platform.

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Nothing. I didn’t buy it nor review bomb it. I watched the gameplay and scoffed at how yet again we were being spoon fed more mediocre Bethesda content.

The thing is, I want to love them. I used to be obsessed with the lore from Fallout and I’m embarrassed to admit how much time I spent playing ESO. It sucks but if I keep giving them my money I’m just basically saying “it’s okay you screwed me over”. If they really want my money again they have to shape up both their buggy software and their business practices.

I’ve got a sinking feeling that you might be wrong about that 😅

Riding my bicycle was my favorite activity ever. I would say it does more than just help improve concentration, it improved a lot of my overall mental health. I rode my bike too and from work everyday. I was happy when I was riding and the exercise and fatigue on my legs eventually felt good. I looked forward to hitting the hill near my house just to see if I can do it better than yesterday. By the time I was done with my ride I felt most of the stress from my work day melt away.

It’s a damn shame I might not be able to ride again but I absolutely advocate for others to try riding a bicycle.

In tandem with my current settings. Adding a Firefox add on to spoof my user agent worked for me. I set it to random and disabled all the Firefox user agents.

@mike Interesting, I haven't really messed around too much with Mastodon. I've been primarily been using kbin and I've been happy with just this so far.

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Right but are you sure it was the trans thing and not the fact that bud light tastes like beaver piss?

I can’t believe they boast that they use rice in it. It’s literally a filler.

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I thought you were being sarcastic a bit but yeah… that’s a convoluted mess of watermarks 😅

I don’t consider it “real” martial arts but I learned MCMAP in the Marine Corps and a lot of those skills are very relevant for self defense and quickly disabling an opponent. The tan belt stuff isn’t great but if you go up in belts you learn a lot more and it gets really fun if you’re into it.

Just like in real life. Looks like I missed this party.

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Aw thanks. I repaid the kindness 🍻