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These schemes all have the same problem that reddit and Twitter have: they need me more than I need them. If your website or app or whatever won’t work if I’m not on the right device I won’t visit it, and that’s not a bad thing

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good tbh, their metro kicks too much ass to have everyone driving around, their system has it's problems but not driving isn't one of them

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This is revisionist, that sequence of events was what caused him to start to play footsie with the idea of buying Twitter, the SEC saying that’s a big no-no is what made him actually make the offer to buy it and then he was forced by a court to finish the deal after a long legal battle to not buy it

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Lol, I mean it really says something about gig economy when concepts such as "minimum wage" threaten to flat out kill their industry

that's an awful lot of crying for a government that definitely didn't order the assassination of a foreign citizen on foreign soil

Boy if only the pentagon had a way to deal with rogue actors, I wonder what they’re in charge of

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these people want war with you, they mean to subjugate you, and if you do not bow they mean to kill you

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his brain is scrambled eggs

Please read past the headline, there’s an important story here with through lines of corruption, cybersecurity, and complexities of living in a state like that

You should probably cache results so users aren’tspamming other instances

We’re now at the point where tech media has turned and will now have you believe Google should be questioned, is untrustworthy, and that their promise means nothing

This is worse than even the most insufferable apple fanboy.

Google! Untrustworthy!

God I can’t imagine why anyone would think that

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Ending birthright chitizenship is the quickest way to a starship troopers style citizen/non-citizen class divide you can concoct, which is ironically the specific situation the 14th amendment was written to avoid, because prior to that none of the enslaved people were citizens so all their descendants wouldn’t be either

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I'm with the people who miss 3.5mm jacks on phones on this one. Until there's an open, portable standard between iPhone, android, and physical media that I own, I'm not buying ur dumb infotainment system. I'll go on eBay and buy a physical Garmin GPS before I learn what "google automotive services" is

There’s a lot of countries with belligerent neighbors who so far have not developed a nuclear program watching what kind of help Ukraine gets and for how long very, very closely

You do realize that birthright citizenship is almost entirely nonexistent in Europe, Asia, Africa, and Austrailia, right?

at no point in the history of america has "but yurop does it" been a suitable justification for a policy. We are specifically trying to be better than europe

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“In LA, you never know” what a fucking heartless thing to say while they’re in the middle of a hurricane

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The obsession with the fact that GN didn’t reach out for lmg’s response to the story is extremely rich given that ltt didn’t give billet labs that exact same courtesy

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I’m so fucking sick of hearing about hunter’s hog why the fuck are they STILL talking about it it’s been like three years

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ITT class is created primarily by cultural signifiers and not material conditions, pay no attention to the $100k trucks and the houses the rural elite own outright, it’s liberal renters in the city that are oppressing the yokels! I will be very condescending to make this point about Elite New York Liberal condescension

Nevermind that your cities are destroyed and paved over for the convenience of this exact group of rural people, nevermind that your neighborhoods are destroyed for their comfort, nevermind that you are derided as undeserving poor, that your services are defunded to appease these people, that they trash your homes as shitholes, that they advocate sending in the army when you protest these conditions, that they themselves march through your cities with guns to intimidate you, that they cheer the corporate takeover of your homes and advocate for lower taxes to reward the corporations that do so.

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Idk I feel like the people who back things on kickstarter have their expectations set way too high (and obviously the people running it are naive and play into that) but good lord you guys funded $70k for an oscilloscope and you’re upset it takes a decade? You are astoundingly lucky this even came out, and it only did because the guy that ran it has a heart of gold.

People really need to start to understand what it takes to bring a product to market before they start backing kickstarters

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People are not gonna stop wanting abortions, they’re not gonna get comfortable seeing ten year olds give birth, you can’t legislate this away, so by taking and taking these rights from people you’re squishing them down more and at some point they’re gonna explode

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I feel like we’re missing the forest for the trees here, this is all in service of a feature in bing that was supposed to revolutionize search but actually caused a 0% increase in Bing’s market share from q1 to q3

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The dotcom bubble was one of the middle dominos on the way to the 2008 collapse, the fed dropped interest rates to near zero and kept them there for years, investor confidence was low, so here come mortgage backed securities.

In addition, the bubble bursting and its aftermath is what allowed the big players in tech (Amazon, Google, Cisco etc) to merge to monopoly, which hasn’t been particularly good

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There's no technical justification for this, it's only to make you download the app and let them suck ur data

Not enough labels

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They literally don't. X pushing things to the top of ur feed, Facebook polluting your timeline with random video shares, it all makes it harder to see the content you actually care about

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what I'm getting from all the AI stuff is the people in charge and the people that use it are scumbags

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Bank: my bank is too boomercore to ever implement something like this, we only recently got 2fa

Government: my government still makes me file my taxes on paper and mail it to them so I’m ok for now

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you're out of your mind if you think they're unlikely to win in 2024, that's exactly what everyone thought about 2016

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Ah cool I’ll be adding “minority analytics” to my list of fun euphemisms for nightmarish realities

I'd start rejecting his PRs lol, why is anyone but the original developer fixing his PRs?

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Oh get over yourself, no one believes you’ve never looked at porn, you’re in no position to judge

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How is it that even when op pastes the entire body of the article in the post people in the comments won't read past the headline? for all the sarcastic answers to the title's question, the article itself answers it like this:

The answer is, unfortunately, obvious. Whatever Republican hard-liners may say, they want Putin to win. They view the Putin regime’s cruelty and repression as admirable features that America should emulate. They support a wannabe dictator at home and are sympathetic to actual dictators abroad.

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forgive it anyway. We are not ruled by these septuagenarian fucks who can't stomach even the tiniest bit of mercy for anyone but the ultra rich

Linux gaming

Windows 11 desktop

Is there device support for Linux?

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1600 before he's caught seems like the authorities share some responsibility for not catching this guy

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I remember when the sanctions had already failed, that the decoupling was complete, Russias financial services sector would bolster it, etc etc

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If you’re more concerned with the muckrakers than the muck idk what to tell you

The worker should’ve Stood Her Ground, she rightfully feared for her life, she didn’t know if this guy had a gun, if he was going in there to hurt people

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