Ramaswamy says he’d deport children of undocumented immigrants, calls 14th Amendment ‘contested’

MicroWave@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 299 points –
Ramaswamy says he’d deport children of undocumented immigrants, calls 14th Amendment ‘contested’

GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy said Friday he would deport the children of undocumented immigrants with their families, despite them already being U.S. citizens.

“There are legally contested questions under the 14th Amendment of whether the child of an illegal immigrant is indeed a child who enjoys birthright citizenship or not,” Ramaswamy said after a town hall in Iowa.

Ramaswamy is not the only GOP candidate to question U.S. citizenship rules. Former President Trump announced in late May that on his first day back in office, he would seek to end birthright citizenship by way of an executive order.


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You do realize that birthright citizenship is almost entirely nonexistent in Europe, Asia, Africa, and Austrailia, right?

at no point in the history of america has "but yurop does it" been a suitable justification for a policy. We are specifically trying to be better than europe

I m French and this is complete bullshit . If you re birth in France you are French at your 18 birthday.

This was originally meant to be a reply to a guy down the thread, but they deleted it before I posted so it showed up here. You can find the context down there too!

We are specifically trying to be better than europe

were perhaps. If we're being generous. But "are" has not applied in decades, and most definitely not this millenium.