The Response to Google's 7 Year Pixel Update Promise is Getting Weird to – 151 points –
The Response to Google's 7 Year Pixel Update Promise is Getting Weird

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We’re now at the point where tech media has turned and will now have you believe Google should be questioned, is untrustworthy, and that their promise means nothing

This is worse than even the most insufferable apple fanboy.

Google! Untrustworthy!

God I can’t imagine why anyone would think that

I've been involved with different companies setting up their cloud presence and negotiating prices, and while Google is a contender, they have to aggressively price themselves at the large corporate level because a lot of people in the room don't have trust in them. Why would we onboard to your platform if we don't think you're going to be around very long? It'll take us years to fully migrate, and then once we're in you could shut it down on a whim.

I'm not saying that's a deciding factor at the corporate level for people, but it is a discussion factor that other contenders like AWS or Microsoft azure do not have. So their retail graveyard definitely impacts them at every level

God I can’t imagine why anyone would think that

This made me laugh out loud