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Joined 1 years ago

50,000 Square Foot Mansions. Such a waste.

These last three days have been a lot more calm for me. I think social media in great quantities is bad. The normies that will continue using reddit are the ones that probably use Instagram as well. I am definitely not one of those. So reddit making this change was its final gift to me after 15 years of teachable moments.

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scab mods... here they come! Good luck!

Fuck this is trash. DRM for the web. I wish people would understand websites like kbin are not free and that if you use a website you need to pay to keep it alive. But no one wants to pay for anything on the internet, and so we have ads. Ads will for sure kill the internet.

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I told this to a group of people once and the silence killed me from ever commenting on the situation in a group setting again. A diplomat I am not

Not only that, once reddit IPOs they are tied to wallstreet and must beat wallstreet quarterly estimates or else. They already had trouble turning a profit, they are going to pound the users with shit no one wants. That was already happening, but it's going to get worse.

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Spez you dumb ass. He needs the 0hishing training emails.

I almost switched to iPhone, thankfully this came out to show me why that is a bad idea. I just need to de-gpogle.

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My 13th birthday in 1993 where I got a SNES bundle with Super Mario World and Mario Kart and two controllers, McDonald's for lunch, and the we watched the Lion King in theaters. Doesn't seem like much, but we were a poor family. Best day ever.

Fucking right. I'm so glad I'm nowhere near that area. I looked at my six months old son and it just breaks my heart all the kids that are terrified right now bcz of power hungry assholes.

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Right. They say a bunch of shit to hopefully get their base out, sometimes it works. But they play dead when it comes time to deliver the big stuff (like paid family leave). Still, 2nd term Biden in a coma from old age would be better than Trump 2nd Term.

"Ad supported" is vehemently against free speech. "Ad supported" makes is so no one can criticize anything.

Yes, people say nasty things online, and I absolutely don't condone hate speech. But I choose to ridicule and ignore those people instead of banning them.

Nothing more deadlier to a billionaire than a hobby.

They are definitely on a slow burn. Looks like they learned some stuff from Digg at least. Full disclosure, I still use reddit, but I find the threadaverse feels like old school reddit.

I still open reddit on accident. Fuck that muscle memory.

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I have a Model 3 with FSD. It's fucking useless.

Crypto is so not hot right now. Thanks SBF!

Oh lawd I will not be able to unsee!

They have been running a top 10 website without any idea how to make money off it now they are killing it trying to squeeze profit out of it so these psychopaths can have a wallstreet pay day. I spent 15 years providing content to the site bcz I loved it. I signed up so long ago I don't even remember the agreement I made with then upon sign up. Fuck em.

After reddit my needs from a social book marking website are simple:

  1. Completely open source
  2. Moderators can be recalled by the communities they mod.
  3. Not for profit (ads are not the primary source of funding)

The internet needs to have something like reddit as core infrastructure. A digital public square. This requirement is incompatible with profit motive. This is why time and time again social media sites fail.

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I think we need forums to come back. I am beginning to think the Fediverse has a big hole in it. It's hard to ignore the Zuckerbergs of the world that show up to a poor sys admins house with a bag of money. I think we are going to need a feed aggregator that has a charter that says that profit is not the main focus of the service but supporting a community is , and the community is protected from Ads or Data collection as much as is possible.

Ah not really a link, but a request. I used to know a website where you could look at an apple product line and see when it was due for a refresh so that you could make a decision to wait or buy used. I bloody can't remember the site and Google searches are pointless for any keywords like apple refresh and product. The site was not "the verge".

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Sometimes 2, sometimes 12, avg is about 6 to 7. Meetings, email, and messaging are work.

Oh no time to cancel Lemmy bcz the founders believe in stupid things. Let's all move to the next thing until those founders are found out to believe in crazy shit. It's free and open source. So fork it.

I am going to use a privacy focussed android instead.

Nintendo always wanted to arm their Pokemon, just were too scared to do it.

100 percent. I still use reddit but comment very infrequently. If I open a thread and see vile comments I leave, most times I don't open the comments at all. I am glad reddit bo longer has a strong hold over me.

The billionaires are just like us folks, they drive honda civics and sleep in 50k tiny homes next to their rockets.

Imagine a new meaning to the phrase "upper decker".

I also feel replacement mods are scabs, but I've been enjoying all the free time I've had lately not browsing reddit. I'm actually getting shit done. I'm ashamed of how much I used that site. I will not go back.

Once a day keeps your teeth in your mouth when your 70.

Lab grown diamonds are better than real diamonds and come in colors now. They're still kinda expensive tho.

Yo ho fiddle dee dee! It's a pirate life for me!

I'm personally ok with multiple technology instances. It was weird at first, but I think that is by design.

I do agree that user management needs a redesign. I have three fediverse usernames that I created because I was a noob and everytime it asked me to login I would get denied and create an account. This would be absolutely awful for the normies.

This is where IPFS might actually be useful. Also this might help fight the trolls.

Turn on, tune in, drop out.

Don't you have to delete the comments as well? Or does juts deleting the account delete everything. I'm considering this as well. The CEO is a creep.

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Going for the sourdough roll from the food stand that is chewy and hard to swallow to maximize DGAF.

My money is on Fuckerberg. At least he stays in shape with his billions. I don't understand how Elon is so fat when he can pay people to literally put healthy food in his mouth like a baby.

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"Oh no!! Our phones have to be 1 mm thicker in the EU!!" - Apple designers probably

Thank you kindly! That's it.