2 Post – 62 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I think Beehaw is a great instance who shows what the Fediverse can be and is about.

I love that they actually shout out 1 of the instances instead of Lemmy or Kbin as a whole.

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Reaffirming of what?

That twitter is a walking corpse?

My timeline is full of bots, spam and trolls and it looks like it gets worse with the day.

If Spez likes that future for Reddit then sure.

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They are both morally bankrupt and dumb as a rock.

I do not understand these posts at all.

It sounds like that you are just not interested in building a new community and rather go back to the ivory tower that is reddit.

If that is so just say it.

What are you gonna do when Reddit is gonna implement the next thing that would be unbeneficial to the community?

If you know that the possible new mods are asses, why not call reddits bluff?

Let them see what good moderation is about and what happens when you don't care about the good moderators for years.

You are probably afraid that a new mod team would do just a good a job as you and you will be forgotten after a day. Then of course what would be all this for if change wouldn't happen? Other questions you are asking yourself can entice; Is my moderation position really that hard to take over? Are the changes really affecting me?

You are probably afraid losing something that you put your own time and effort in and the idea that someone would ruin it or just take your place is a situation you are not ready for. I would understand all that but then why black out at all? Rigorous changes after 48 hours only happen in Disney movies, you should know that.

Sorry to say but most of the community does not give a damn about moderators and you know it. They care about the content that is provided to them that is what they are hooked on.

This only shows that Reddit has full control over you and your actions and they can do whatever they want to whomever they want because you will bulge the first second they threaten to take your moderations position away.

For the life of me I cannot understand why people would gladly be providing money in Reddits pockets, while the community and moderators don't see a penny, don't see any user improvements, get constantly lied to, while getting bend over on every turn.

I am gonna say this again; I thought moderators actually got paid by reddit. I was baffled when I heard a few days ago they weren't. I thought and still think it would be absolutely ridiculous to invest your time and efforts for a profit making company for absolutely nothing in return.

In the meantime Steve huffman is spitting in your and the communities face every step of the way, not caring about you or the community at all.

I have a whole lot of respect to the people who gave up their mod positions just to make a stand for themselves.

I really don't mind if subs stay open, if you like to moderate be my guest. If you don't agree with the blackout, sure.

But the posturing about the greater good for the community, just don't.

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Yes who is gonna post the first AskMen about;

"What is the sexiest sex you ever sexed?"

For people interested in Fragrances, I did my part and gonna start to post more often;

Suggestions are welcome!

People are way to shortsighted to see how it can affect them as well.

The amount of "I don't use 3rd party apps so it doesn't affect me" comments were very noticable.

These changes and the ones that Reddit will implement to rail the userbase even harder will affect the people one way or the other at some point.

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Steve is such a savvy businessman. Cancelling revenue sharing arrangements with (a) 3rd party app(s) which benefit your company.

I cannot wait how steve talks himself out of this one.

This is the most damning thing so far.

Calling 3rd party apps freeloaders while at least 1 of them was paying their fair share for 4 years.

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"Meta and met with them after signing an NDA"

This should tell quite enough.

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Reddit is almost 20 years old now?

Do you expect Lemmy and Kbin to be an immediate replacement or an replacement at all?

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The 5% lay off is just a start.

They're gonna cut corners wherever they can.

I've been on twitter once a day and it is overrun by bots,trolls and low quality tweets.

Insane what a sh*tshow it became.

"Long story short, my takeaway from Twitter and Elon at Twitter is reaffirming that we can build a really good business in this space at our scale,”

For the people in the back who think the situation is salvable and are caring about the "communities".

It is gonna be wild the coming months.

Beehaw has a code of conduct that everyone can read.

They already said that it is hard to effectively mod because the tooling isn't there yet.

I really wish people would hamper their expectations a bit. With more people coming, there will be more people willing to contribute for tooling etc. These projects are in it's infancy so growing pains will happen.

Facebook for example pays around 500mil per year for moderating and Reddit has free labor for it. But even then, Reddit is dependent on 3rd party tooling for their moderators to effectively moderate. That is a company that exists for 18 years or so?

At one point I expect there to be tooling available to make it easier to target ban people from an specific instance or even defederate specific accounts from an instance.

But if you are a mod team of 4 people without effective tooling then I hope that people understand the predicament they are in and also support the server in their efforts and try to understand their reasoning.

At least you don't have to switch to another platform, you can just make an account on the instance and participate.

I have been toggling between instances and accounts per instance for a good week already and I encounter zero problems with it.

If you just make an account and "activate" the keep yourself logged in checkmark than you can easily switch between instances.

In this stage we are self governing to an extent. The behaviour of people can affect a full instance so everyone has the obligation to think before they post.

Just don't be a dick/troll/spammer/bigot is more then enough to keep federating for your instance enabled.

My thoughts when people still want to strike on reddit;

"I regularly get called a power-hungry mod by the crybabies who get angry when they aren't allowed to break the very clearly stated rules, and repeat their offenses after getting first, sometimes second warnings. They run to other places and go try to stir up other crybabies to come and cause the same kind of trouble."

Isn't there something about this in the rules/code of conduct or something?

I've seen the vitrol that mods get called on the daily.

Why isn't Reddit taking concrete action against this?

I see it as Reddits obligation to educate the community about moderators and what they do on the daily.

It is in their best interest to of course not do the above because otherwise moderators may actually feel like an important part of the eco system.

And Reddit would not like that.

Because RIF and Apollo were hugely popular.

Reddit wants to give you the faint idea that you have a choice instead of actually having a choice.

A cornered animal who sees 1 way out isn't as unpredictable than a fully cornered one.

My dental hygienist told me that the best tools for cleaning your gums are wooden toothpicks.

the second best are the interdental cleaners.

The worst are the plastic toothpicks and the dental floss.

I've been using a combination of the wooden toothpicks and interdental cleaners for a few years and they are game changing.

Also use a good electric toothbrush and an tongue scraper.

An electric toothbrush gets into the places in between your teeth that a normal brush can't get to and an tongue scraper is a game changer for the smell of your breathe overall.

Take good care of your teeth and gums. Brush 2 times a day, clean your gums at least 1 time a day and scrape your tongue.

Bad dental hygiene and no gum cleaning whatsoever will lead to receding gums and may lead in extreme cases to periodontitis .

Receding gums are a real thing and when they happen they DO NOT grow back. Your roots of your teeth will be exposed which are a pain in the ass itself.

Bad dental hygiene and no gum cleaning will also lead to deeper "gum pockets" which can lead to periodontitis. Look up what that means for your teeth and gums and you will start taking care of your mouth flora like a possessed being.

I am not a dentist of any kind, a few years ago I just really took an interest in dental health and tried to educate myself about the subject for a few weeks.

Correct me where I am wrong or if you want to elaborate on something, be my guest ;)!

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I use(d) it to follow 1 guy for updates about my favorite sports team and transfers etc.

But he introduced a new site (today) and is actually gonna quit the platform to go to twitch or somewhere else, so i'll say goodbye to another social media account after today.

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Why should it be ads?

There are so many different ways to have some form of monetization that is not intrusive.

Running Ads is not the only way to keep the lights on.

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I've been trying Tusky and Fedilab. They are better experiences for sure.

Just tried the new official app and it is much better than what it was before but the 3rd party offerings are still ahead as of now.

Just my 2 cents.

This is the shitposting I live for

And then we all woke up and realise the russian people are gonna do nothing.

"Do you think Reddit cares? Honestly."

My post says what I think. Of course they don't they haven't cared for the better part of 8 years. It's why I ran PDS and stopped with using Reddit as of this week.

"But there are people who need these little rest stops. They need a place to post a picture of their Mickey Mouse balloon, or their engagement photo in front of the castle, or their debate about what on earth the writing on some poster says. It makes them happy and there's a whole blossoming community there, of happy people in a safe space."

You know that Reddit will use this as leverage whenever they can right?

"We're just some stupid, terminally-online folks who need to touch grass. Doing unpaid labor for an abusive place that doesn't care. All to make some little virtual people on the other side of a box (who also hate us) happy."

Why would you even talk about yourself like that?

If it wasn't clear I am hardcore in the moderator camp.

I would not be a moderator even if you would glue me to a chair and threaten me to mod or I would be forced to watch every season of seinfeld in that same chair. I absolutely despise seinfeld.

You are literally the gateway between the community and Reddits pockets. Why do you think that Facebook pays a buttload of cash for their moderators.

I come of as harsh maybe, but for some reason I feel like I care more for the moderators then the moderators do for themselves.

You should be proud of the work you do and the shit you take on the daily.

Sorry if I come on strong, but believe me it isn't to dunk on you or the moderators in any way, shape or form.

I am probably way to invested in this part of the saga so I will stop posting about this part at all.

It cannot be understated how much Spez fudged up in that AMA.

Effectively saying that the 3rd party apps are profitable while the "real" product is not is literally mind boggling.

If it is really 3% that uses 3rd party apps that means than that 3% can generate enough revenue for 3rd party developers to be profitable than the 97% of the "official users" who are for some reason not profitable for Reddit.

It would be insanity actually and just hilarious.

Nothing as spiteful as a Redditor done wrong

I registered and got through yes.

I registered just before the influx of users from reddit I assume and I am gonna be honest I didn't put in a full essae.

The more people who will get on the platform the easier it will be to shut the intolerant and bullshitters out.

  • FF7 Crisis core is my favorite game ever. The gameplay, story, voice acting and music are all top notch.

  • DEF Jam Fight for NY is another PSP favorite for me. I really liked the combat and customization options for your character. It was just an enormous fun game.

  • Daxter was the first PSP game I played and it was also just an really fun and good game.

  • Dissidia Final Fantasy is als just a really good game with an amazing combat system.

  • The naruto games were really good. I think it was the ultimate ninja heroes games that had this interesting gameplay and also a story mechanic with an floor system that you had to climb and play through.

  • Bleach heat the soul series are fun fighting games. I think not all of them were released in the west but I recommend them because the gameplay was super fun.

I show enough consideration because of my post where I go deeper into the whole situation. I also used to be a part of the communities in Reddit.

You are missing my point.

If you really want change you should know what that would entice and what that would bring.

If you just wanted to posture and get brownie points then the 48 hour blackout was perfect for doing something without actually doing something.

But humeur me; How is this beneficial for the community in the long term?

What has Reddit shown that it cared about its communities and moderators over the years?

It does prove Steves point though; It all will blow over and people will bend the knee.

The motives of the community and Reddit do not align in the slightest.

I used "F1 lemmy" multiple times in google already and the top post(s) were links to the F1 lemmy.

It works.

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I thought if the community agreed that they could be private.

I also thought that the black out didn't really matter for Reddit.

Guess they are starting to sweat.

The black out is still happening right now.

There are subs who are blacking out indefinitely still.

But I don't know what people expected to happen after 48 hours?

The subreddits who participated already told that it was a "warning shot" and new actions were to be taken accordingly after.

And r/all is not Reddit.

r/all is the tumor of Reddit itself. It is the instagram and facebook equivalant of the "feed page". It doesn't define what makes Reddit...Reddit.

Again something that RIF did for me, it made r/all bearable to scroll through.

It are the communities underneath who provide advice, information and a sense of comradery who define Reddit.

When those communities leave, then you can fasten your seatbelts.

Reddit and it's userbase are not gonna survive of what is happening on r/all.

It will be a marathon and we should probably see in a year or maybe 2 if what is happening was effective.

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I guess people really did prefer their little space where they hold any power.

Keep on with not using reddit.

They can pound sand for all I care.

It is a money grab. Most of the time those 4 week diets are full of sugar and just badly balanced in macro nutrients overall.

It is also way easier to set up an healthy meal plan for yourself than people think ;).

What do you need those 2 accountants for? ;)

1 more...

FF7 crisis core for the PSP and it is not even close.

The story, the music, the english voice acting, the cut scenes, the gameplay; it was al just fenomenal.

It is still the best story based game I played and the ending just hits you right in the feels.

My Reddit name that I used was actually based on the Loveless poem, Genesis recited in the game (favorite character with Zack Fair).

Try the pink interprox ones. They are the thinnest ones.

Otherwise ask your dentist if they can show you how to use them. Just because your teeth are really tight together doesn't mean that there won't be any buildup of food or other things.

Someone also had a suggestion to change the name of Magazines to "Bins", I think Bins would be incredibly catchy and on point.

Edit; Found the thread where it was suggested first:

Credit to @HeartyBeast for coming up with it!

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It is also easy for people to connect it with the federation.

When people talk about Subreddits they immediately know it is a community on Reddit.

You can easily see the same here. When people will talk about Bins, they can immediately identify it as an community on an Kbin instance.

"But I think the greater Reddit community just want to participate with their fellow community members."

One way to find out right.