Dick Justice

@Dick Justice@lemmy.world
15 Post – 264 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

jUsT gIvE mETa A cHAnCe iN tHe fEdIVeRsE DuRRrrpH

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Meta is a socially transmitted disease. There's no reason to "wait and see" with Meta, we already know them. Meta is not new, it's Facebook, with a new name and a fancy new logo to deflect attention away from all the terrible shit they do and have done, to individuals, groups, communities, and society as a whole.

So much terrible shit that unlike many Wikipedia articles that have a "controversy" section, Meta/Facebook has entire pages devoted to their terrible shit.





There's more. Meta is not some new and exciting player in the ActivityPub field. They're a known quantity, and there's nothing to gained by allowing them to flood the Fediverse with low-quality shitposts at best, massive social manipulation campaigns at worst, and everything in between. In my humble opinion.

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And it absolutely slays me when they refer to Chris Pratt as having a "dad bod" lol

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Recall that 3rd party mobile apps came before the official Reddit Mobile app. For many people, especially Reddit's oldest users, their 3rd party app was Reddit for them.

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Class traitor.

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Sidney Powell looks like a clown that ran out of makeup while getting into character

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Maybe stop charging twelve hundred dollars for a fucking phone.

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"My accounts WILL be restored"

Okay Karen.

Defederation is a feature, not a weakness.

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Deleted my first post, as I'm confusing myself. No official post has been on lemmy.world regarding the upcoming fiasco. However, the mastodon.world account on Mastodon has stated that they will NOT be defederating, and will take a "wait and see" stance.


Bear in mind that mastodon.world is hosted and administered by the same person as lemmy.world. They didn't specifically say that lemmy.world will have the same standpoint, but I hope not. Even though I am very new to the Fediverse, I already view the .world servers as a home, and I would hate to leave. I do believe that Meta is a known bad actor. EDITED: I'm torn over the whole thing, but I know I want nothing to do with Meta.

On the internet, nobody knows you're a dog.

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Hear hear! The Jerboa app has been great, and @dessalines@lemmy.ml (hope I did that right) has worked hard on it for sure! Some of the posts about bugs and/or feature suggestions have been downright rude imho, so it's nice see them get their flowers, they deserve it! It's nice to see so many new app projects popping up too of course, but so far Jerboa has done great by me, and like others have mentioned, has really eased my transition from RIF. My thumb already instinctively taps on Jerboa now instead of RIF, LOL.

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aRe YoU a ToP oR A bOTToM??

Absolute strangers will ask you that the moment they find out you're gay.

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Whatever the other person uses. Everyone uses something different and I raarely feel like convincing someone to switch to something new, much less helping them figure out how to do it. Of my circle of friends, it's least painful for me to just find out what they already use and install it myself.

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I've not found anything I like more than Voyager. It has native apps for android and iOS, but I prefer the progressive web app version.

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Yelp is a failed experiment. Let it die.

bUt tHeY jUSt hAVe dIFfErEnT oPIniOnS

Because it's low hanging fruit. Politicians can be "tough" on chronic pain patients and frame it as furthering the battle against the "opioid epidemic" without having to address the actual kraken in the bathtub, which is shady, Chinese bootleg fentanyl flooding the US through our leaky International mail system. The opioid crisis and epidemic of overdoses isn't fueled by Grandma selling off her "extra" 5mg percosets, its coming from illegally smuggled fentanyl being sold illegally on the streets. Chronic pain patients are just a convenient sock puppet for the constant campaign mode our politicians are in, and they don't care who they hurt to get elected or stay in power. Imho.

I'm really, really good at throwing garbage into the can from across the room so I don't have to get up.

Of course they agree. How many more times do these people have to tell us who they are?

What a trash service. I literally don't know anyone who wouldn't be net happier in life if they just deleted Twitter.

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Mm, I'm curious as to what the threats actually were. I've seen people claim they got death threats because someone tweeted "kys" at them in response to their homophobic bullshit.

There's https://fedi-search.com/ that searches the biggest instances.

Hate to tell you this... I don't know if you have kids yet, but it absolutely does not matter how you raise them, if they're gay they're gay. The only thing you're teaching your children, if they are gay, is that their father probably will hate them if he finds out, and they better hide in the closet until they grow up and can escape you. Nothing else. LGBTQ is not the result of poor parenting, friend, it's genetic.

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iPhone users wouldn't piss on the best part of an innovative phone if it was on fire. Who are we kidding?

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Not just no, but heck no, and no algorithm either. Karma at a glance doesn't tell you anything about quality. High karma users can be anything from insightful posters to inflammatory shitstains to literally not even human. It's not useful for keeping new accounts from spamming - new accounts are created every single day en masse for the sole purpose of accruing karma by any means for the distinct purpose of being sold to spammers.

Karma also tanks discussions - every slightly big Reddit post is flooded with people repeating the same stupid "in"-jokes and puns that were funny 7 years ago by people and bots trying to boost their karma. The first few comment threads in every post become absolutely useless at best, and at worst, bots and bad faith actors clog up the pipes with ongoing spam efforts and purposely deceitful and manipulative misinformation campaigns that are demonstrably harmful to society.

Fake internet points is an outdated idea that imho, has shown itself to ultimately be bad for communities. I personally think that while Lemmy acts as a great alternative to Reddit there's no compelling argument for trying to make Lemmy an exact copy of Reddit. Lemmy doesn't need to be a one-to-one mirror image of a website that we're all literally fleeing because it's a giant shit pile. IMHO.

I accept the fact that I don't understand everything, and I get high.

You can't blame them for wanting to know. It's a major market, and they're getting their asses kicked. If I had to pick one, I'd pick Edge over Chrome, so it's actually an interesting question anyway.

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I have no desire to interact with Facebook via Lemmy. Fuck that idea. And I think it's shady that there's Mastodon admins having secret meetings with Fuckerberg and his cronies and keeping the details secret. I think it's even worse to see Mastodon servers defederating with other servers just because their admins are critical of Meta. I feel bad for all the users who fled to Mastodon just to get away from Big Corporate Social Media just to be shushed and have their concerns handwaved by their Admin who seems bizarrely starstruck. It all leaves a really bad taste in my mouth.

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Bro, you must have been really tired when you read this article.

Hell yeah, 50 degrees is tee shirt and shorts weather IMHO.


THANK YOU! That's what we were all saying when you stopped caring about it.

"Do unto others", and all that.

I mean they cost at least a grand.

Especially if they're going to 6 monrhs without helping. Like why?

He always looks like he just got out of drag and washed his makeup off.

I see an awful lot of people here who have quote left reddit, and yet they still go back to Reddit every day to see what's going on, or to grab popular posts so they can repost it here and try to get imaginary points or something. All they're really doing is helping inflate metrics like this.

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Hate it. If it's a person fine, I guess, but I wish bots weren't allowed to create posts at all. I would rather see Lemmy grow very slowly than see Lemmy become a mirror of Reddit, with shit tons of scraped posts that have little to no engagement on them. That's not a community, it's a newspaper. I don't understand the "massive growth at any cost" mindset.

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Aw, he just wants to share something with you.