8 Post – 73 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

...Kernel patch at age 4. Sigh... What have I done with my life?

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A Russian commander with an apparent habit of posting his running routes on social media has been shot dead while jogging in the city of Krasnodar.

Excellent OpSec, those Russians have!

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Well I mean it’s unclear to me that we’re much worse than previous points in history.

That's interesting, because to me it's very clear. After all, small isolated pockets of people ruining their economy and the environment they depend on is quite a bit different from all of humanity everywhere doing this.

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So far I have to create a new username/password on each instance and subscribe to all the things I want to on that new account.

Why are you needing to do that? You only need one account on one instance and you can subscribe to all the things you want on every instance (assuming that it hasn't been defederated for some reason). That way you'll only have one account with one list of subscribed communities instead of differing ones on different accounts.

WTF, I ain't watching an hour long video on a stupid fridge! I'll just watch the first few minutes and see what's up.....



One hour later.....

Okay, that was really interesting. I really love this channel.

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Yeah, I've read the 'hot' is broken. Lots of bugs still to be ironed out. They're working on it.

User migration as well as community migration in case of instances going into a black hole would indeed be useful features.

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That's awful, but perhaps better than stuck for hours or days inside of a dead, dark, cold submarine at the bottom of the ocean as the oxygen slowly runs out.

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How would you design a test that only a human can pass, but a bot cannot?

Very simple.

In every area of the world, there are one or more volunteers depending on population / 100 sq km. When someone wants to sign up, they knock on this person's door and shakes their hand. The volunteer approves the sign-up as human. For disabled folks, a subset of volunteers will go to them to do this. In extremely remote area, various individual workarounds can be applied.

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That’s an interesting perspective! Care to share some data?

Well, of course the data on what our actions (much of which are due to and based upon capitalism) are doing to are environment and climate, and inevitably must lead to given the implicit but incorrect assumption of infinite resources of that system, is everywhere and basically impossible to ignore these days, isn't it? And, almost as easy to find is the data on other cultures killing themselves off (in the, at the time, limited scope of their part of the planet) due to their actions, such as Easter Island.

Lemmy developers: Please fix the scrolling bug ASAP

They are.

The release candidate for 0.18, in which many bugs including this one are fixed, is being tested now.

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I just watched 12 Angry Men (1957) for the first time and it is incredible.

Absolutely. It's a timeless masterpiece in my opinion.

It's a bug that's supposed to be getting fixed in 0.18. They're switching from websockets to HTML I believe, and then it'll only add the new stuff with a page refresh.

Yeah, it's really annoying as it stands.

I'm a bit skeptical of 23k real new accounts in the last hour. If true, it's quite something. But, it could be bots, it could be some bug inflating the numbers, it could be somebody taking advantage of the account creation bug someone mentioned earlier.

We'll see.

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Anyways, what do you all think about the Lemmy website?

One of the cool things about Lemmy is that it isn't one website. It's dozens or even hundreds now. Each instance is its own website and some number of them have some interesting tweaks in the look and feel of their page.

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Article summarized by AI below

and this:

The article argues that artificial intelligence (AI) is not a threat to humanity

is a rather funny juxtaposition of statements. Of course, an evil AI that was a threat to humanity would summarize the article that way!

TIL the Technology Connections guy is on Lemmy via Mastadon.

And that's awesome!

It's almost certainly hiding vents or pipes that needed to be routed there. As for the carpeting, somebody no doubt thought it would be cool, or else if for sound dampening.

This has been known for a while, but this information seems to be gaining more traction lately with the general public. The recommendations are to ensure you have an exhaust fan that vents to the outside above your range, and to use it each and every time your range is turned on. Of course, that's not something most people do.

When you do the search in your instance, sometimes it works better to search for (for example) "" instead of "!". Using the full URL seems to work better. I don't know why. And sometimes you have click search more than one time for it to show up.

Still some bugs to be worked out here, lol.

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A Lemmy community for retro technology:


Instance A doesn't know about a community on instance B until somebody on instance A searches for it and (I think) subscribes to it. After that, the entire instance A can see the community on instance B.

So, with small instances and new communities there's a delay until and unless somebody does a search for it and starts interacting. And that means that the 'All' on difference instances, especially smaller instances, is going to be different. As more and more users join various instances and search for communities and interact with communities in the rest of the fediverse these will be more synced.

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It's a known bug. It's getting fixed in 0.18 with the migration from websockets to HTML.

Hello. I am wondering, how can you see how many active users an instance has?

This website has that info and quite a bit more.

Second - if the worst happened, and you woke up one day, and the instance you created your account on shut down and disappeared on you, is that it for your account and profile? You’d lose everything and have to start over on another instance?

As things stand, yup it would all be gone. There is talk of work to make accounts able to be migrated. For now, create another account on another instance as a backup. Obviously it won't have your posts, comments, votes, etc. But you can at least make it moderator of any communities you moderate so you don't get messed up in that aspect.

Last question - what’s the best community to ask these types of lemmy newb questions on?

There are several good ones, including this one, Ask Lemmy, and a few others.

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No, ignorant takes like yours are the real problem.

Is this Reddit?! (Looks up at title bar in confusion.)

No.....well, this is odd.

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Yup, came here to say that as well. it's al bots. The active users graph is much more realistic.

And I've been seeing some...odd looking.... comments recently from users at instances known for being mostly bots. Some of these comments really look AI generated, and have a suspicious number of upvotes.

It's coming. You said that 'it's been fixed in a recent release', but no, it's been fixed in latest version they're working on right now that hasn't been released yet. There is a release candidate being tested, but it has a few bugs still so there will be at least one more release candidate that has to be tested for a bit before being released.

Ah, thank you.

This post on by the moderator of that instance has some information in it about that.

Not off the top of my head, but I have seen some that look different just by clicking on them in this list of various instances.

On many vehicles, this function is turned off or on using a bi-directional scanning tool. You can buy one, but they are typically around $400-$600 bucks on Amazon or whereever. So if you have a mechanic friend you're all set, or sometimes the dealers will adjust these things as a complimentary service when your vehicle is in for an oil change or whatever.

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Unfortunately, your reply ignores the increasing, and increasingly destructive and fatal (for all), short, mid, and long term consequences of doing this. Yes indeed, for an unfortunately small overall percentage of all of humanity, we've never been wealthier, healthier, and happier. Very true! And for those of us, me included, that are enjoying the fruits of that (middle class and above in the world's wealthier countries, which is also the demographic that is far more likely to be reading and commenting here) it is really easy to ignore, deny, and pretend those consequences are not rearing their heads both now and in the future. However, for the sake of our species we cannot ignore this.

Today, a bunch of new instances appeared in the top of the user count list. It appears that these instances are all being bombarded by bot sign-ups.

Yup, I noticed this as well.

Hopefully the mods of the instances will notice this and remove these accounts quickly! Despite this, I think the mods of all instances, and of all communities, had better brace themselves for incoming spam and hate speech.

Because the unintended consequences of capitalism, due to human psychology, are the destruction of the substrate it relies upon and that humans require for survival (as is so very demonstrable right now), and (again, due to human psychology and our tribal and hierarchical nature) the increasing imbalance of wealth (and therefore power) to a select few (who are generally making the former issue far worse).

It's an artifact of how the software works right now. Of course, this could be changed in the future in any number of ways. Things are likely to develop rapidly given the influx of users. Many of these folks are developers and can and will add and change things to make it work better. That's the great thing about open source.

I’d almost forgotten what that felt like.

Kinda weird, isn't it?

Yeah, for certain kinds of live conversations while involved in a group activity, it works fine. But only for that, in my opinion.

by tapping into our differentiated value as a hub for actionable conversation

Ugh.... That marketing language makes me cringe hard.

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For Lemmy:

Stylus. And then find Lemmy scripts on to install into Stylus and you can change the look and feel for Lemmy to make it more like Reddit, or whatever. I currently use a combination of 'Better Lemmy' and 'Old reddit-ish Lemmy'.

For general browsing:

uBlock Origin for ads

Privacy Badger for tracking

For YouTube:

Enhancer for YouTube

Yup, and the busier Lemmy gets, the worse it is, lol!

Sounds like we won't have to wait much longer though if the new version is already running on their testing environment. Hopefully they won't find any major fatal issues in the testing that would delay this.