Global water crisis could 'spiral out of control' due to overconsumption and climate change, UN report warns to World – 338 points –
Global water crisis could 'spiral out of control' due to overconsumption and climate change, UN report warns | CNN

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No, ignorant takes like yours are the real problem.

Is this Reddit?! (Looks up at title bar in confusion.)

No.....well, this is odd.

Just ignore him.

Truth is, you both are right. Everyone who can afford it should have solar panels or wind turbines put on their homes so we have a decentralized, people-powered power network in case the power plants brown out during heat waves, which they will.

We need nuclear plants to serve as a baseline power source so we still get energy at night, or on cloudy or rainy days, or when the wind doesn't blow.

Por que no los dos?

Oh, there was nothing wrong with the gist of what they said, it was the personal commentary at the beginning that was unneeded. If they had skipped that then their point would have been likely considered more thoughtfully by those reading.

I don't see why anyone should care honestly. Everyone is an asshole on the Internet. What's key is remembering they have no actual power over you.