1 Post – 111 Comments
Joined 6 months ago

I never thought about this topic like this. FWIW I've done both. Always got financial help (Dad payed for my car, stuff that was not covered by scholarships, vacation, extra curricular classes or interests, etc.) and then when he lost his job I helped financially for a bit while he got up on his feet again. I miss him everyday ❤️

So sorry your mom behaved like that. Mine would say "Oh you got birthday money from grandpa? Here, I'll save it for you" and of course when I wanted it back, she would get bent out of shape yelling that she had given me life and she wasn't expecting anything in return So why should I. Awful all around.

Last week my kid's mare got spooked by a plastic bag while said kid was riding her. They never flinched and everything was under control in a few seconds but you bet I was unable to breath while watching from afar.

Oh I've been there too! Read about it while planning my pregnancy. It made me feel so paranoic that I got the test done twice just in case. I never got sick with it, but paranoia was a removed.

Since then I have gotten mental health help to deal with anxiety etc.

Fat people. There, I said it.

18 more...

I wish the person who laid down the stone paths you just described could read what you so beautifully wrote about their special place.

  1. A plot of land in a place I like. Nothing fancy or huge, just a place to be by myself and enjoy a nice bonfire away from people.

  2. Headphones. The old clunky ones that cover your whole ears. I love them! They feel like a hug and I use them all the time while listening to spooky stories. Bought them in a sale about four years ago.

  3. A hello kitty backpack. Bought it as a birthday gift for a friend's daughter, we had a fallout and I kept it. One day I needed a clean backpack and this was on hand so I grabbed it in a whim and have been using it ever since. I have a pair of Columbia, silver ridge and tetons laying around but this fluffy cute backpack makes me so happy and has the perfect size.

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This thread is so wholesome ❤️ It made me smille to know how many people are loved and cherished by a significant other.

Seeing two horses fighting. The sheer size of them is enough to scare me, but getting aggresive biting and kicking was something else.

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Gettig treatment for CPTSD so I could stop the trauma cycle. It is hard work, but so worth it.

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I can think of three options:

My crossbow. I am not a hunter but I thought it would be super cool to learn how to use one. SO got it as an anniversary gift for me.

My horse hair embroidery sculpture things... I am not sure what to call them yet, but I like unusual art and these fit the bill.

My succulent collection . I have many different kinds and love propagating them.

Ps. I don't know how to upload pics to lemmy. Everytime I try an error pops up.

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My dad died this exact same way and while doctors kept saying he didn't suffer at all because it was so quick I just thought they were being reassuring since I guess that is what they are supossed to say.

Your comment helps me to make the burden of his passing a bit lighter. Thank you.

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I got a similar feeling when I started taking the supplements my body needed: Iron, magnesium, selenium. I thought: wow! Is this how normal people feel on a day to day basis? It made such a difference in my mood too.

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I am gladly going to share my most guarded secret regarding succulents, obligatory "I-am-not-in-the-usa" disclaimer. I live in a place near the tropics but with very cold snow though.

Neglect is your friend. I forget to water mine all the time, if I find gnats or whatever on one just spray it lightly with rubbing alcohol or pinesol, etc.

Specifically for propagating: Cut your petals/leaves clean off of the mother plant. I use my hands but you can use a pair of very clean scissors, then put them in an empty terracota pod no moisture and leave them be until they can "heal" the "wound", sort of like scarring (spelling?) Then when you start seeing tiny little roots THEN place them on moist soil and proceed to ignore so they start doing their thing. My soil mix is 70 or 80% mineral material and the rest regular dirt. Hope this helps

Back when chatrooms were a thing, me as an edgy teenager, wanted something that I thought made me appear dark and mysterious so I chose Der teufel (the devil) as my handle. Most people couldn't read it properly and called me Truffle instead and I embraced it happily.

Fucking cauliflower vegan "wings" they were the nastiest, smelliest, mushiest pile of gross I have ever tasted.

I have a dog who is a rescue, she was severely neglected when we first got her as a foster and her file stated she had to eat her own feces in order to survive in the place she was rescued from. Well, those cauliflower wings I just told you about? She sniffed them and gagged!! That's how bad they were.

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Worry less about grades and academic performance, met my actual therapist back then so I could understand more about myself through exploration of my own self.

Hug my dad more if I knew he would be gone in a few years. Miss him everyday.

Oh man Kevin Spacey outing himself as a disgusting predatory piece of sh1t ruined his movies for me forever! American Beauty was one of my favorites as was The usual suspects. Now I can't watch them anymore.

After I quit smoking, I wanted to do something with my hands so I bit my nails until it hurt.

Crochet was/ is something I can do with my hands and at the end I get a cool hat or a nice scarf. Yarn gets expensive, tho.

Stopped smoking cold turkey and it was hard as f*ck. Thirteen years ago and haven't picked it back up yet.

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Not getting an answer is an answer. I wouldn't insist on contacting them.

The vet that saved my dog's life. He did a great job rehabilitating her from terrible abuse and neglect related injuries when we rescued her. He gave me a hefty discount and everytime I took her back in later years, he refused to charge me for the visit.

Whenever I come across a person in one of those driving school vehicles, I take my time to be extra nice to them and helping them a bit in a way.

Depends on my relationship with them.

If they are not my close friends or family, something generic like wine, nice tea, chocolate, baby plant is fine.

If they are close to me, I love giving them something I know they can use for their favorite activity or hobbie but never related to their job or school. For example I would not gift my kid something for school, that is a need and not an actual gift.

Cantalapiedra which can be roughly translated as: the stone that sings. Canta: sing La: the Piedra: stone

Some foods should not be touching other foods but I can't use one of those cafeteria trays because the texture makes me gag.

My solution to it is using glass or ceramic plates and bowls for each item. There are exceptions of course.

Silverware is another thing altogether.

Preparing myself for having my own child and deeply comprehend how much abuse I had endured and how fucked up it is to do that to anyone, but especially your own kid. Then educate myself and stay in therapy (repeat as necessary) so I could deliver my absolute best to my kid. It really dawned on me how much of my childhood was pure survival and getting rid of some of those coping mechanisms has been very hard.

How can one be afraid of something and still enjoy doing it? I like snorkeling and have done it many times, love the feeling of weightlessnes and how quiet it all is, I plan vacations around the whole thing BUT everytime I am about to do it all of my body starts shaking like crazy, blood pumping, ears ringing, the works. Nothing has ever happened to me while doing it and I have never witnessed like an accident or something traumatic like that.

Oh! Also, not a fan of black dark places in water, like you go on by yourself and explore that place where a gigantic eel probably lives I'm gonna stay put right here.

Oh do you have any Lola pictures?

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Forgot to comment: We like to do a Robert DeNiro impression in that movie with Ben Stiller whenever we say goodbye: "I'm on to you, fucker" then point both eyes and the index straight forward.

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ETA: I know a horse is a living being and not a toy.

Fuck yeah! I always wanted a horse even though I don't ride and never have aside from a couple of times. Nothing professional. Did not grow up around farms or horses. City folk through and through.

Now my kid is an equestrian and I will never forget their face when we got their horse! It felt so good to be able to do that for them and they take such good care of their animal.

Good for you! I hope you go on many tiny adventures together. There is something so comforting in having a nice neighbor friend.

Trinket goblin reporting! I save tons of different little things and stuff for a while, then one day, for no apparent reason I get overwhelmed and throw away everything( or donate or whatever) Cereal boxes are great to paint gouache so I cut them up and use them as needed. Embroidery floss and yarn scraps are great stuffers for small amigurumi. Electrical wire can be used sometimes for kumihimo. Empty glass jars are my doom, I collect them all.

Greek yoghurt. Plain,no sugar or fruit. Cucumbers and oranges with tajín. Hummus with celery sticks.

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Spot on comment. "But, but, but obesity" Yeah correlation is not causation, when will people get off of the better than thou train.

Being healthy is more than just how much people weight and it baffles me that so many comments here are tone deaf about how it is not as easy as CICO and criticize people who live in larger bodies.

Montessori coat flip ftw!

Elfen Lied

My favorite is paper. I love the smell of old books, but also, I download a ton too because it is easier to carry them around this way.

I like buying and owning some stuff, sure, but not being able to do so doesn't not make me go/feel insane.

Sometimes guilt creeps in but then I remember I am allowed to own and enjoy things that have no other purpose than to be enjoyed. I don't come from money, lived a very frugal life with my parents and while I went to private school all the way through college it was through scholarships and what not.

So maybe I am justifying myself, which is fine too, but now that I can have a bit of extra change and not be a starving student I know there are some stuff that I am willing to buy for whatever reason. This will not make me poorer or richer.

I love Layne's voice! AIC was one of my favorite bands.