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Joined 1 years ago

Ooh ill add it to my list! Thanks friend

Haven't listen to dungeon crawler Carl, but He who fights with monsters is also a good series

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More directly. The playstation was developed as an expansion for supernes. Then nintendo changed their mind and sony decided to keep developing it as their own device

Created their successor in following generations

I think it's a personal choice, or at least i didn't have any specific reason not to watch the movie first. They are a fair bit different but if you watch the series first that's a lot of Alan alda to unsee if you watch the movie afterwards so i think it's better for your movie experience if watch it before the series, and it was released first so there's that

Great show, but binging seasons gets rough

Can i ask everyone to please watch the movie M * A * S * H in honour of Donald Sutherland passing... And share then share your experience here.

Im very curious how it will be received, i wont be surprised by some problematic aspects, but it was an impactful movie (and tv show)

I think they dealt with subject matter that might be important in this current era

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Reality tv shows took this the farthest its so bad

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My thoughts exactly when i was watching old seasons of Canadas worst drivers

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Only as abserver, not a student. But thats cool you are close by , maybe o could come watch you DJ if you do live shows sometime

But it does heal. Efficiently be damned. That's not what you care about with mad science. Results are all that matter in mad science, good results or bad results you just have an insatiable desire to see what happens if

For reference from uber eats near vancouver bc

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If you're ever working in Vancouver, can i come job shadow you for a few days? Always been curious about the technical side of audio production

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Nail, head

If you calculated it as 8 hours a day of work it would work out to $62.5/hour

And is chemically very similar to the chemical that gives cinnamon its flavour.

NileRed(or maybe NileBlue?) made cinnamon hearts out of styrene

One definition of exotic is "intriguingly unusual or interesting"

I think thats a fair description of the design. Doesnt mean people have to like them, or that they are well built.

Many exotic cars have been terribly built and ive seen super cars that i think are much uglier than cybertruck... And just about every saab car ive ever seen

That's a boring cover of a description.

If it exists, there is porn of it

Remember when blizzard let you install a spawn copy on a friends computer so you could play together?

Also some DS games had similar where only one copy of the cartridge was needed to play with friends. Think one was mariokart DS

Would be a very popular move to letting people play together without everyone needing to be nickel and dimed(i feel like thats also a dated phrase now that i read it. Old gamers remember! Young gamers please help us find cool things, we are old and cant keep up!)

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Wikipedia does a pretty decent job of eventually being correct, at any given time it can be outrageously inaccurate. Its good to not just use wikipedia entrys and use the sources that are linked there. By using the sources that are cited you are helping to keep wiki trustworthy and helps avoid you using bad information.

It works well to manage the integrity of wiki. I think being able to intuitively navigate between entries by a variety of metrics like edits that have remained unedited the longest/shorest, newest/oldest, etc would be a very good addition to wiki.

Some kind of webarchive of wiki sources would also be amazing so that if the sources disappear or change over time there is a connection to what it was at the time it originally/previously was used as a source on wiki.

And maybe some of this already exists and im just not very good at getting my 4dollars a month worth :P

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That's as things may be now. What we have consistently seen is that company's can often change their policy whenever they want. It's happened too many times already to think the current lunch is future proof

Dare to dream

That's a great read if you are only trying to film a commercial or promotion and no one is going to eat it. But then it doesnt matter if its non toxic i suppose.

At least i remember a video a long time ago, perhaps on an episode of how its made, that white glue is used to help get the stretchy cheese pull

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You absolutely can pay people to do just about anything including having kids.

Give me a credit card that can pay ALL of my bills and i will both adopt a kid and find someone who wants to have one.

The problem is kids are a huge burden when you can barely afford to live your own life let alone provide and be responsible for another human being

Pay people to retire early and you will see a huge boom in population

Is this supposed to be an achievement of some kind? Pretty sure there are many empresses/queens/czarinas etc that have inherited as much if not more

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Listen sugartits, some of us don't have much money. So if it's not much money we still don't have it

(Mostly i just wanted to point out your username by using it in a comment)

Its almost like none of you remember microsoft in the dot com era.

Did no one just intuitely understand this was going to be a consequence of aquiring blizzard-activision?

In other news trees of green

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Theoretically, how would one look at the code if they found a copy of it?

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Not exactly a toy.

Wanted the black toyota pick up from back to the future when i first watched the movie as a kid.

Ended up buying a version of it without remembering how much i wanted that truck as a kid.

When i saw it the first time after buying my truck i thought holy shit adult me bought child me his dream vehicle without realizing it

(It was not the exact same but might as well have been)

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Im just over here using firefox since it was still netscape navigator 2.0.

Another update? Okay

Found this odd, anyone smarter than me care to offer opinions on why they wrote it this way?

"Yet Iger reportedly makes $27 million a year, while Netflix just raked in $1.5 billion in net profit in the last quarter."

Why are they comparing a person to a company?

Shouldnt it be disney(3.19B last year) to netflix(1.5B last quarter), or Iger(27 million) to Reedings/Sarandos(35 mill each as co ceos)

*The numbers i used are from a quick google search where they arent taken from the article, please be kind if i found the wrong ones. I dont actually care about the numbers was just trying to match what the article did. Feel free to correct them for everyone elses benefit

Celcius. Water freezes at 0 and boils at 100

Pretty good frame of reference

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It's not stealing unless you delete the original when you download it. It's forgery at best

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I too remember shareware. Ahh im old

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You dissapoint me. I love this, would try it

Rimworld (Survival. Very quirky, choose your own survival adventure)

Hades. (Made me feel like i was renting video games for the snes and trying to play it all weekend long)

Backpack Hero. (Indie game, bit of tetrising needed, loot adventure with a decent turn based combat for what it is)

Dead Cells. (Lot of humour packed into a metroidvania platformer. Roguelite gives it a lot of replayability. Reminds me of Hades but sidescrolling goodness)

Valheim (Viking survival game. They specifically wanted to go low poly and get the feel of something like OG Tombraider)

Uhhh it wasnt a joke when i was a teen in the 90s. Bill Gates was absolutely hated, like worse than EA

First time in a long time I've seen FTFY used literally. Have an upvote

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Is someone stupid because they don't know how to change a light bulb? A tire? How to do laundry? How to cook a meal? Review a book? Write an essay? Manage a task?

It's just skills people dont have that often make them look stupid to most people who have that skill. Especially when those tasks seem very trivial once you have that skill.

Being ignorant of something doesnt make someone stupid. But i do think being stupid often prevents you for fixing your ignorance

Just 2 cents of thought

Edit: forgot to say every single person on the planet us stupid at something or about something but we may never have the opportunity to find out

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Dead Cells

Halls of Torment


Vampire Survivor

Backpack Hero

Megaman/megamanx collections(just picked these up from.a humblebundle if they are still available)

Brutal Legends

EmuStation(bit of a setup on this but worth it if you want to emulate things)

Edit: why the ever loving hell cant i do single line? Double enter is dumb

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Heh i have a couple stories.

At costco picking up hotdogs for the crew, get back to car and notice older (60+) lady with Doc Martins on (i figure shes an old hippie but doesnt really matter) so i tell her i love your big stompy boots! And because of her style i add, "you may not but i think you would love Jon Fluevog shoes" she thanks me and says she has a couple pairs and loves them but doesnt wear them every day so they last longer.

Pleasant 45 second interaction.

At a music festival in victoria bc watching a metal band called Malahat, see a younger woman wearing the same colour converse shoes im wearing standing next to me, bamd pauses and i tell her she has terrible taste is shoes as im looking down and pointing to my own shoes. She was confused for a moment then laughed loudly enough security looked my way.

Have used the shoe bit a couple times stuck in close quarters (elevators hallways transit etc) a few times not always successfully but usually it goes over well when they notice im wearing the same shoes.

Sometimes i have to explain it was just an intentionally bad joke(i do love a bad pun and a good dad joke) but rarely usually is well received. But thats literally all i intend and it usually happens in passing.

(Middleaged white guy beardo)