L'Oreal cosmetics heir has just become the first woman with a $100 billion fortune

return2ozma@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 182 points –
Cosmetics heir who shuns the spotlight has just become the first woman with a $100 billion fortune

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Is this supposed to be an achievement of some kind? Pretty sure there are many empresses/queens/czarinas etc that have inherited as much if not more

Maybe adjusted for inflation, maybe…. but I seriously doubt it, 100 billion is an astronomically high amount.

Even $100 billion is nothing compared to the power that comes from controlling a nation state. Just in real estate terms, $100 billion is enough to maybe buy a really small city if no one noticed what you are doing. To control a whole country of land, people, and wealth is incomparable to anything achievable in capitalism.

I can't buy mcdonalds with control over a nation state

Not in modern times, but the ancient world was a different beast

Yes. It's okay if white women exploit humans, not okay when white men do it.