L'Oreal cosmetics heir has just become the first woman with a $100 billion fortune

return2ozma@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 182 points –
Cosmetics heir who shuns the spotlight has just become the first woman with a $100 billion fortune

You'd think she would be happier.

If our sociopath billionaire class had the capacity to find happiness, they would have cashed in their chips and fucked off to indulge any hobbies/passions they had forever a long time ago.

They have a gaping "deposits only" black hole in their chests where a heart should be. It will never be enough, and unfortunately they use their power/capital to make their inadequacy everyone else's problem.

To be fair this woman seems to already have done that, except for the cashing in her chips part.

The documentary on that family is really interesting, her mom wanted a son and was very open with her about not loving or liking her. Also, mom was anti-Semitic and mom's dad was part of the nazi stuff. Daughter married a Jewish person. Her mom had alzheimers and was being taken for a ride for 900,000,000+ dollars. The daughter seemed to want to take care of her and for her not to get fleeced, but that could be how they edited the doc. The mom was doing all kinds of shady, get yourself locked up, kind of stuff but came down with dementia so she wasn't held accountable. If you're doing okay on money, can go on vacations and not living paycheck to paycheck, count yourself lucky I think.

The secret to rich people's happiness is philanthropy.

The problem is, too many of them are too stupid to realize that having more for themselves while children die of starvation isn't good for their conscience.

All billionaires are unethical, greedy, exploitative assholes who don't deserve anything that they have.

Is this supposed to be an achievement of some kind? Pretty sure there are many empresses/queens/czarinas etc that have inherited as much if not more

Maybe adjusted for inflation, maybe…. but I seriously doubt it, 100 billion is an astronomically high amount.

Even $100 billion is nothing compared to the power that comes from controlling a nation state. Just in real estate terms, $100 billion is enough to maybe buy a really small city if no one noticed what you are doing. To control a whole country of land, people, and wealth is incomparable to anything achievable in capitalism.

I can't buy mcdonalds with control over a nation state

Not in modern times, but the ancient world was a different beast

Yes. It's okay if white women exploit humans, not okay when white men do it.

May something unexpected and sudden happen to all billionaires.

"well done". Has taken a lot of hard waiting to get there! "she's worth it"

I don't think that most people that inherit that level of wealth end up very happy. Everyone has problems. The more $$ you have the more you focus on the stupid meaningless stuff.

Thought exercise: if this person suddenly died would there be a significant positive impact to the economy?

Her descendants would get the fortune, if there are none then her will likely spreads it to enough other entities that the government gets nothing more than the estate tax laws demand. You won’t see billionaires die and the money go unclaimed to the state like you do with poors that die with a few thousand in assets

Wow. A study of the Bible and the genealogy of the Greek gods. She totally worked hard to "earn" that $100 billion.

Nice, now she'll be able to easily afford peon destroying robot dogs