that guy

2 Post – 222 Comments
Joined 7 months ago

I don't get why you're all so mad at me for being right, I don't get mad at you for always being wrong

Sounds like a good reason to release them

Don't worry Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher will bust you out

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My favorite is Edge trying to plead with you not to switch browsers

I wonder if it has anything to do with inequality and the eroding of mainstreet America in favor of a winner-take-all economy that uses compound interest as a weapon?

No, it's the voters who are wrong.

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You guys think I should upgrade my Voodoo 3 card? No one is joining my quake server anymore anyway

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If you ever notice construction is stalled in your city, it's because it's a racket.

They low bid the contract.

They take contract.

Work stops because they didn't ask for enough money.

They're already there, it'd cost too much to fire them or move their supplies and equipment. They know this so they drag their feet until the client pays more.

Construction begins again.

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Billionaires are the real welfare queens

Disney should be dismantled for being cultural terrorists

Reddit is the new digg

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Academia should be investigated by a new division of special authorities

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Mississippi is so poor, corrupt and backwards it makes Alabama look progressive. The entire state should be ran by the federal government until it gets up to first world standards.

High quality journalism over at the hill. Probably written by AI

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Depends but possibly freight and logistics cycles.

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The US healthcare system is a for profit death cult ran by racketeers

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Tax payers subsidize the power plants, pay for the electricity and the corporation gets to keep the profits

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Death panels are real in TX

I can't even begin to articulate my hatred for the current Microsoft business model. People used to joke how evil they were but it's only continued to get worse

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Nimarata Nikki Randhawa doesn't want to use her real name and Rafael Edward Cruz doesn't either.

Some family values. What are they trying to hide from us?

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I hate influencers, aka living adverts

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Everyone is addicted to fear

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Don't worry he has politician healthcare not plebeian deathcare like us peons

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Time to get a library card and read some books

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Google should not be setting standards on something that is supposed to be open. Google should be getting dismantled and divided into individual companies that would fail without the surveillance apparatus that is the real product, which is why it will never happen and why they're given unchecked power

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Nimarata Nikki Randhawa will say and do anything for power. Even whitewash her culture.

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As funny as this is, The Lincoln Project wants to turn neoliberal democrats into DINO republicans since the GOP have been turning from neoconservativism into full on right wing dictators since the war on terror. They need the trickle down classic and the founder tried sucking up to AOC by saying he can be trusted because he believes in tipping the bartender.

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VIPees only

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Powered by piss jugs

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When don't they have a meltdown?

People like to pretend Mastodon is confusing

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Wow that's pretty progressive for a republican must not be a far right neocon

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Social media is so dead. Everyone has one yeah but it's a placeholder. The novelty is gone

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Maybe I'm wrong but this isn't good for anyone. Brain drain on the south only bolsters the southern strategy and will hand over the electoral college to the uninformed

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Poor widdle nepobaby

They said he was going to jail every month since 2016, when can I expect to see it happen?

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Edgelord mothermother

100% idle wealth tax

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His sister was murdered in the most conservative town in Colorado. Maybe conservativism doesn't work Mr. Grammer?

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I've never admined a lemmy server but rate limits are probably why it feels slow.

Federation works by each server sharing new activity with each other and rate limits help not crash the server or accidentally DOS smaller servers.