
2 Post – 739 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

You see a turtle, upended on the hot asphalt. As you pass it, you do not stop to help. Why is that?

also that job title is cool as fuck

Inb4 ppl with cock piercing slide into your dms

We should build an AI that automates researching about a company for applicants

Anybody got a link to "The Facebook Papers"?

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Contribute even more by closing the browser and not buying anything from this shithole of a company.

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Bruh a single dude made this over 10 years and shipped this all by himself. And that too on a total budget of 70k. I'm just glad this wasn't just outright abandoned.

Jesus Christ, imagine pulling off the heist of your lives, sneaking around and escaping your captors, evading recapture from terrorists and scared civilians for however long in the bombed out badlands, finally glimpsing your hope and salvation in the distance, and then getting shot down by the very soldiers you put your hopes in. Brutal.

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I like how bulk sales are more expensive per horndog.

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And the traffic doesn't go to reddit, which is exactly what we want.

The beacons are lit; Gondor calls for aid!

lmao mental image of Daniel Craig riding someone piggyback in a tuxedo and holding a silenced pistol

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This is not suspicious at all. Just regular business man doing business man things. Move along citizen.

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whats with the book writing thing? First I'm hearing about it.

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But which kind of porn though? Soft romantic vanilla sex? Hardcore railroading stuff? Extreme fetish? Scat?

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We'll save you a seat, but you'll need to bring your own popcorn.

Anyway I'm glad this shitshow happened because it was a much needed boost for federated software like Lemmy.

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Farming what? There is no karma on lemmy

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Coconut milk is not water with coconut flesh soaked in it. To get coconut milk, you grate coconut flesh, pulverise it (Using a juicer for example) and then squeeze or strain the result, seperating coconut milk from the chaff.

Coconut water is just the water inside a coconut.

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If there was something illegal going on, then all parties involved would have incentive to keep it under wraps.

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The soldiers were attached to the gliders, and the guns were attached to the soldiers, so if you consider attachment to be a transitive property...

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I hope he doesn't pull a gun, gets arrested, and police gets a chance to investigate this dude's associates and round up the whole chat group. Maybe he'll be sentenced to a restorative prison system where he gets deradicalised, realizes the error of his ways, supplies info to help stop shit like this in the future, and becomes a spokesperson for deescalation training and restorative justice reform.

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I hope that when the apocalypse comes, whatever the cause, people remember all these bunkers and the soft fat fleshsacks that inhabit it.

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You wouldn't download a car

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Don't forget the rampant religious tension, actively fed by the government.

Our plan to find the witch has worked, boys! Get her!

I feel like atleast one of these has been hacked at some point in the past, but I cant remember which.

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The Doro

Why did the company not supply the phone to be used for company purposes?

Oh how the turn tables... I can think of another nation that did this with a section of their population.

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Doubled? I see posts with user engagement and it's a wall. Low, low, low, and then boom, astronomical.

Sends original data vs making a copy of data and sending it.

In meme context you'd be just making a copy of your consciousness and putting it in a machine. Whatever reason you're doing it for - escape illness, survive armageddon, nothing changes for you. A copy of you lives on though.

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yeah, this sounds like a much more sustainable solution. Do it the way signal does it. Collect as little as necessary, and delete it as soon as you dont need it.

I haven't seen so many shills in one place since the Russian special military operation began.

I know what that feels like. I regularly pay upto 2-4x for plane tickets, because I always put them to the last second.

Sending much love your way friend, hope your days get easier.

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This actually sounds very useful. I'll be on the lookout for an open source alternative.

They added a literal sleep(5000) to the javascript for youtube accessed via firefox.

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This is very high effort. Where can I find more

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Hate to be the Ackchually guy but usually the Jester was appointed from the topmost, or second highest ranking noblemen from the kings court - the job needed a lot of guts, an S+ ability to read a room and sharp wit to keep both your job and your head. Even more, the king needed to have supreme trust in you, because that was pretty much the only way to be certain you weren't making fun of him.

I think jesters were important because they counter-balanced all the rest of the yes men that tend to wiggle their way into the halls of power, and tell the king straight up if some plan or idea was garbage.

I wish I had a source to put here, but this is from the memory of some youtube video that had some good sources. Hopefully someone else can drop some sources.

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I'm Jack's complete lack of surprise.

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Man knows nothing damn