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Joined 1 years ago

Meanwhile established sites with professional content are being pushed aside.

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Do the vandals not think there might be cameras? Like lots of cameras?

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"The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act is a United States federal law that provides for extended criminal penalties and a civil cause of action for acts performed as part of an ongoing criminal organization. "

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"High cost of living/Inflation" so not simply "Inflation"

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The implant works by reading the brain signals from the user and translating them into Bluetooth-based remote commands

“From there, it just became intuitive for me to start imagining the cursor moving. Basically, it was like using the Force on a cursor and I could get it to move wherever I wanted,”


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You'd think she would be happier.

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Their most popular page, a goldmine of opportunity.

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A click got a page.

Now you see spinny things getting content, the page jumps around, your mouse causes pop-ups to appear or the page to jump around even more. You start reading and the sentence is suddenly teleported to somewhere else.

But apart from that I love the new internet!

Is it advice you are seeking? If so then keep quiet about it.

O1 is (apparently) different according to some videos I watched, as it pulls apart the question and does some reasoning steps.

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On a country road they pass me going well above speed limit. No thought for any oncoming traffic.

Five minutes later I pass them, they are on the side of the road with a police officer at their window.

I also remember constant reminders to vote on the quality of the post, not if you agree or not.

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Some days after our old cat passed away we noticed birds singing in our garden.

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Linux to the rescue!

"Look before you leap" vs "He who hesitates is lost"

Dog. Go around being surprisingly helpful to people, become famous, visit President, write message very clumsily with a pencil in my mouth, sell rights to movie, profit.

Remember this when buying

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There once was a man from Nantucket
Who kept all his cash in a bucket.
    But his daughter, named Nan,
    Ran away with a man
And as for the bucket, Nantucket.
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From that website:

  • 276,458 China (Coal) Nation State
  • 135,113 Former Soviet Union Nation State
  • 68,832 Saudi Aramco State-owned Entity
  • 57,898 Chevron Investor-owned Company
  • 55,105 ExxonMobil Investor-owned Company
  • 50,687 Gazprom State-owned Entity
  • 43,112 National Iranian Oil Co. State-owned Entity
  • ... etc

Not replacing him is equivalent to heading for a crash and not turning the steering wheel.

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From Wikipedia: The halo effect is the tendency for positive impressions of a person, company, brand or product in one area to positively influence one's opinion or feelings in other areas.

That's awesome.

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A friend's boss told him to gather the latest data and have a report ready by end of day. With a half hour to go the boss turned up but the report wasn't finished (missing data). "It must have been a bigger job than I expected" said the boss "let me swing in with you and get it done".

In my experience this guy is right.

Just compare DuckDuckGo results to Google results.

indubitably largiloquent

Planet of the Humans

Ever watch Crime Pays But Botany Doesn't ? Example:

Disgusting inhuman cruelty.

Makes sense. For a perfect cut use a good saw table, have it well aligned, then just run the piece through.

Triilobites weren't that big and they aren't that big.

As late as possible.

On the other hand, right now.

But they really make the place look nice, right? How do people approve stuff like this?

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"Entry Fee (min one):

  • Carrot
  • Apple
  • ..."

That way you get duck (or human) food for free.

Lovely. Where is this?

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The Road Not Taken, by Robert Frost

It wouldn't have to go all the way home, just some safe free spot.

If you have family/friends it could be helping them out all day.

Or a robotaxi might suit better.

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I moved to Fedora (KDE Plasma) about a year ago. I had researched alternatives for all I needed.

I installed it on a new machine and kept an old windows machine running.

It took a month or so to get things how I liked.

I miss some things in Windows but found some real time saving features in linux, on the whole I am better off.

And I feel a whole lot safer.

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