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Joined 11 months ago

Seeing how some very particular relatives are, I wonder if much of the gas leaf blower cloud is less "watch me stick it to the libs" and more "look at me, I'm cleaning my yard, that makes me better than you"

IDK, there's slightly more women than men, it may skew the results

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Just wait a couple of years for their $700 Exclusivity Box 6 to come out with marginal graphics improvements, and oh by the way your old games are useless, but feel free to buy them again with sloppily upscaled textures.

If they time it right they can even release Overpriced Game Pt. 3 as an exclusive on the new box so you can never play them all on one system.

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That's kinda my point. Mastectomies would bring the average down but more women brings it back up. Too lazy to Google but is global # of women who have had mastectomies more or fewer than # of "excess" women (over men)

I love long complicated games, like breath of the wild, but I think the world also needs more concise games, those 20-40 hour masterpieces that keep you wrapped up without having to memorize 3600 pages of back story to remember where you left off.

What the studios (especially Nintendo) don't understand is you can't charge the same ~$60 for both games. People don't hate shorter simpler games, they just hate paying the same price for less content.

Right now, Nintendo is selling the Switch version of Link's Awakening for only $10 less than TOTK ($60 vs $70). That's right, a remake of a 20+ year old game with a pretty limited story is selling for almost the same as the largest most complex and expansive game Nintendo has ever produced.

I don't know why they're so fixated on matching prices between games that took orders of magnitude different amounts of effort to produce.

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I find it hard to imagine wanting to have kids just so your dictator has more meat to feed into his meat grinder. Perhaps the only good news is Putin hopefully doesn't have 18 more years in him, so the kids won't have to deal with him directly, but who knows who will sit in the throne next...

17 more...

"We tried raising prices to meet our margin targets, and now we're all out of ideas"

-every MBA at Target

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Y'all still preordering video games? I thought we had talked about this.

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You know how many times I tried to click play, you monster?

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Musk didn't buy Twitter to control the conversation, he bought it because his ego was too massive to just shut the fuck up for a minute and admit it was a stupid idea.

He tried to pull out after he came to the same realization literally everyone had been shouting at him for months but was legally in too deep.

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Plus, even when you do find what you're looking for elsewhere, are Walmart, Target, and Home Depot really so benevolent? The odds of me finding what I need from a small locally owned business (at least in my area) are pretty slim.

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Billboards. Get them out of here! Everyone gets to put their name on the side of the building in at most 2m tall black or white Time New Roman.

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The good news - it's online, generating clean power, and hopefully demonstrating the safety and benefits of modern nuclear plants.

The bad news - it's $17B over budget (+120%) and 7 years behind schedule (+100%). Those kind of overages aren't super promising for investors, but perhaps there are enough lessons learned on this one that will help the next one sail a little smoother.

Either way, good to see it can still be done in the US.

45 more...

Great to know! Now do ADHD.

I'm getting kinda tired of being flooded with ADHD memes that are just like, "I sometimes get distracted" or, "I don't like doing chores".

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All it takes is one MBA with little foresight in the wrong position - the Gmail team is all expense (server hosting, labor), and no revenue; that's the "Ads" and "Drive/One/Business" teams.

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Yeah, sorry I won't be able to pay that speeding ticket right now, I'm campaigning.

Oh, when will I be done? I suppose when the Galactic Council finally holds the vote to appoint me Supreme Galactic Overlord. Until then!

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Yeah, but it's a state matter ruled on by state judges. Who do you think appointed the state judges?

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If you make the switch you won't be able to tell people you use Arch, so keep that in mind.

6 more...

And she got it the old fashioned way - inheritance.

Also for if you enjoy the feeling of cold damp underwear.

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Because without it there would be no UN, and as useless as you think the current UN is, I promise you no UN is even more useless.

It's bleak but the fact that we can even get everybody in the same room is remarkable. Like it or not, a UN where Monaco and the US (or, Russia, China, etc) have the same power at the table is a UN where the big players reject its authority and form their own clubs.

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The fact that the headline says "Chinese Carmaker" and not "BYD" says a lot about their international market share.

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Somewhere out there, Ted Cruz is frantically entering his credit card number.

Do you know what this smells like? Corruption and consulting companies with friends in the govt looking for ways to profit.

No it doesn't. It smells like Microsoft has a monopoly on office software, and city employees are not tech enthusiasts. Anyone who used Office at home or in another job is going to complain when they have to learn a new software (regardless of which is "better" - for the average person, different is bad)

Plus, every document they receive from outside is almost certainly formatted in Office, so if there isn't 100% compatibility, people will again complain.

Migrating an entire enterprise to FOSS software is not easy, and in government where leadership changes can be more regular, it's not shocking to see the pendulum swing back and forth.

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As you can read in line 35,863 of the Terms of Service you agreed to:

Fuck you you fucking piece of shit. We own you, all of your data, your computer, and your first born child. Just fucking try and sue us. Were worth a trillion fucking dollars, what are you worth? $150,000 of student loan debt for that degree you don't even use? When we say jump you jump. When we say uninstall the software, you uninstall that fucking software. Capiche?

  • Microsoft^©^ Windows^®^ Terms of Service

If shoppers are buying less they should just try increasing the price. More revenue per sale you don't even need those lousy shoppers who left! What could go wrong?

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Even the article about how Google's tracking is bad is loaded with Google trackers.

I mean I know it's a lot to ask, but if you read the article, or even just the context OP posted just below the headline, you may find something interesting like:

Most of the €200m will be used to buy excess stock, with the alcohol sold for use in items such as hand sanitiser, cleaning products and perfume.

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Looks like an instance someone spun up and never looked at again.

It clearly has no one policing content, or I'd hope someone would have flagged the shit porn on their support communities.

Just because anyone can start an instance doesn't mean everyone should.

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Until there isn't a toggle

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If I'm doing my math right, $1.675B/630k vehicles is around $2.5k/vehicle. Barely cutting into the profits on what I assume is Dodge's most successful line.

Hard to argue something isn't an objectively huge advantage to your business if you're spending $10b for it.

My only fear in all of this is we may get monkey pawed - if Google stops paying for placement, Firefox loses 90% of its revenue, and the anti-trust case may further cement Chrome/Chromium monopoly.

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I've never done this, so take my response with a cup of salt, but it's worth mentioning that the big guys with scalable server resources (e.g., Amazon, Microsoft, etc.) are very heavily optimized/efficient, and running on grids with dirt cheap electricity.

Unless you're renting for a very niche purpose, I'd be shocked if you could break anywhere close to even at residential electricity rates on consumer gear.

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Bit of a tangent, but I hear Haier's legal department can be reached at cybergovernance@haier-europe.com, if anyone has any questions about the legal grounds they're claiming, I'm sure they'd be happy to elaborate - they clearly have plenty of free time on their hands.

Let me do it for you:

  • O&M - $3
  • R&D - $1
  • Tech Support - $0.25
  • CEO's cocaine addiction - $25
  • Selling your personal information & browsing history - ($10)
  • Profits for Executive Bonuses - $50
  • Stock Buybacks to Inflate Value - $25
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Is it racism or the fact that cops have gotten so lazy that their primary function seems to just be fill out paperwork for insurance claims?

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Call me a crotchety old man, but we're hitting the point where SoC no longer feels like the limiting factor of phone performance.

Unless there's somehow a dramatic improvement in energy efficiency, new SoCs don't really see a benefit without some other significant advancement. E.g., significantly higher resolution displays, bigger and better image sensors (with the storage to back them up), etc.

Not saying there's not more that can be done with faster phones, but more that the average user browsing the web, scrolling social media, and taking selfies will never notice a 20% increase in performance unless it's paired with something else.

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Too hard to track everything you're doing on your device in 10MB or less. They were almost certainly losing money (in the form of lost data) on that venture.

It's sad though, because for the developers I have to imagine there was a lot of insights to gleam on streamlining the main app from all the work that went into stripping it down to the essentials. Even if they only had 6 users, that knowledge must have had value that the executives couldn't wrap their heads around.

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It'd be tough, but I guess we could dig her up and try?

Diablo also leans heavily into cinematic cut scenes which can be streamed (at lower resolution) if you encounter those before they finish downloading

And low resolution textures / compressed audio can be downloaded first while you wait for the higher resolution content