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Joined 12 months ago


And of course it will be full of micro-transaction bs. No thank you, I will keep playing my indie games instead.

I think the PC version of Dune 2 was fine, so this project seems a bit obsolete. On the other hand I can only respect the perfectionism though.

Nobody should have a private jet anyway.

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I wouldn't want to buy an expansion from the people who stole Disco Elysium anyway.

How Disco Elysium Was Stolen From Its Creators

About the Disco Elysium Investigation (It's bad.)

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What "Machine" did you think he was raging against? The dishwasher?

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People who decide to throw money at games with such shitty practices are part of the problem.

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At least use VSCodium which is VSCode without telemetry/tracking ...

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Trump is obviously an agent of Putin, he is not even hiding it any more. Putin probably has videos of Trump abusing minors on Epstein island or something similarly compromising.

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That almost sounds like an agent provocateur, surely the police would never use such an insidious tactic, would they?


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The accusation of killing babies must be first in the list when you look up "Casus Belli" in the CIA handbook ...

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Private schools are a privilege for the upper class and a symptom of the unjust social inequality in capitalism. In an egalitarian society with good public schools, private schools are obsolete and every child has the same chance to get good education independently of their heritage.

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Accusing their enemies of the things they are in fact doing themselves, to steer public focus and create a smokescreen, is a typical tactic of the extreme right. It´s the fake/alternate news tactic.

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According to Der Spiegel magazine, the videoconference was not held on a secret internal army network but on the WebEx platform.

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Please stop posting about every fart that asshole makes ...

Nobody should have that much.

Tik Tok pushes so much toxic content towards children and teenagers it should be shut down in my opinion.

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Stop 👏 playing 👏 games 👏 that 👏 rip 👏 you 👏 off 👏

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No, not just incels but hardcore fans and lonely people in general. The marketing strategy of pretending to be single with the goal of seeming somehow available is not gender or country specific and is used in pop music a lot. It´s all about creating a projection screen for fantasies and dreams to increase sales. Just think of boy bands in the 90s.

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Wait, there are countries where that shit is still legal?!

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I find it hard to tell what is worse. The authoritarian military dictatorship or the Muslim brotherhood with their medieval social ideas. Just one thing seems clear, the death penalty is wrong and violates fundamental human rights.

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The Good Guys™ doing as expected, nothing to see here.

FTL - Faster Than Light

Dead Cells

Why are they working so hard on making humanity worse?

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Just religious fundamentalist right wingers doing their thing, nothing to see here ...

Right wing fundamentalists are like aggressive cancer tumors to any civilized society, cut them out before they spread!

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Urge to build guillotines intensifies.

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Look Epic, those are very nice presents but as I told you many times already, I am happily married to Steam and I plan to keep it that way. Please respect my decision and stop sending me gifts, it´s getting awkward and honestly you´re making an ass of yourself.

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Well done, I hope other countries will follow.

Video games are not the problem, the gun fetishism of american society is.

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Could they not afford to buy a new controller when the A button broke?

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Don´t you have laws against child labor in the US?

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Who cares if it's legal - doing it makes you an asshole, that's what really matters.

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Because our design is not particularly intelligent ...

Edit: Scientific proof of my thesis:

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That's called freedom! Go to Russia if you don't like it! /s

  • Jamaican dub. The concept of the engineer as artist and producer and also the idea of remixing comes from dub, which was invented by people like King Tubby and Lee Scratch Perry. The way most modern genres are produced (by a creative audio engineer, without a band) originated from dub.
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With Trump in the game, the USA is not a reliable ally any more. It´s time to shift NATO leadership to the EU.

Only non-Parisians? :(

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Laughs in loose leaf

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