Pro-Israel Agitator Shouts ‘Kill the Jews,’ Gets Everyone Else Arrested [Edith Olmsted | Apr. 27, 2024 | thedailybeast] to – 261 points –
Pro-Israel Agitator Shouts ‘Kill the Jews,’ Gets Everyone Else Arrested

Around 100 protesters were arrested on Saturday at a pro-Palestine encampment at Northeastern University, but not the one whose hate speech got everything shut down.


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That almost sounds like an agent provocateur, surely the police would never use such an insidious tactic, would they?


That’s the most dangerous aspect of the new Supreme Court ruling. Prior to the ruling, violent demonstrations were charged independent of the protest. Now the entire protest can be charged based on criminal behavior of one actor. There’s no room for bystanders at a protest anymore. Bad actors need to be identified and cast out as soon as they’re identified now that your criminal record is on the line.

America is already a failed state. How long it circles the fascist dictatorship drain is getting shorter and shorter by the day.


just another example of the VERY OLD PEOPLE in the legal system being unable to deal with complexity, and in trying to reduce it, throwing the baby out with the bathwater, "the baby" in this case being your civil liberties. Unacceptable and anti-human, like every recent decision they've made, and for which they deserve the justice they pretend to advocate.

I used to think that. It feels very intentional. I was just very unsettled, reading about the supreme court's comments so far about that orange guy's immunity, "what counts? What doesn't?" It's like they're planning for a different version of this country in 4 years and 2 months

Why am not surprised the case originated out of the Fifth Circuit, and they ruled against the protest organizer.

Yeah, anti-genocide people are not for the genocide of others! Someone saying something like that should be told to shut up and leave