2 Post – 170 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

They were always going to win. It's their platform. They can do whatever they want. But... They lost my attention and paid subscription. I now only go to Reddit when I'm looking for something I can't find elsewhere. It used to be my favorite platform.

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My take on it is that the Republicans will do their best to drag this out until the election. No compromising or middle ground. Just make it out to be the crazy Democrats fault. This stuff gets to be very predictable after all these years.

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I’m angry at her, but more angry at the voters that reelect her. Get new blood into these positions.

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It’s the same crowd and over time they will be identical. The power of moderation is the only thing that keeps nastiness in check.

Mine is from January 2006 and I am very tempted to delete everything and nuke the thing.

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I’ll bet these companies throw everything under the sun into the theft bucket. That includes internal mishandling of inventory. They then exaggerate the costs for insurance claims. 

I don’t really care what happens to him as long as he never wins another election. What worries me is all the people that voted for his reelection and can’t see what a massive fraud he is.

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Both X and Reddit have lost my interest. I really liked Reddit but X was and is for people that like to be told what to think.

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 This country has always had the best politicians money can buy.

My bullshit meter with Ramaswamy is off the charts. He will say anything if he thinks it will give him traction with the Trump crowd.

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The current Republican Party is the weakest least qualified group of politicians I have seen in my lifetime. They would be better of setting up a clown show.

I have the same gut feeling. People that behave so righteous usually are hiding something.

You’re assuming the bulk of the interaction with your phone is producing content instead of consuming.

Microsoft is just as bad or worse than Reddit.

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This can play out in other ways. Search platforms start indexing open platforms and more links start making reference to these platforms.

Anyone that thinks, not supporting Ukraine to at least keep Russia in check, should read “The Rise Fall of the Third Reich“.

If Reddits pricing was reasonable I would not find this objectionable but the way the Apollo developer spoke about this, the API pricing was meant to kill third party developers.

My problem with mastodon is the same one I have with Twitter. It’s very easy to get up and running. You can get a feed filled with nonsense to read but if you’re actually interested in any topic, it’s really hard to get a feed that matches your interest. 

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What the Republican Party has become is truly amazing.

I totally agree. He is hiding something and the rest of his party is too stupid to pick up on the signals.

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I agree. I dont get why people use things like discord or slack to discuss stuff especially with lots of users.

And why should I care what this clown says?

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I have never been able to wrap my head around voting for somebody that supposedly supports policies you agree with while being clearly a bad person/leader to the core.

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I understand, and for the most part, I agree, but I would still like to find a paid instance.

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And this is illegal and newsworthy why?

When people go on and on about fighting for our freedom, I'm at a loss as to exactly what they're talking about.

I don’t want a single app that tries to do everything. Twitter should have stayed focused on its core microblogging roots. I don’t know anymore what it wants to be, more importantly, I have stopped caring.

I think most of the stats are deceiving. In my opinion, most of the actual activity or users read, and comment happens on Lemmy, as opposed to mastodon where you mostly just have observers. 

I pay for YouTube premium, but it's a lot of money given they have $0 production cost.

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I hope at some point you can join a community on another server and see all posts, not be restricted to what gets posted from now on. Federated is great, but some way to make it transparent would be cool.

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Stop complaining. This country has the best politicians money can buy!

Twitter is not social. It’s a platform for people that have large followings to get their message out. It’s why the media sort of embraced it for a time. It’s why artists and “influencers” use it. It does not matter if those folks have anything intelligent to say. In most cases it does not matter if what they say is stupidity. It will still get engagement. Reddit on the other hand is all about the topic and the quality of the post. Personalities or # of followers does not matter.

Will this ridiculous yearly grandstanding ever stop?

Instead of discussing this at such an abstract level, Does anybody have a link to the actual material to form an informed option?

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For what it's worth, my usage has really dropped.

I have a Keyboard Maestro command to type out the clipboard instead of pasting it. Some developers just love exerting control over everything. I'm sure this one is done in the name of security, which is silly.

This is the main reason I no longer am active on Reddit. I object to them monetizing content I create. They can monetize many aspects of the site and that’s fine but whatever I create is either free to all, or monetizanle by me but not by the host of that content.

The mods have no power or say. They will be run over. It’s not their platform and their contributions are voluntary. Reddit will do whatever it wishes.

I’ll bet a human in the mix is more likely to cause an accident. In either case, saving jobs this way seems like a really dumb idea. 

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I suspect all social networks will need to federate eventually. Just like aol had to let the internet in or fade into irrelevance. I hope it’s something more like nostr then the Fediverse but I see this as inevitable.