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Joined 1 years ago

Japan here. I’ve never seen them.

From my fridge now

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I’m a permanent resident of Japan and am raising a family here. I think you would get better responses if you posed more specific questions, or provided examples of what kind of misunderstandings people have experienced and posted about online.

I find Japan a pleasant place to live, but it is far from perfect, just like any society. The cost of living is quite reasonable compared to many other countries, which makes the lower salaries go further.

People are generally friendly, but you sometimes have to read between the lines, as people tend to be less direct so as to avoid confrontation (“It is a little difficult” is a polite way to say “No!” for example).

Anyway, if you have any other questions I’ll be around.

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It is surprising to realise that this is not more common. In Japan, basically every home and apartment comes with rooftop antennas and coaxial connections in multiple rooms. No need to pay for cable TV (BS and CS) unless you want to get more channels.

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Wow, what a scam!

It’s not about losing face. It is the fact that seishain, or permanent employees are very hard to fire. The company needs to keep a record of the employee’s failures.

In addition, the company needs to implement and execute improvement plans. The results of those need to be reviewed. The next plan has to be implemented. And so on.

Only when they fail to show improvement a certain number of times (I don’t know exactly) can they be legally fired. You can’t just fire someone like in the U.S. style of at will employment. That would be a lawsuit waiting to happen.

So it is easier and cheaper to “persuade” the employee to resign.

However, this terrible behavior is considered to be power harassment, and all large companies now have ethics hotlines. Also, companies have to provide annual trainings on issues like this. So, I hope this practice is decreasing.

tatemae is the romanisation. It is your public attitude, which may be different to your real attitude (hon’ne).

It doesn’t have ads if you use a kids profile, even on the main client. I’ve been using the unified interface on Apple TV for almost a year now. Nothing is really changing.

That’s all very well, but in some regions like Australia, Disney has or has announced the end of DVD and Blu-ray sales, which sucks.

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Ooh I had that. Now my kids play with it. I hope you get one eventually. It’s still awesome!

That’s smart! Just realise that you don’t actually own anything though, just license it. Which for the most part is the same. However, sometimes things like background music get changed due to licensing fees. So, for example , Scrubs (tv show) dvd is far superior to what you can purchase for streaming.

If you use the kids YouTube app then there are no ads. On tv, you can use the regular YouTube app to switch to your child’s account and then no more ads.

Japan doesn't have pork broth. (Biggest culture shock for me)

As in ramen? Have you ever been to Kyushu? These things are regional.

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No, I don’t think so, as Lemmy doesn’t integrate the news directly, and is not profiting off of it.

The Online News Act requires both companies to enter into agreements with news publishers to pay them for news content that appears on their sites if it helps the tech giants generate money.

Homebridge is a way to get non-HomeKit devices into HomeKit. It’s what I am using for most of my stuff. It works pretty well in my opinion.

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Do you cook? I use my old iPhone to view recipes in the kitchen. It’s attached to the backsplash with Velcro. It is always plugged into a charger, but it is connected to a smart switch (already had set my house up). Set a shortcut to turn on the charger when the battery is 20% and to turn off the charger when it is 80% so as to get the best battery life.

They both show fine in a mobile browser. I guess the OP wants an app which aggregates both into a nice layout without the need to login. Kind of like how many lemmy apps have a guest mode (ie no login but can browse freely)

It kind of makes sense. I wonder if customers who only want a telephone line will be forced to sign up for an internet package anyway? Sure, there probably aren’t so many people. But still worth thinking about.

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Zero here for me. You using an ad blocker?

I see. Yeah, consommé is the most prominent stock in the supermarkets, followed by chicken, and like you said beef. I’ve never used pork broth myself, but I wonder if this is what you’re looking for.

Super 8?

When pulling out, we are often more distracted because we have just been doing something else. Conversely, when parking, we are already in driving mode so it is easy to concentrate. Pulling put forward seems safer to me, as I can see everything so less likely to have an accident.

Also, it is normal where I live to reverse park.

Wow that sucks. Was everyone alright?

Unfortunately chrome on iOS doesn’t have that function, but it’s good news for other users.

Oh that’s a good idea, too. Are you talking about the app?

I have a similar app called AdBlock, but it only allows to redirect based on IP address, which didn’t seem to work well when I tried.

Does the one you’re using allow you to type in the url (ex: instead of the IP address?

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Thanks. I’ve found that once it is stable I just don’t bother with updates. I have to reboot the system maybe once every six months.

I am aware of and interested in home assistant and may make the switch when I move to a bigger residence. I do like the idea of having most of the logic on the HA side instead of having to script it all on the HomeKit side, which is just clunky and lacks any real backup options.

But homebridge has worked well for my first foray into home automation, and is pretty good for relatively simple setups.

If you use a dns level ad blocker there aren’t any ads. I didn’t know there were any until I read your post.

Oh man I love salt and vinegar chips so much but I cannot for the life of me find anything that tastes strong enough that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg in Japan.

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Good to know, thanks! Now to go search for vinegar powder!

Thanks for the heads up. I rarely have a need for photoshop these days, but I grabbed the iPad only version of Affinity Photo just in case as it was so cheap in my region.

I’m sure it’ll get some use. Once or twice a year I try using a combination of smartphone apps to do some editing as I can’t be bothered dusting off my old slow laptop. So this will be cool. And it still runs on older hardware. iOS 15 is still supported!

You absolutely can follow hashtags on the official app. Tap a hashtag on a post, or search for one and there is a follow button.

According to the App Store page, no data is collected by the developer. It all runs on your device only I would assume.

That’s also what I was looking to buy before I realised I already had something which worked.


Let’s say for arguments sake the original price was 10. Now say you wanted to buy three, but there was only two choices: 10 each, or 2 for 16. Then you would end up paying 26. But with 3 for 24 it is still saving you money.

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Back in the day I used Seems to be around still.

“The Soundtrack to the movie of my life” by Friendly. At least that’s what I imagined as a teenager lol.

That’s sucks. I’m not from the UK but isn’t there already a line rental fee she has to pay monthly or yearly? Is the “upgrade” more expensive overall?

Seems maybe a mobile phone is a better solution. At least they still work if the power is out (not if it kills the cell network too of course).

But your mum would have to change her phone number and learn a new device. And remember to charge it.

I remember getting my grandma a mobile phone for emergencies (Nokia 3310) and it was so hard for her to grasp how to use it.

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Wow that really sucks.

Memmy has a delete account button. It will do what is needed to logout.