Antenna TV is pretty cool, actually to – 112 points –
Antenna TV is pretty cool, actually

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It is surprising to realise that this is not more common. In Japan, basically every home and apartment comes with rooftop antennas and coaxial connections in multiple rooms. No need to pay for cable TV (BS and CS) unless you want to get more channels.

A lot of places in the US are too far for using antennas. In my area all you can pick up is a religious channel and a channel named infomercial tv.

80% of the US population lives in urban areas. An amplified antenna can pick up channels for many of those further out. Won't work for everyone of course.

I live almost exactly 20 miles from most of the towers in my area, if I got rid of all the trees and buildings in my way I might even have line of sight to the towers

Unfortunately my main TV is in the basement, and even with an amplified antenna I can't quite seem to pick up more than 1 or 2 channels, and I don't quite care enough to put up an external antenna on my roof.

Well... You could, you just have to get it as high as you can manage. Lookup a radio horizon calculator as most broadcast antennas are 400+ feet above ground.

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